Baghdad is under attack:
Two car bombs detonated in quick succession near a crowded market in eastern Baghdad, killing at least 16 people and wounding 90 in one of the worst attacks the capital has seen in weeks. […]
A roadside bomb killed an American soldier north of Baghdad, the U.S. military reported Friday. The soldier, assigned to Multi-National Division Baghdad, died Thursday evening. It was the sixth American military fatality this month; the deaths of five U.S. soldiers were announced Thursday.
Three soldiers died in a roadside bombing Wednesday when an explosion raked their vehicle south of Baghdad. A fourth soldier was killed Wednesday after being struck by small arms fire in southwestern Baghdad, and a U.S. marine was fatally wounded in combat near Falluja. It marked the deadliest day for the U.S. military in a month.
In the latest of a series of gruesome discoveries, the Iraqi police found the bullet-riddled bodies of 14 men in a ditch in eastern Baghdad, blindfolded, their hands bound. On Tuesday, 11 bodies were found in one of the capital’s western districts.
Indeed, things are going so well there, that Iraq is now exporting terrorists to Afghanistan to fight for the Taliban:
AL-QAEDA militants are moving from Iraq to Afghanistan to fight with the Taliban, officials said after the capture of several suspected foreign guerillas.
Authorities in Nimroz province reported the arrest of three Kashmiri Pakistanis and an Iraqi, in an ominous escalation of the threat to NATO forces.
The Governor of Nimroz has claimed that the Iraqi has admitted being part of a group of al-Qaeda-linked fighters despatched from Iraq to fight Western forces in Afghanistan.
I’m sure glad they’re killing our troops over there, so they won’t have to kill us over here. For one thing, it means I won’t be bothered by messy television coverage 24/7. After all, what happens in the Middle East, stays in the Middle East, right?
Oh and Donald Rumsfeld sounds prophetic these days, doesn’t he?
“Compelled by a militant ideology that celebrates murder and suicide with no territory to defend, with little to lose, they will either succeed in changing our way of life, or we will succeed in changing theirs,” Mr Rumsfeld told the National Press Club.
I can’t imagine how teffifying it must be to drive around in Iraq. No wonder so many soldiers are having post-traumatic stress problems. Every day is such a roll of the dice.
Not only that but unlike Vietnam where you served your one tour and didn’t have to worry about being sent back..some troops now are on second, third or more tours of duty. That must have a terrible effect on their mental get out alive the first time, get sent back again and again to say nothing of what it does to the families.
While this first video paints the right picture it’s not the Must See, that comes below!
This video makes one
Want To Go To Iraq, dancing Calypso the entire way. Actually, no it doesn’t.
Who said this about George W. Bush in December 2001?
“This is not a monarchy…We’ve got a dictatorial president and a Justice Department that does not want Congress involved. … Your guy’s acting like he’s king.”
I’ll give you a hint: it wasn’t a liberal, a Democrat, a peace activist, an anti-war protester or Fidel Castro.
Give up? It was actually Republican Congressman Dan Burton . And he wasn’t alone. Republican Congressman LaTourette called Bush’s actions a bunch of crap.
You can read the Rest at links or here: This Daily KOS Diary
MUST SEE!!! Downing Street Memo II BBC Video News Report
Many have seen the Blair-Bush deal before Iraq war revealed in secret memo print report.
However, the Video Report is there as well.
You can read the rest at: This Daily KOS Diary
Mental Health Policy Neglects, Endangers Public, Patients
In all, 22 states have put mentally impaired people to death – many of them from abusive and violent backgrounds, including war veterans and others suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD).
‘Marlboro Man’ turns against war he symbolised
Mr Miller told Knight Ridder Newspapers: “I want people to know that PTSD is not something people come down with because they are crazy. It’s an anxiety disorder, where you’ve experienced something so traumatic that you’re close to death.”
“The Long War”?
Katrina vanden Heuvel
So, now, the Bush Administration has given an official name to the war on terrorism. “Long War.” Who knows if this term will stick? Last August, Bush reached for his dictionary and decided that GWOT (“The Global War on Terror”) should become the “Global Struggle against violent extremism.” That term lasted all of two days.
Wartime PTSD; With Mutiple In-Theater Tours This Country Better Be There For These Iraq/Afgan Vets, This Time!!!!!!!
Peter Dudar | Camp Casey Flashback
Peter Dudar tells the story of how a Veterans For Peace Medic at Camp Casey experienced a “flashback” when a Secret Service helicopter circled down. It took an hour and four strong Vets to hold and calm him. This episode, triggered by the sound of a low flying helicopter, illustrates that for many soldiers, the war still lives within.