First, theWaPo
…a man who suffers from bipolar disorder, had come from his pharmacy frustrated to the point of meltdown. There were snags in his new Medicare drug plan. Of his four medicines, it would fill only two.”I’m not going to take any of them anymore,” he yelled…
Then he flushed all of his rx’s down the toilet.
According to Craig Knoll, the executive director of Threshold Services in Silver Spring,
“I’m saying it’s the federal government’s fault he couldn’t get his meds. It’s not surprising that people with mental illness respond in ways that people with mental illness respond.”
Since Jan. 1, it is estimated that 2 million mentally ill Americans covered because they receive both Medicare and Medicaid have gone without the drugs that keep their delusions, paranoia, anxieties or stress in check. Many, if not all run a high risk of relapse, as numerous people have been hospitalized.
Bush proposed cutting the cost of Medicare spending by $36 billion over five years, despite the cost of Medicare D.
And, it appears that he may be FINALLY learning that a $36 billion cut won’t be enough to please fiscal conservatives and would be too much for liberals.
According to Nancy Pelosi,
“The Bush budget reduces the quality of Medicare services for our seniors.”
According to Democratic strategist Jenny Backus
“I don’t think he can make an asset out of being in the middle anymore.”
According to a Gallup poll, 58% of Americans were dissatisfied with Medicare D, and 35% were satisfied. The Washington Post and ABC News discovered that 38% of Americans approved of Medicare D, down from 46% and those disapproving rose to 51% from 35%. Basically, Bush has lost support on Medicare D from a voting bloc (senior citizens) who he thought would benefit by it.
Also, many conservatives are bitter that the Bush White House concealed the program’s true costs from Congress while promising that it wouldn’t exceed $400 billion and forcing Congress to vote on it. According to the Heritage Foundation it
will be difficult to defend, particularly in the conservative-dominated primaries that will pick the 2008 Republican presidential nominee.
Medicare D cost’s are now estimated to be $724 billion over 10 years, and maybe $2 trillion over the following decade.
Bush wants to cut $65 billion in savings over the next five years from Medicare D. The cuts would consists of smaller inflation adjustments for hospitals, nursing homes, home health care providers and hospices. Higher-income seniors would see increased premiums.
According to Dick Davidson, president of the American Hospital Association,
“Hospitals already are stretching scarce resources to respond to the daily challenges of providing care to all who come through our doors…Cuts to these resources will have a negative impact on the availability of care for the patients and communities we serve.”
Also, affluent veterans are again requested to make higher co-payments for prescription drugs and pay a new $250 fee for their medical care.
The theme of “personal resposibility” is again being pushed by Bush, as he is advocating tax cuts for health savings accounts. In short, people would be responsible for purchasing a high-deductible insurance policy that requires payment of at least $1,050 in medical expenses; families would have to pay the first $2,100. Some policies carry even higher deductibles, however, insurance would kick in after the deductible is met.
The logic behind this, according to Roy Rathmun, health care adisor is that
people will become more responsible shoppers because they’ll pay more of the initial costs of their health care. They’ll look harder to find a generic drug rather than a brand-name, or they’ll think twice about seeing a doctor if they’re not that sick.
Rathmun further states,
“We know Americans spend their money differently than they spend somebody else’s money.”
Mark McClellan states
“If we take incremental steps now, steady steps now, we can make the program sustainable without having to go to drastic changes in taxes or drastic changes to benefits.”
Survival of the fittest?
xposted at dkos
and mlw
Recommended by me.
Excellent and informative diary! Gave it a big ol’ recommend.
Thanks. I have been really tracking this as myself and so many others are being hit hard by Medicare D. I really believe that it will be necessary to establish a single payer system, as opposed to putting band-aids on Medicare D. The disparities in the care that a person w/ good insurance receives as opposed to a person w/Medicare/Medicaid are just too much and it is getting worse every day.
The full impact of Medicare D and the failure of the health care system in this country has not been realized. It effects everyone, and a complete overhaul of the entire system is necessary if it is to continue to function as a service to those who need it, as opposed to a $ making venture for the insurance and rx industries.
on the White House lawn, and over a period of months or years, call in a few thousand at a time of all the elders, the poor, the infirm, and have them run the obstacle course, and the ones who can make it all the way through and still be said to be alive can have the same vestigial token program that Medicare and Medicaid ever were.
Or they could choose civilization and the nifty new concept of human rights and provide health care for all who need it instead of bombing people in ancient lands.
Yeah, Special Olympics on the WH lawn! (Ooooh, would I love to be there!)
The article also stated that a full one third of the people who are ‘dualies’-Medicare/Medicaid-are the mentally ill…and if even half of them aren’t getting their many hundreds of thousands are going to do harm to themselves or others because of this?
All the states are trying to scrounge up money they don’t have with stop gap measures to try and get help to some of these people. I think this ‘Plan’ has not only alienated seniors/disabled to this fucked up ‘Plan’ but all the pharmacies and other health agencies trying to help people through this mess. They know this isn’t going to be fixed by a few slapped on band-aid proposals. And the way the rethugs work even if they do pass some stop gap measures it will probably be even worse.
I read somewhere(no link offhand)that many pharmacies are having to take out loans to keep their business open…having put out so much in drugs that they simply aren’t getting paid for right now but not wanting to deny people medications.
I had also meant to add that no matter how much the print media might write articles on this debacle the MSM has mostly been completely silent on this..what a surprise right.
If the MSM had any gdamn balls they would have daily stories and updates(like they do the stockmarket) on how this is effecting people around the country..and local news also to drive home to the general public what a sorry mess this is and what a corrupt windfall it was for the drug and insurance companies.
Nailed it in the second paragraph! What a country!
“If the MSM had any gdamn balls they would have daily stories and updates(like they do the stockmarket) on how this is effecting people around the country..and local news also to drive home to the general public what a sorry mess this is and what a corrupt windfall it was for the drug and insurance companies.”
I’m seeing a fair amount of stories from around the country because I set up a Google news alert on “Medicare Plan D”. The stories aren’t pretty and there are very few of them with a positive slant.
I received an automated call Sunday from Humana, where we signed Mom up for coverage last Monday. It woke me out of a sound sleep (over night power outage and bailing out a sump so her basement wouldn’t flood) and by the time I could get my eyes open & find a pen & paper, it had hung up on me. This morning, I tried to find out what it was about, but no one I was able to reach had any idea and their “system” was down most of the day. She received a provisional coverage letter in the mail today but I’m not sure if it’s for real or if there’s some problem that arose since the letter was mailed on the 2nd. By the time I get this all straightened out, I’m going to need a prescription for Xanax which fortunately is generic now as my Major Medical doesn’t cover office calls or prescriptions.
Not everyone is computer literate or can afford a computer and internet connection.
“Not everyone is computer literate or can afford a computer and internet connection.”
I know!! I don’t know how those who aren’t & don’t manage this mess. There’s no way that Mom could have handled this on her own (but then Dad trusted me to take care of her if anything happened to him, so it’s my responsibility). She’s never been on a computer even though Dad had one since the mid-90s and we communicated by email. Mom still wrote letters which I answered via email and Dad printed out for her. Since he died in 2003, I’ve been handling all the “business” for her. It doesn’t help that she’s 89 and possibly in the early stages of Alzheimer’s. Today when the Humana stuff came, she couldn’t remember that we had signed her up for it last week. On a happier note, the Humana system was back up this evening and I was able to access and print out a verification letter that says that she has coverage and should give the pharmacy everything that they need to process her prescriptions. That “whoosh” you heard was a big sigh of relief.
I don’t know how those who aren’t & don’t manage this mess.
Beginning to believe that is the whole idea! Just seems like Medicare D was written for the more affluent–like they really need help w/their rx costs!
how many hundreds of thousands are going to do harm to themselves or others because of this?
Hell of a ?. I have a neighbor that I kind of keep an eye on–late teens–only has Medicaid and I didn’t see him anywhere since the beginning of Jan. Was actually afraid to go to his apt. to see how he was doing…he stopped over a few minutes ago, and, I can tell he is off some of his rx’s. Who knows the answer?
All the states are trying to scrounge up money they don’t have
And cutting everything else to do so, at least in MI.
even if they do pass some stop gap measures it will probably be even worse.
Yep. I think that this plan has alienated everyone, except for the rx and insurance cos. And health care costs are actually increasing as more and more people have to go to the hospitals. (My pharmacist called that one–hate it when he’s right–and he wishes he wasn’t either.)
Also, I have the link re: pharmacies having to take out loans. And that is sad, as an indy pharmacy often gives better service than a chain.
I honestly don’t see this plan being rescinded until enough people start calling/emailing etc their representatives and we have a majority of dems in both houses. bushco has already moved on to other plans like the stupid personal savings account and whatever other dumb plan he’ll be pushing in the next 3 years. I hope to god whatever hair brained schemes he comes up with that it’s finally filtering through to the apathetic public that he’s a an idiot and a liar.
Any democrats running in the coming November elections better gdamn well make an issue of this that’s all I have to say. Not just because it’s good politics but because it is the decent and moral thing to do….and instead of railing against the rethugs for this fucked up plan they should simply mention how terrible it is but offer a comprehensive alternative plan….talk that up…go on the offense…don’t play catch up.