Progress Pond

“Dems Pick Kaine for State of Union Response; What the Hell Are They Thinking?”

Arianna reminds us the Dems have flinched again on the “terror card” issue. Virginia Governor Tim Kaine’s “only claim to fame is that he carried a red state,” she says.
As I have opined previously, we know the rovians are going to play this card all year: they have told us this, straight up. So why don’t they take up the challenge of coming up with a “terror card” of their own. I agree with Arianna:

“I know I’ve said this before and before, but the Democrats will never become the majority party until they can prove to the American people that they have a better plan for keeping us safe. And that means having someone like Jack Murtha give the State of the Union response — someone with the authority to make the point that, on every level, Iraq is the wrong priority. And that the hundreds of billions already spent on Iraq (and the countless billions to come) would be better spent shoring up our ports, roadways, railways, securing our nuclear installations and chemical plants, and properly supporting our first responders.”

In case it’s slipped your mind, the “State of the Union” blatherings will take place next Tuesday, January 31st.

Cross-posted at and

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