The two No. Dakota senators, Landrieu, Cantwell (!), Olympia Snowe, Rockefeller .. haven’t committed yet. The current total is 57 Yes / 37 No. So close. (Carl Levin is also critical, as is Jay Rockefeller who hasn’t even told his staff. Bingaman too.)
Use this new thread for Judiciary chair Alren Specter’s speech, the closing majority/minority speeches (Frist/Reid) and the vote count (for which i need your help).
Update [2006-1-30 16:33:52 by susanhu]: “Chafee to NARAL: Screw You,” by georgia10. (That oughta give NARAL pause about supporting Republicans in the future.)
TED KENNEDY, at the conclusion of his speech, predicts the GOP won’t get cloture. (And I just heard that Tom Harkin is abstaining .. damndest thing.)
I for the life of me can not understand why those who did not vote didnt..can someone tell me why?!
10 mins. to go. See MSOC’s Diary
Call now
I have been trying for at least 5 mins now and the line keeps being busy! ;o(
I keep calling both numbers but they are busy. Switchboard operator apologized though, I said a little busy today huh? She said oh yeah and chuckled. Said she was sorry again.
Specter: “Blah Blah Blah”
Frist: “Wah Waaah Wah Wah Wah Waah” (think Charlie Brown)
paraphrased, of course….
now you know why I have been feeling like a depressed person here in TN! He and Alexander are not for us we the ppl.
You aren’t kidding Brenda…
I live in Memphis and the misery of having Frist as my Senator is not matched by much else.
What pieces of scum those two are…
Dont ya just know, Soul. BTW, go up to the south and take a look at what blueneck has to say. Give us your opinion on the topic.
YUP, it is like taxation without representation here in my state! And I feel Ford is just another leiberman.
We have the Premier of our new Virtual Campaign Headquarters tonight, but this is too important, and I want to be here at the end.
Barry, thanks for your support here. I know I appreciate it and want your comments here to matter as well.
Clinton voted ney I am having trouble hearing them. They are usually proud of their votes.
This is just the roll call. No votes yet.
The tension is thick. LOL
I’m a bit disappointed that I didn’t get this idea earlier. I can’t find a fax number for Maria Cantwell’s campaign — not her offices, but her campaign. I wanted to send a fax to her campaign that said if she votes for either closure or Alito, she can take my name off her list and I’ll start sending what little money I can spare to Mark Wilson.
I did get through to her office, though. I more or less said “PleasetellSenatorCantwelltovotetosupportthefilibusterandvoteagainstAlitothankyougoodbye” and hung up so others could get through. That was at her Seattle office; I hope the word gets back to the other Washington.
If you saw one of my notes, you did exactly the right thing — she is tallying votes at her Seattle office, and Young Turks gave out her Seattle #.
We are so close.
Maria can’t vote YES … she’ll kill all enthusiasm for her reelection campaign.
She had bleedin’ well better do the right thing.
That Frist is vote-counting is a good sign … he thought he had 62 locked up.
OK — I’m tuning in. Work can wait.
And I’m trying to get through to Bingaman.
Bingaman is supposed to be key? I don’t know that background story …
If you can, I’d appreciate your help with vote tracking.
See MSOC’s diary
is bitching about filibusters stopping the Senate’s business. HEY, YOU FREAK! YOUR OWN REPUBLICAN SENATORS THREATENED TO FILIBUSTER HARRIET MIERS!!!!!!!!!!!
just had to get that off my chest.
Yep . . . sounds just like the French horn adult voice from the Charlie Brown cartoons. Yap yap yap yap yap yap waaah waaaah waaaah waaah waaaaah.
PLEASE PLEASE. It just ocurred to me that Frist will have to vote No on cloture if we get enough votes. I would give ANYTHING to make him shove that tally right up his…
Hey, you’re right! Then we could say he was for cloture before he was against cloture before he was for it. * snicker *
giving an update about Ensign’s condition. Confident he will be okay.
A vote for cloture is a vote for Business As Usual. And a signal that the Democrats who vote for cloture can kiss their netroot support goodbye.
Roll being called.
oh please dear lord, oh please – keep this fruitcake off of my court!
asking for absention if not active support for filibuster.
“And the choice goes by forever.”
Alito wants to get into their bedrooms and doctors offices, not to mention control their bodies. They fact that it is up in the air is pathtic.
anybody watchin
Give those of us who can’t some iknfo
Hard to hear them…
There seems to be loud talking going on on the floor? In the background.
just finished taking roll. votes are next.
37 ayes, 12 nos, I think. Other sheep voting now…
That sounded right, but she went really fast.
twelve nay so far
stevens – aye
Nelson of Florida and Chafee Aye
nelson (fl) – aye
sununu – aye
chafee – aye FUCK FUCK FUCK
jeffords and biden no.
Combined with the Bayh no, I think it’s conclusive. They’re pulling the fucking vote-swapping game again, to try and prevent the grassroots from “pidgeonholing” candidates.
Unless by some miracle Alito gets defeated in the final vote… Fuck it. Anyone who voted “aye” on Alito or Roberts gets no grassroots support in 2006 and 2008. Not one cent of money, not one minute of time, not one vote at the ballot box.
And if we wind up with an all-Republican Senate… Maybe the party will finally get the picture.
It’s the ideology, stupid.
I think it’s also perfectly clear that Kerry knew exactly what would happen when he jumped out front and started yelling fillibuster. He’s trying to build credibility for a “party outsider” run in 2008. Not going to work, Kerry. You had your shot in 2004 and you blew it big time.
You cannot trust this party.
Fourteen no
this is killing me here. It’s 10:50 pm..I was faxing all day from here. I helped to get difi to cave before I left town. Love it that she saw the light. All I get on TV here is BBC World and they don’t care that our SCOTUS is going to hell in a hand basket. They are pimping Condi as I type.
BIngaman and Rockefeller yes.
SIX DEMS just voted for cloture.
kyl – aye (BLAAHH!)
jeffords – no
biden – no
johnson aye (prick)
Menendez and Dayton no
Schumer no
Warner yes
dayton – no
menendez – no
johnson – aye
We’re Fucked. I am sitting in my office(computer came back up) and I am crying. We don’t have a two party system. I have just removed the D from behind my name.
I’m so sorry, Lee š
Maria Cantwell just voted aye. I cannot fucking believe it. Because she has me because I can’t let a millionaire Republican win her seat. But fuck her.
What’s the difference. There is already one in it…Cantwell! We are now living in a one party corporate greed run country and we are fucked. Start getting ready folks cause man it is gonna get ugly.
You know what? You’re right.
Shall I continue the sham? What’s the difference.
It’s ugly already. And I’m reminded of the old two-part statement:
Some days I wish Canada were a viable option.
Fiji? Costa Rica? I feel so hopeless right now. Is there really anything left to fight for?
Seventeen no
Salazar aye fucking rat
Salazar, aye.
We lost.
Salazar – aye FUCK FUCK FUCK
Fucking Salazar!
How could they? How fucking could they do this to us?
We just happened to be paying attention this time.
I hear you. I’m seriously reconsidering the point of participating in the Democratic Party today.
Bayh – no (surpised me)
me too
Cantwell Aye WTF?
That is going to cost her more than she’ll ever know … quite possibly her seat.
She has lost the hard-core Democratic base in this state with that vote.
clinton – no
lieberman – aye GRRRRRR
mikulski – no
murray – no
Voinovich – aye
cantwell – aye blah!
bye, bye joementum, hello lamont!
lautenberg – no
snowe – aye
hutchinson – aye
baucus fucked us. lincoln fucked us.
In inside-baseball nature of D.C. — and the poisoning of the netroots efforts of the bloggers by Jim Vandehei’s WaPo story — are killers.
But I cannot believe Maria Cantwell was so stupid to vote Aye… she desperately needs Democrats’ enthusiasm … she’s already alienated them badly with her pro-Iraq-war crap.
I would REALLY like to know what the logic behind her vote was.
She had better note vote “yes” tomorrow or so help me FSM I will take every single ATM withdrawal slip she sends me, tie a brick to it and mail it back to her, collect. I may just do it anyway now.
She sure as hell has no loyalty to you or me … or to this country.
P.S. And how could Jay Rockfeller — who is the minority leader of the special intel committee — who knows how fucked up things are — how could he rubber-stamp Alito?
Young Turks say that the state party headquarters in Seattle is being flooded with calls from angry Democrats demanding we get another candidate!
I just wrote to her again, for what it’s worth:
I do not get it. I have defending you against attacks by King County liberals — saying we have to support you, that you’re good. But you do this to us? Who defended you?
This cloture vote matters to people LIKE US — the political junkies who’ll devote countless hours to you. Not to the average Joe or Jane. You have abandoned your hard-core volunteers. I can’t defend you any longer. This is utterly ridiculous. A vote against cloture means nothing except to people like us who are scared to death about a unitary executive, who know how far Bush has exceeded and abused his oath. I can’t and won’t help you. I can’t believe I’m writing this. IT would have been so simple to vote no; you would have meant so much to the Democrats who know. You are in deep trouble now, Maria.
What’s the number? They’re about to get another one.
Dwight Pelz (the new state party chair, replacing Paul Berendt) has his work cut out for him.
I don’t know. I just heard about the calls on the radio.
sessions – aye
You are witnessing the death of the Democratic Party here folks. Let’s start a new party at the SOCal meetup!!!!! Anyone else in?
Coming from you leezy, that’s a strong statement. I know you kept the faith with the party longer than most of us.
You know, for a very long time I have said that we really need to take control of the Democratic party, because any new party is never going to be able to muster up the money or the manpower to change anything.
Now I’m not sure it matters anymore.
Omir, I just wrote this to Maria Cantwell:
How could you abandon us by voting for cloture? You desperately need local Democrats’ enthusiasm for ’06. You’ve killed that enthusiasm. It’s tragic because I’ve been afraid you’d lose your seat — and you can’t win without caring volunteers.
contact form
She’s NOT Miss Popularity … and Kos is dead wrong about her being safe. She is NOT safe. And the GOP has bottomless funding because they know she’s vulnerable and they’ve got a rich candidate.
Well she still has a lot of her own money too from all that time she spent over at Microsoft and Real. She’s gonna need it if this keeps up, because the ATM is going to run out of money.
nobody who is safe voted yes except our two Hawaiian senators. I have no idea what their reasoning was.
The Party’s been dead for quite sometime, this is just abusing the corpse.
It’s necrophilia is what it is, dammit.
Screw it.
At least Patty Murray voted “no.”
This year my votes go to Murray and my cat (as a write-in).
I hope your cat is named Mark Wilson. š
coburn – aye
frist – aye
grassley – aye
I’m done….
Reid Aye?
Reid No.
turn coat cocksuckers…fuck them. Bastards. They will not be in my party. Motherfucking asshole. WTF was so wrong with continuing the debate? Bush’s numbers in these fuckers home states are in the Toilet, why must they continue to support the Worst President in the history of the United States? This is the man that gave us Brownie and Scotter, not to mention the illegal, cherry picked Iraqi War. This is not acceptable. If our party cannot stand up to this, we cannot stand up for anything. Regroup, rethink and work our butts off to throw this fucking turncoats the hell out of office. They are an embarrassment to our party and to our democracy. Fuck all the Senators that voted Yes. This is coming to you from the French Alps..pissed off, irrate…dazed..very, very disappointed, Chamonix.
This just proves to me that they do NOT care about us or what we care about. I bet they had over a million or two phone calls emails and faxes over the past few days and they still vote for cloture? What the fuck is wrong with these idiots? CORPORATE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!
Feinstein voted no (she didn’t change her mind or anything, did she?!) – and I have to think that was due to some combination of public pressure, and, who knows, a come to Jesus moment where she actually took her own statement, about how if you are in favor of a women’s right to choose, then you can’t support Scalito – to heart.
But what the fuck?!? Cantwell?!?!? What the fuck?!?!?
And that little weasel Lieberman…only upside of his vote is that now I won’t have ANY reason to not whole-heartedly wish for him to go down in flames next election…
God this sucks.
No way I am watching Bush’s SOTU tomorrow. No fucking way…
SOTU will be a big, ugly smirkfest.
Is it really over…I was making phone calls
They haven’t cared about us in years… Goddamn fucking evil money-grubbing jerkoffs that they are.
I am with you Sherm! They are through in my book. How can we ever expect to change the system when our representatives won’t fight for our fucking CONTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!! Sorry, sorry I am on overload right now. I should probabaly get away from the computer for a few minutes so I can try and cool down. Sorry for my outbursts…really we have all worked so hard and for what? FOR WHAT????
but with a whimper.
I want that $20 I gave the DSCC back. I need it for alcohol now.
What a hollow, sick feeling this is. No reason to be optimistic now. The only thing left to do is prepare for the real fight now. Fighting for my daughter’s rights on the streets of DC.
Yup, the true DINOs cut and run. Not worth arguing whether or not the president is King, I guess. Eh, whatever, all those senators are okay, they’ve got money, so when TSHTF they’ll be okay.
Wake up America, there are no more Democrats and Republicans.
There are only C’s and P’s, the corporatists and the populists. And there ain’t many P’s.
This is what they’re counting on. Discouraging you. Making you go away. It’s about this fight and the fights in the future. You’ve scared them. There must be so much pressure being applied out of our sight.
I just need to say how proud I am to be a part of this community that fought so hard for what is right.
Tampopo, Cedwyn, Military Tracy, CabinGirl, all of you.
You have spirit and determination. You showed backbone when our own Senators did not.
I’m reading the comments and hitting refresh and starting to get a sinking feeling – then I read your comment – I cried.
This is a wonderful, wonderful community – the caring is so deep which I suppose makes the hurt that much greater.
Remember SURVIVANCE my friend – not to become victims, nor just to survive – maintaining our principles as we adapt to a changing world.
((( to all )))
absence of a quorum tomorrow
mabye lieberman can be be roughed up enough to invoke rule 21, i think it is and call a revote on cloture
Whoever was speaking just now nailed it:
“This 50% of the country has no organization, no leadership, no plan, and in the case of our elected officials, no clue.”
25 nays.
Not even close.
make a donation TODAY. let lieberman know how you feel
petitioning for speaking time
Only 25 no votes.
ayes 72
nays 25
WTF happened?!
he has got to be pushing the bounds of slander
what did he say?
about how the dems have no ideas, no legislative program…never mind the fact the majority never lets it see the floor.
crap about the dems ruined chances for energy independence by not allowing Arctic Refuge drilling…never mind the fact that (R)s wouldn’t insert language guaranteeing that the drilling yields stayed in the country
lies and slander and petty, partisan bullshit.
completely classless
Oh Honey, they will be beating their chests about this vote for a long time. See, they think they can say whatever they want now cause they have that I showed you attitude right now. How DO they do it?
laying into demint
saying dewine doth protest too much – saying reid must have struck a nerve to elicit such a response.
points out all the legislative priorities of democrats.
I need to know how Dorgan voted on cloture.
I alreay know how Conrad voted, fkg quisling.
he’s on and on about alito’s inappropriateness – well put your !@#$%& money where your !@#$%& mouth is, you twit!
why did you vote for cloture!??!
I emailed Senator Cantwell and called her Spokane office. When I called to express my disappointment with her vote on cloture, the person in her office was eager to point out that she has decided to vote against Alito.
I can’t imagine this is a better fundraiser for Mark Wilson. If I was at all unsure before, this has sealed the deal for me.