Update [2006-1-26 16:4:40 by BooMan]: This is hilarious.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be a movie star. Yesterday, I wanted to be a ballroom dancer. Sometimes I just want to sit outside with the raccoons for a long time. But that’s not a real job. What do you most of all want to be?
place playing center field for the Yankees.
Think I’m too late?
Never! Yuo’ve seen that Dennis Quaind movie, right? It’s corny but a heck of a lot of fun to watch.
You can do it, Ed!
I want to be a PROUD Democrat. Maybe some day. Hopefully in this lifetime.
I want to be Rosa Parks or Gloria Steinem and start a huge national Civil Rights movement for Gay People…and I want to look like Angelina Jolie while doing it.
I want to become Prime Minister of Canada, invade the US based upon suspicion of the existance of WMDs (weapons of mass deception), annex the whole thing (except for Crawford, eww!) and make the rest of Texas into one big theme park. Either that or become a glamorous blogger.
LOL…my first thought was I want to be Canadian. Perhaps I should learn to dream larger? ;>)
Turns out the Brits are about as dumbass as Americans, so at least we can get over the island envy. (We can also finally understand how Bush’s hemorrhoid remains prime minister.)
According to a BBC survey, more than half of Brits don’t believe in evolution.
My daughter want to be a research archaeologist and discover ancient survival techniques so she can pass them on after Peak Oil.
cool. I always wanted to be an archaeologist, but didn’t have such a society-bettering reason. I just thought it was interesting.
I don’t want to ever grow up (yea, I know, there’s a name for that syndrome)& have spent a lifetime in just such pursuit. I want to regain that cynical optimism wih which I once confronted the world.
I’d settle for moral clarity & an adequate ability to articulate it.
&, O yea . . . kin I git a new brain?
(p.s. take a notebook with you when sitting with the coons, write down all you can observe & you can call it a job, no?
In 2009 at mansion 1600 Pennsylvania Ave for a Democrat as President.
White House - 1600 Pennsylvania Ave (Audio)
In the meantime, I’m very happy doing what I’m doing today — posting a new diary ::
Bush Supports Russia-Iran Nuclear Proposal ¶ WH Reality At Last?
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Always wanted to be a marine mammal biologist. Bonus part being my work would involve swimming with dolphins. That would be just too much fun to me.
This just arrived in the mail a few minutes ago:
Joanne is one of the little known female writers who emerged in SF during the 50’s, a heavily male-dominated era. Still writing & teaching, she lives in Bolinas, a coastal hamlet north of SF. As Ever: Selected Poems (Penguin 2002) is a readily accessible collection.
Night Palace was published in the Backwoods Broadsides Chaplet Series (#96). There’s a few other “topical” pieces: “The Insurgents,” “Carl Jung Greeted,” “Bad Bombs,” and “Short Cuts to Baghdad.”
$10/yr, 8 issues ppd. Back issues @ $1.00
Backwoods Broadsides
Sylvester Pollett
963 Winkumpaugh Rd.
Ellsworth, Maine 04605-9529
According to my dictionary:
1. In India, one versed in Sanskrit lore and in the science, laws, and religion of the Hindus.
2.Any learned man.
Or maybe a learned woman?
And healthy enough to enjoy it.
Actually I can’t complain. I’ve wanted to be various things at various times, career-wise, but right now I make my living indoors, making a computer do cool things. Unless you think “eccentric billionaire” is a viable career path, I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing.
I always wanted to be born an heir to a fortune. I’ve always felt I did my part, but my parents dropped the ball somewhere.
How’s it going maryb. I hope your day has been better than mine. Massive printer/scanner problems.
I want to be younger…
I want to be the inventor of a “Pinnochio Gene” that is automatically activated in people whenever they are elected to office or serve in a position responsible to the public trust.
Each lie they tell, the schnozz grows. (Imagine the pandemonium in the chambers of congress. Members and staffers wouldn’t be able to turn aroind without poking each others eyes out with their enlarged probisci!
Tee-hee. One of those things I’ve always wanted to say…
According to Kos, Kerry and Kennedy are calling for a filibuster. CNN Link
Was watching CNN and the abominable William Bennett made his debut as a CNN employee. I promptly switched channels and fired off this letter to Wolf & Co.
Great letter!
Oh man .. me too … I remember how damn excited I was by little CNN back in the early 80s. I had it on all the time — it was just so cool to have news all the time! — i didn’t even mind (too much) when they repeated the same stories over and over :):)
I want to re-marry.
“I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.” One of my favorite sayings like forever. It stopped being funny a long time ago, and began to ring a little hollow when I turned fifty. My better half just rolls her eyes. And then it hit me. I know what I want to be when I grow up. I want to be a Calvin Goode.
In the early 70’s I attended OCLA, a small liberal arts college in southwestern Oklahoma. A fixture on campus back then was an old man named Calvin Goode. I don’t know how old Calvin was, but with his white hair and long white beard I thought he was older than God.
Calvin was manic-depressive. His therapist said it would be good for him to be around younger people, so Calvin spent a lot of time on campus. He would take a class or two every semester, so he had a legitimate reason to be there. The college was big on interdisciplinary studies and lifelong learning, so Calvin fit right in.
No one knew how long he had been doing this. He had been around longer than any student at the time, longer than a lot of the faculty. Over the years he had taken lots of classes across many disciplines. He was loads of fun to talk to. He could talk to anyone about anything.
Watching Calvin at work was better than TV. He had the Socratic method down pat. He loved to engage the zealots and the ideologues. A dogmatic statement would bring a seemingly innocent question in response. A dogmatic answer would bring another question, still innocent but harder to answer. Twenty questions later dogma would lie in shreds, ideology in tatters.
So that’s what I want to be when I grow up. I want to retire to a college town. I want to hang around campus, take a class or two, and be a gadfly. I want to ask simple questions that don’t have simple answers. I want to be a Calvin Goode.