Update [2006-1-30 14:57:39 by BooMan]: Republican Senator John Ensign-(NV) was in a serious car accident this morning. He was taken to the hospital. His injuries are not reported as life threatening. I wish him a full recovery. As for the Alito vote, Frist needs 60 votes. Ensign will not be available to cast one of them.

Here is a new thread. And here are some good reads on the Alito confirmation/filibuster.

Kid Oakland
Kagro X


Also, see the latest on Chris Bowers’s polling project.

Update [2006-1-30 15:15:4 by susanhu]: Links to live Young Turks radio — their own video link is overwhelmed, but Crystalone.net’s alternate link works. They’re trying to tally vote — several still unknown.

Update [2006-1-30 15:52:36 by susanhu]: Call Carl Levin NOW — 202-224-6221

Update [2006-1-30 16:11:3 by susanhu]: John Kerry is speaking. A half-hour until the vote! I’ll start a new thread at 1:30pm ET … and i’ll need your help to track the votes! I can’t see the small print on my teevee from my ‘puter. THANKS!