Most extraordinary lack of result, this will certainly lead to speculation and new conspiracy theories as to background of London bombing!
LONDON (UPI) Jan. 29 – 10 minutes ago — A leaked document reveals that despite months of investigation, MI5 has discovered almost nothing about the July 7, 2005, bombings in London.
The Sunday Times of London reports a secret report for Tony Blair and senior ministers states: “We know little about what three of the bombers did in Pakistan, when attack planning began, how and when the attackers were recruited, the extent of any external direction or assistance and the extent and role of any wider network.”
The eight-page report by Britain’s Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre concedes MI5 does not know whether the attacks of July 7 and July 21 were linked or if they were directed by al-Qaida chiefs.
MI5’s lack of progress has angered victims’ relatives and survivors of the July 7 attacks that killed 56 people, including four suicide bombers.
Rachel North, who was injured in the King’s Cross bombing, said: “I am disappointed that they have not come up with any real leads. Most of the survivors want to know not just what happened but why it happened. This absolutely underlines the need for a transparent, independent public inquiry.”
The Killing of Jean Charles de Menezes ◊ by suskind
Last week some of the results of a six-month Independent Police Complaints Commission investigation into the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes were published in the UK Sunday Times.
The shoot-to-kill order could only have come from the Gold Shield Commander, and that is Cressida Dick. Commander Dick has told investigators that she ordered officers only to stop de Menezes from going down into the Stockwell tube station: Her message: “Stop the man.” She said she had only had two hours sleep the night before.
(See: “Mixed Up Messages That Killed Menezes”; UK Sunday Times, January 15)
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Sorry to say it so large, but I’m rather tee’d off.
You know, here in America, whenever there’s a big tragedy like planes going into towers, hurricanes… people – entire cities drowning. “Dear Leader Who Talks to G-d Daily” goes.. golfing.
gawd how I hate this regime…
by Simon Walters – Mail on Sunday
A White House leak revealing astonishing details of how Tony Blair and George Bush lied about the Iraq war is set to cause a worldwide political storm. A new book exposes how the two men connived to dupe the United Nations and blows the lid off Mr Blair’s claim that he was a restraining influence on Mr Bush.
He offered his total support for the war at a secret White House summit as Mr Bush displayed his contempt for the UN, made a series of wild threats against Saddam Hussein and showed a devastating ignorance about the catastrophic aftermath of the war.
Based on access to information at the highest level, the book by leading British human rights lawyer Philippe Sands QC, Professor of Law at London University, demonstrates how the two men decided to go to war regardless of whether they obtained UN backing.
The book also makes serious allegations concerning the conduct of Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer and Attorney General Lord Goldsmith over Goldsmith’s legal advice on the war.
And it alleges the British Government boasted that disgraced newspaper tycoon Conrad Black was being used by Mr Bush’s allies in America as a channel for pro-war propaganda in the UK via his Daily Telegraph newspaper.
The leaks are contained in a new version of Sands’ book Lawless World, first published last year, when it emerged that Lord Goldsmith had told Mr Blair the war could be unlawful – before a lastminute U-turn.
The new edition, to be published by Penguin, is likely to cause a fierce new controversy on both sides of the Atlantic. It follows recent charges against two British men under the Official Secrets Act after a transcript of another conversation between Mr Bush and Blair, in which the President raised the possibility of bombing the Al Jazeera Arab TV station, was leaked by a Whitehall official.
The description of the January 31 meeting echoes the recent memoirs of Britain’s former ambassador to Washington, Sir Christopher Meyer. Meyer, who was excluded from the private session between Blair and Bush, claimed the summit marked the culmination of the Prime Minister’s failure to use his influence to hold back Mr Bush.
It’s past midnight in the Netherlands, this info would be interesting for writing a diary …
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Animals of prey are not satisfied until it gets to the bone. Watching Joe Biden on CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Late Edition, Joe didn’t attack the Chairman Intelligence Cte Pat Roberts believing in a result, but Joe, as so many Democrats just doesn’t believe a strong argument will persuade the viewer. It shows, the viewer will see it as early surrender to the repugs roaming the Hill with impunity.
Haven’t seen the combination with the John Bolton NSA Intercepts and the refusal of the White House to hand over the specifics in the John Bolton – John Negroponte – Gen. Michael Hayden – David Wurmser alternate intelligence group.
John Bolton & NSA Intercepts: The Connection That Mattered Was International
The Huffington Post by Steve Clemons – Jan. 4, 2006
Of the ten intercepts that Bolton requested to know the identities of 18 American individuals whose identities had been redacted, we know that two of the intercepts were based on international communications.
One of these transcripts was leaked to Douglas Jehl of the New York Times and had to do with American corporate activity in China. Another of these intercepts — or at least the contents of such — came the way of TWN and dealt with American policy towards Libya. The name of the individual requested by Bolton was then Assistant Secretary for Near East Affairs William Burns.
In all of my discussions with people about these intercepts, none — other than the Richardson/North Korea matter which might have been monitored domestically — ever had a “domestic spying” dimension to it.
The names that most suspected of being on the roster of names requested by Bolton might have been John Wolf, Richard Armitage, William Burns, and others. Or, they might have been names we simply do not know, and which would not be easily recognized except by those familiar with working staff inside the national security and diplomatic bureaucracy.
In my view, Bolton was spying on his colleagues.
June 1, 2005 — Doug Jehl, however, confirms something TWN had previously reported — that Senator Roberts and Rockefeller did not see the actual intercepts but rather reviewed digested accounts of them. They also received none of the 19 U.S. officials’ names that Bolton had requested from the NSA and been granted access to.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
NSA Intercepts for Bolton masked as “training exercise”
In the case of Bolton and other Bush administration hard liners, the material in question was not deleted and was transmitted in raw intercept form to external agencies for clearly political purposes. A violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and USSID 18, which only allows such raw training mission intercepts to be transmitted when evidence of criminal activity is uncovered during the training mission. Unlike signals intelligence (SIGINT) data stored in the “Anchory” (formerly known as the SIGINT On-line Intelligence System or “SOLIS”) database, training intercepts are completely off-the-books.
In the case of raw intercepts provided to Bolton and others, the NSA and its Signals Intelligence Directorate (SID) can claim “plausible deniability” in stating that only “official” intercept transcripts were provided to users outside the agency. Because they are to be destroyed after completion of training missions, the training intercepts do not appear in any agency logs and cannot be obtained by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee unless they are subpoenaed directly from Bolton and his colleagues.
From an internal FOUO NSA document from 2003 written by Hayden. Hayden indicates that SIGINT was responsible for Bush administration pre-Iraq war demarches at the UN. This is clear proof that Hayden was working hand-in-hand with Negroponte, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bolton and other war hawks and that the order to bug the UN Security Council by NSA came from the highest levels in the Bush administration …
Intelligence strategy used world-wide, used by both CIA and Mossad: play both sides. Mossad support for Hamas to offset the Palestinian base for Arafat’s Fatah movement. Mossad funding of the Baader Meinhoff terror and Rote Armee Faction in Germany, to learn of intelligence in European PLO circles and to assassinate its members in the revenge for Munich 1972 hijack.
Another indication is masking of covert action by a “training exercise” as was seen on 911 with NORAD and in the Washington area. Not surprising a “training exercise” was held on July 7 in London at the timing of the quadruple metro “suicide bombing”. MI5 is left emptyhanded for clues or evidence to explain how, why and what persons or organizations were involved. This leaves a lot of room for speculation that a foreign intelligence service was involved, which is well organized and cleans up loose ends.
Same can be said for the Beirut bombing and assassination of Rafik Hariri, the bombing area was nor preserved to gather evidence for the primary forensic investigation.
In simple practise to cover up information available on the Internet, operations are obscured by usage of duplicate terms or readily common names to make mining of data more difficult. One example that comes to mind is the Croatian pipeline of illegal arms trafficking by U.S. and coalition members during U.N. embargo on Bosnia and states involved in the Balkan wars. A new oil pipeline today as referred to as: “Croatian pipeline“.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Our CIA and such haven’t any clues on much of anything either. I’m with Larry Johnson’s on the front page and think we should scrap em all since they don’t know squat.
Let’s go with MI6 🙂 Shaken not stirred! 🙂
Our CIA hasn’t any clues on much of anything either. I’m with Larry Johnson (front page) in that we should scrap em all since they don’t know diddily squat.
I say we go with MI6 🙂 That way we’d at least all hav some fantastic vodka martinis -shaken not stirred.