Come on into the Pink!
Newcomers welcome!
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
That color looks good on you!
For our own Damnit Janet and the women of Code Pink.
Now I’m blushing π
Pssst my mom is reading my two recent diaries. Has taken her some time… so I’m restless to know what she thinks.
I really really hate having family read anything I write. LOL I become a stress monkey!
If you’re blushing you really are a pink lady!
She’s your mom. She’ll be proud of you. Mom’s always are.
I’ll definitely drink to her and them. Cheers! Three of ’em.
I’m a great fan of Pink Ladies.
Hey Suskind!!!! just took a cutepie photo of my daughter done up in pink π But… gotta let the camera re-charge so I can upload it ACK.
Gotta love CodePink, they’re passionate. No doubt about that. π
looking forward to your cutie pie. just found a stray pink sock downstairs. just might put it on !
where’s Military Tracy these days?
where’s da infidel pig?
wherever went Brother Feldspar?
Tracy is still here as is BrotherFeldspar. I think Ipig took a sabbatical(?). Not sure.
I always seem to wander in just as the new place is opening up. I wonder if anyone else will show up for my short stay?
Hey, Toni. Have a Pink Lady. It’s on the house.
What’s the world’s most adorable child up to right now?
Andrew is sleeping, snoring even.
What’s in a Pink Lady?
Female woodchucks who are in heat.
AndiF just got a weird email. Here’s the text.
Did someone say “Woodchucks in heat?”
The sap is stirring and so am I.
Sounds like code that demands a response.
The correct response to marmotdude is
I’m interested but, well, I’m a little pressed right now
Well it is almost time to tap the old maple trees. Get Marmotdude a smoking jacket and a copy of The Marmot Sutra.
a pink smoking jacket
but he does like to be agreeable, particularly after he’s smoked a really big blunt.
do I feel as though I should be paying admission to see this? At least he’s not in rubber underoos again.
No worries — I had so much trouble getting those rubber pants on him there’ll never be a repeat performance.
He was much more accomodating about the smoking jacket since he thought he was quite debonair.
ROFLMMarmotO!! π
<Runs screaming from room.>
Oh, my god, they’ve dug up Cary Grant!
I think we are all way to into rodent rutting or regressing into the 70s and we don’t want to go there again.
Ah the seventies — my highschool years. And I loved America. I saw them in concert once. Now you’ve got me humming.
1 1/2 oz gin
1 tsp grenadine syrup
1 tsp light cream
1 egg white
Shake ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.
Gee whiz, where did this one come from?
This woman is so politically uncorrect she’s irredeemable. Please someone try to educate her, and fast!
Try a new role model.
I’m gonna be around for a long time!
Katie, I’ve got to write at your blog (in between here and grading papers and reading and playing, etc). My hubby and I just started counting WW points and it’s going pretty well right now.
OOOO, I love Weight Watchers! I’d love to talk points.
Maybe some time this week. I’ll try to make some time to write a diary.
You can work on it bit-by-bit and save it until it’s done. In fact you could write it when you have time and save it until you have time to hang around for comments!
Puget4 continues last week’s conversation about Depression at Eat4Today:
Stop by Eat4Today and read about Sneaky Depression
A pink Pharmacy! Froggybottom has outdone herself!
The only I can think of that could outdo this would be the pharmacy from “Natural Born Killers”…
How are your classes this term?
I have endocrinology right now, which I’m loving…women’s health, diabetes, and gastrointestinal disorders, which are 3 areas I have spent a TON of time writing on. It makes it so much easier.
Thanks for asking. How’s teaching going?
(ps, I have a Year of the Monkey boy too!)
Teaching is going well, though I am growing to resent grading papers. That’s way I am working on an application for a Masters in Library Sciences.
Did your monkey boy scream like Mariah Carey as a baby? I don’t know how he hits that note!
Why are there no Open Threads anywhere? Where oh where is an Open Thread?
those lazy front pagers! I hear if your user id is low enough you can demand one.
Holy low user ID, Batman!
tee-hee, katiebird’s a 4-digit girl here…maybe you need Manee or chocolate ink.
Or CabinGirl. Someday, that number is gonna make you a star.
my number… π (though I wasn’t an active participant till post-pie…)
a recount, oh wise one π
I bow to you (sorry Katiebird)oh wise one.
That userID is worthless here! Here my userID is something like 30,000. Or something.
Now that I’ve got the computer fax thing down I’m ready willing and able to assist you oh wise woman of the Orange place. Just give the Booman (the human not the dog’s) fax number and I will bombard him with faxes requesting an open thread.
How can I find out?
let your mouse drift over your username, oh 368.
BooMan and ask for it to be made pink.
We go take over the lead story on the front page and filibuster until we get an open thread.
You’re all in right? Nobody HERE will vote for cloture, right?
the World/Open thread would be a great place to stage a filibuster
I take it you will vote for cloture? Traitor.
I think Katiebird rejected that Open Thread — I’m not sure why, it seems like a perfectly good open thread to me.
know how long it took to gerrymander my district?
Everybody has an excuse.
Susan has answered your prayers.
I am confident I speak for all of us who are doing good to march to the medicine cabinet to retrieve the TV remote.
We were with you in spirit. And those of us who are not only men, but secure and modern enough to do so, also join you in pinkness.
CodePink men are awesome!!!!
I kid you not – CodePink tea. It’s Raspberry.
coming here and opening my eyes to politics has made me more aware, more awake. Even TEA is political to me nowadays… but it’s okay – it helps make our world better. If we just are aware and try to make it better for all.
“Zhena’s Gypsy Tea has packaged a tea specially for CODEPINK! All profits go to help our important cause.
Raspberry Earl Grey is a delicate brew of South Indian black teas from the exquisite Nilgiri region. While traveling in India, Zhena met the women who pluck these teas for us. These women are ensured maternity leave, health care, and fair wages. Neither they nor their children will ever be forced to work, but rather will be sustained by our fair purchase of their tea leaves. Fair Trade means that everyone wins- this is the Gypsy Way.
Never before has a Raspberry been so sweet as this! Italian Oil of Bergamot Orange melds with fresh raspberries for the finest perfumed tea in the world. Like silk on the palate, this blend is made for blissful gypsy moments.”
Raspberry Earl Grey. That sounds awful. Have you tried it?
Not yet, but I sent one of the tea packages out as a gift and heard it was lovely.
I’m more into green teas reason I haven’t tried it. No, not the medicinal kind. Guh! π
It may be that I just don’t like Earl Grey, so the thought of ruining perfectly good raspberries …
I’ll don my first pink shirt for the cause. Anything for Peace!!!
that in the east, men wear pink whenever they want to, and it is very comical, the custom in the US of male fear of such a nice color.
worn it, mostly due to the built-in tan I wear everyday. π
I wear them in the midwest.
Brooks Brothers?!
Shame on you
Tsk! Tsk!
Union made in the USA.
Of course since they wear like iron, things may have changed since the last time I bought some.
Danni dressing up. She has my pink slip, parasol and my rain and wind battered sign.
What a beautiful child!
And that slip, DJ! Vavavoom, baby!
Danni has even written to her reps. Her letter is my list of diaries. π
Vavavoom LOL it’s my warrior gear. Katie from CodePink said I could have it. I’m not sure what to Sharpie on it… yet. π
Looks to me like it won’t be tol long before we have a DamnitDanni at Boo.
Naw Danni is just too busy π Fighting “the man”, fighting to keep UNICEF Trick or Treating in school…
and working on her atrocious penmanship and scooping after Kitty. π
I only hope that I don’t have nightmares after seeing Marmotdude in a smoking jacket.
Danni, by the way is toooooo cute.
Good night all.
Gung Hay Fat Choy π Nighty Night
I can dig it…just hum a few bars…I’ll catch it…
The Number One Pink Pussy!! π
(and yes, we have all the movies) hoping the new one with Steve Martin is okay. I miss Peter Sellars. We can watch those as a family and everyone laughs.
has never been my color, but i love it!
is trying to find both pairs of my hot pink exercise pants to add to the laundry load, so I can be appropriately dressed when I re-start my exercise regimen this week… π
Hey, liberal pinkos and fellow travelers! There’s a brand new pink cafe open RIGHT NOW!
Please unrecommend this one on your way out.
Thank you,
The Unmanagement