Dear Senator

    Just a brief note to thank you for not allowing yourself to get involved in the messy war of saving the Bill of Rights and the rest of our wonderful Constitution.  Heaven forbid that you would stand up to the Imperialists who continuously facilitate the ongoing assault upon every American’s freedom.  Justice Alito will insure that only true blue Republicans will actually ever have anything resembling the rights we as Americans have taken for granted for the last 200+ years.

I would like to let you know that as of today, I will be working within the power of the Internet to not only recruit, but to insure adequate funding for a Primary Challenger against you in the next election that you are up for reelection.  I will work diligently to recruit workers and money to challege you as you have seriously damaged any credibility that you are indeed Democrats.  As a Lifelong registered Democrat, I am truly disappointed and am willing to put my money and mouth where it will help stop you from selling out the Ideals I hold sacred.  The Constitution is Sacred. the Bill of Rights is there to protect the little guy from the power of the Imperialists.  

You have failed miserably in holding the line against those who would destroy our most beloved Document, our Constitution.

Again just so you are not surprised, I will be working very hard to insure that you can never betray the trust to help protect us from the Imperialist who currently hold power.

Thank you for your attention and I wish you the best in retaining your seat in the Senate, the internet is a powerful ally in defeating you.

Here is the list of DINO’s to send this nice letter to when you get a chance.

Akaka, Daniel K. (D-HI) Yes
Baucus, Max (D-MT) Yes
Bingaman, Jeff (D-NM) Yes
Byrd, Robert C. (D-WV) Yes
Cantwell, Maria (D-WA) Yes
Carper, Thomas R. (D-DE) Yes
Conrad, Kent (D-ND) Yes
Dorgan, Byron L. (D-ND) Yes  
Harkin, Tom (D-IA) NV NV
Inouye, Daniel K. (D-HI) Yes
Johnson, Tim (D-SD) Yes
Kohl, Herb (D-WI) Yes
Landrieu, Mary L. (D-LA) Yes
Lieberman, Joseph I. (D-CT) Yes
Lincoln, Blanche L. (D-AR) Yes
Nelson, Bill (D-FL) Yes
Nelson, E. Benjamin (D-NE) Yes
Pryor, Mark L. (D-AR) Yes
Rockefeller, John D., IV (D-WV) Yes
Salazar, Ken (D-CO) Yes