We are pleased to welcome Howard Martin of Seattle (but originally of New York City!) to our front page. Howie, as he’s known, began his distinguished work for the Democratic party by doorbelling for Adlai Stevenson as an eight-year-old (for the numerically inclined, that was in 1952).
He was vice-president of the local young democrats in high school. an anti-war activist in college (UCLA teach-in organizer). and taught social psychology and counseling at California State University, Sonoma.
Howie has two blogs — seattlefordean.com and howieinseattle.com, with which you’re familiar because I quote him so often! Howie has worked on grassroots citizen action campaigns and on US Senate and House campaigns in Washington state. He also has significant experience in the field of fund development and grass roots fundraising.
He adds, “In addition I have worked on issues of poverty and community building as a consultant and non-profit manager. I am interested in media issues and the communication of progressive ideas and agendas. I am currently a member of the board of directors of a local non-profit that works to ‘engage residents and stakeholders to create a thriving neighborhood’. I am a devoted father of an almost 13-year-old daughter, married to my wife of almost 20 years who works as an academic support advisor at the local community college. regular visitor to my local off-leash dog park and fan of dub reggae music (Azevedo.ca).” Welcome, Howie!
Hey Howie, welcome to the pond. come and give us some of your good thoughts for the day.
Hi Howie!
My parents first date was at an Adalai Stevenson rally. And eight years later (when I was six) they had me earnestly ringing doorbells for John F. Kennedy.
I feel like we’re best friends already!
Ohhhhhhh …. and sadly, I was wearing my Nixon button to junior high school every day! At least we cancelled each other out, Katiebird! (My excuse: I lived in Eastern Washington and only knew one Democrat until I got to college. True story.)
Howie is a great guy! And fun too!
Marin County, California was so different in those days that Marjorie Morgenstern (this was her real name & every year the teacher would have to say something cute) and I were always the only two Democratic children in our class. There was some candy bar that was made by the John Birch Society and neither of us was allowed to eat it.
Welcome aboard Howie!!
I hope you will enjoy it here. Just remember I am always right, and everybody else, including, most likely, you, is wrong, and you will be just fine.
Sadly, that’s true …. i mean, that she’s right most of the time. Dammit all … Ducky for president (god, that’d be wild).
I’m a he.
And thank you susan, for such a wonderful compliment, but I don’t think I would be a very popular president.
Within the first 5 minutes of ascending the throne, um, taking office, I would issue executive decrees mandating 1) immediate cessation of aggression and repatriation of all gunmen, operatives, effluvia, and assorted ilk, 2) universal health care, no exceptions, no clauses, eligibility requirement is: human being who needs medical treatment. 3) Living Wage, meaning enough to provide basics for one person and one dependent. 4) Right to Housing 5) Equal Protection under the law shall not be abridged. This means if your state recognizes marriage, it will recognize the marriage of any two human beings who wish to commit matrimony on each other.
Then I would have some lunch, to think up more executive decrees, and those first five had better be implemented by the time I get back.
I’m voting for you — I’ll start passing the petitions around tomorrow to get you on the ballot.
especially for you:
Secretary of Dietary Motivation and Health Awareness
Really, why CAN’T a platform be just that clear, fair and simple?
freakin’ authoritarian commie!
hiyas Howie . . .
Welcome, Howie! Just remember that we argue about everything here. And I’m sure someone’s going to be along in a few minutes to disagree about that…
I had an argument ready in one minute!
Welcome, Howie!!!
Hello Howie. Welcome, jump in the pond and get your feet wet.
Hi, Howie. Welcome. I look forward to reading your stuff.
Welcome Howie! Looking forward to reading your thoughts on this crazy world.
thanks for all the kind words of welcome. as the new kid in class, I am a bit shy right now, but rest assured I will start peeking my head out of my cave pretty soon. Susan called me “wry and pithy” once, but I’m not sure I can always live up to that.
congrats howie, welcome to the big time!!!!!!!
you are such a trooper.
w/luv, me
Welcome Howie!
It’s great to have you here in the Pond!