I want to give you a 4 for your comment but as a cow, oops, I mean man, I feel I must protest somehow for the sake of the honor of cows….men everywhere ;o)
When “they” refer to the one room school house, this was it.
Note the two pipes extending from the right end of the building. These would be ventilation pipes for the boy and girls outhouses. Usually the outhouses are some distance from the school house, but on this one they are attached.
There used to be one of these in each township. Now many of rural areas of ND have a difficult time keeping the schools in the towns going due to lack of population, so towns will combine to support schools. Some areas are headed towards one school per county.
I’ve often thought that one room school houses were underrated. Maybe I’m completely wrong (never having gone to school in one) but with a decent teacher, it seems as if you would move along at your own pace. Because you physically didn’t have to move. If you moved faster in reading than in arithmetic — so be it. What did it matter to the teacher.
One of the eight classmates I graduated with from High School moved in from one of these in 5th grade. In this case disciple there had been somewhat loose.
He was stubborn, read the required amount of library books, but refused to do the reports. So they kept him back a grade. (That was back when they could still do that without the parents rioting.) So he did 5th grade over with us.
Pissed him off royally, so he buckled down, and by high school graduation he ended up valedictorian of the class.
And went on to get a BS in mechanical engineering.
Very interesting. I’m more or less against the whole idea of grade levels. Because why categorize, just work at your own pace. But you can’t do that with grade levels. Because there is an inherint judgment in being “kept back”.
That’s what my office is like. Everyone is in a separate office and it’s fairly quiet (at least on my floor). It’s not that there is no interaction, but we’re all pretty busy doing our own thing. But we still have baseball talk and news of the day. It’s not that people are unfriendly, they are just busy with their own things and most interaction is project oriented and takes place in conference rooms.
In some ways, I have to admit its a little lonely. I’ve worked other places where everybody went to lunch together every day. No question, you just met everyday at the same time or at the same table in the lunchroom. And you went to happy hour together quite a bit and socialized outside of the office. And there is a certain comfort level to that. It’s nice to really like the people you work with. It also makes it really hard when people leave and break up the group. So everything is somewhat magnified.
The thing I disliked about the whole being together all the time was that it tended breed a whole lot of talking about the office ALL the time and sometimes a lot of complaining. Frankly, its kind of nice to not have that anymore. I mean we still talk about office politics, but since its not every day its more casual. People don’t get worked up about things as easily.
And even in my office there are some groups of people who are closer and spend a lot of time together in and out of the office. They tend to be the younger people (20 somethings). And I’ve gone through phases where I’ve had offices right next door to someone who I hit it off with and we would lunch together a lot. So its not impossible, its just not the norm.
I’ve never had a problem finding people to talk to when I’m going nuts — I just walk into someones office and vent. They walk into mine. But what we don’t do is just hang out and chat — except during the world series/playoffs when the whole world revolves around baseball in my office.
I’m not sure how helpful that is — but maybe if you had more specific questions …
I’m looking at a change which may be to an organization that I respect tremendously. The structure is such that almost everyone has a private office and works quietly. At my level of management I would have a private office. However I’m used to the chaos of cubes for staff people in the nearby area.
I’m thinking the potential for quiet work without disruption outweighs the negative, but it’s been years since I worked for that type of firm. And in those days I was junior enough that I shared an office.
Thanks maryb…you affirmed what I thought / recalled!
Hugs! Off to find another pootie picture for maryb!
Flowers, pooties, wine and politics always does it for me. Don’t worry about baseball — its just that everyone in my city lives and breathes baseball. so it does provide a common bond for the community.
Good luck with the decision. Pro and con list are good – but in the end all you have is your gut. (And after switching jobs – you MUST give it at least three months before deciding whether you like it or not.)
Nothing yet except for what I thought were exceptional first interviews for 2 hours…
If jobs are hideous I’m a masochist – I give them a full year. If they are tolerable and don’t make me miserable I’m good for 3 years. If they are exceptional it will be 5+….
Because of my background/jobs, and at my age and salary level, I don’t move jobs very often. They don’t tell you that there a fewer good jobs when you get pretty far up the management ladder.
Not complaining….just pondering how the hell did I end up here professionally!
Oh I didn’t mean three months to quit — I really meant three months of simply refusing to decide if you like it or not. I always think it takes that long to get through an entire day without once thinking that this is a new job. Once you hit that point, then you can start figuring out if you like it. Or not.
And I hear you about the whole top of the management ladder thing.
I’m leaning towards a yes, but I would be lying if I told you that it was the same answer this morning when I opened my eyes after a sleepless night. As I mentioned in the original diary by aloha, it’s mostly dependent on funding, but I have been saving everywhere I can to make it happen. How can I pass up the opportunity to have a group hug in real life?
need to figure out why someone like Atrios gets all the girls with his quickies. I was under the impression that longer, well-rehearsed rendezvous were the way to go. Oh well… 😀
He’s just a once in a while kind of guy. A bit of fun on the side.
And calming. Sometimes just a few minutes with Atrios is necessary. Like a walk around the block. Especially when I’m tempted to use my trusted user status to troll rate.
This is near my house in a similar storm last year
My of my clients main offices are in Marin Co…but I rarely get there…usually meet in the field at one of their projects. The last one was in Reno…and I must say, I do not like Reno.
Fitz!…get it right…
That’ll get you sent to the Hidden Komment Korner in some circles.
In orange circles.
All those unwritten rules over there. But they DO stay up past 9:30 at night, which is something of a benefit.
and he is suitably cowed:
and sheepish:
And he’s taking me out erranding and to dinner to apologize for his actions…we’ll weather this brief storm…
Wow! I’m impressed. I’ve never cowed anyone.
I want to give you a 4 for your comment but as a cow, oops, I mean man, I feel I must protest somehow for the sake of the honor of cows….men everywhere ;o)
Yeah, weird. Most men I know are full of bull, not milk.
piss and vinegar too, ya know!
It’s good that you’ve got your own computer back and can join the fun. Now I’m going to go guess the picture. See ya down there.
What happen did he accidentally tell the truth?
I had him busted…and he knew it.
Now if we could just get someone to put this misAdministration in the same spot…
(BTW, the “cowed/sheepish” is an inside joke between me and the spouse…usually applying to him…)
I had him busted…and he knew it.
Now if we could just get someone to put this misAdministration in the same spot…
(BTW, the “cowed/sheepish” is an inside joke between me and the spouse…usually applying to him…)
Dear Host/Hostess/UnHost:
May I please have a generous jolt of Black Sambuca? If you can find some.
This place, as always, rivals the best of hosteleries:
Today’s Favorite:
38th & J Street
Sacramento, California
Listen buddy, what part about self serve can you not understand? Get your ass up out of that chair and get your own drink.
Welcome back to America (imagine the above with a New York accent)
I really like that crowd in the photo for this diary… they look like my kind of Bohemians.
Goodnight everyone! See you for breakfast in 8 or 9 hours!
What was this building used for?
An old brothel?
Some people seem to have a one track mind…
Just trying to liven things up around here. It’s been so quiet and boring here this last week. Hasn’t it 🙂
We’ll have to see what we can do about that…
wondering why there was a cricket invasion.
Oh good you’re here.
Save me from boredom — NDD is trying but I’m pretty high maintenance!
And by the way, I think I still have indigestion from that wonderful but spicy food you made at the cafe the other night.
Church? School? Both?
I think its funny that I say brothel and you respond church.
And no comment on my dog poem in Dog blogging? I’m hurt.
When “they” refer to the one room school house, this was it.
Note the two pipes extending from the right end of the building. These would be ventilation pipes for the boy and girls outhouses. Usually the outhouses are some distance from the school house, but on this one they are attached.
There used to be one of these in each township. Now many of rural areas of ND have a difficult time keeping the schools in the towns going due to lack of population, so towns will combine to support schools. Some areas are headed towards one school per county.
I’ve often thought that one room school houses were underrated. Maybe I’m completely wrong (never having gone to school in one) but with a decent teacher, it seems as if you would move along at your own pace. Because you physically didn’t have to move. If you moved faster in reading than in arithmetic — so be it. What did it matter to the teacher.
Or maybe that’s just a pie in the sky idea?
One of the eight classmates I graduated with from High School moved in from one of these in 5th grade. In this case disciple there had been somewhat loose.
He was stubborn, read the required amount of library books, but refused to do the reports. So they kept him back a grade. (That was back when they could still do that without the parents rioting.) So he did 5th grade over with us.
Pissed him off royally, so he buckled down, and by high school graduation he ended up valedictorian of the class.
And went on to get a BS in mechanical engineering.
Very interesting. I’m more or less against the whole idea of grade levels. Because why categorize, just work at your own pace. But you can’t do that with grade levels. Because there is an inherint judgment in being “kept back”.
Was it used for the 1901 Republican National Convention?
you could roast a weenie or two on that one, but ya might need a rather long stick.
Playing with pootie pics tonight…and it looks like we need to mellow the mood here just a tad!
Very cute! Are you getting all your “stuff” (whatever that might be) accomplished.
Question of the week / weekend that will probably keep me awake…for any that want to play….
What is it like to work in an office where everyone goes to their private office, and may or may not socialize at lunch time?
What are the advantages?
Like getting work done undisturbed
Or disadvantages?
Like no one to talk to when I’m going nuts!
I have always had a private office but in a chaotic environment. What is it like to have a private office in a calm environment?
Any ideas? My insomnia thanks you in advance!
That’s what my office is like. Everyone is in a separate office and it’s fairly quiet (at least on my floor). It’s not that there is no interaction, but we’re all pretty busy doing our own thing. But we still have baseball talk and news of the day. It’s not that people are unfriendly, they are just busy with their own things and most interaction is project oriented and takes place in conference rooms.
In some ways, I have to admit its a little lonely. I’ve worked other places where everybody went to lunch together every day. No question, you just met everyday at the same time or at the same table in the lunchroom. And you went to happy hour together quite a bit and socialized outside of the office. And there is a certain comfort level to that. It’s nice to really like the people you work with. It also makes it really hard when people leave and break up the group. So everything is somewhat magnified.
The thing I disliked about the whole being together all the time was that it tended breed a whole lot of talking about the office ALL the time and sometimes a lot of complaining. Frankly, its kind of nice to not have that anymore. I mean we still talk about office politics, but since its not every day its more casual. People don’t get worked up about things as easily.
And even in my office there are some groups of people who are closer and spend a lot of time together in and out of the office. They tend to be the younger people (20 somethings). And I’ve gone through phases where I’ve had offices right next door to someone who I hit it off with and we would lunch together a lot. So its not impossible, its just not the norm.
I’ve never had a problem finding people to talk to when I’m going nuts — I just walk into someones office and vent. They walk into mine. But what we don’t do is just hang out and chat — except during the world series/playoffs when the whole world revolves around baseball in my office.
I’m not sure how helpful that is — but maybe if you had more specific questions …
I’m looking at a change which may be to an organization that I respect tremendously. The structure is such that almost everyone has a private office and works quietly. At my level of management I would have a private office. However I’m used to the chaos of cubes for staff people in the nearby area.
I’m thinking the potential for quiet work without disruption outweighs the negative, but it’s been years since I worked for that type of firm. And in those days I was junior enough that I shared an office.
Thanks maryb…you affirmed what I thought / recalled!
Hugs! Off to find another pootie picture for maryb!
We can sit in the flowers and chat…although I don’t really follow baseball – how about politics with some wine?
Flowers, pooties, wine and politics always does it for me. Don’t worry about baseball — its just that everyone in my city lives and breathes baseball. so it does provide a common bond for the community.
Good luck with the decision. Pro and con list are good – but in the end all you have is your gut. (And after switching jobs – you MUST give it at least three months before deciding whether you like it or not.)
Nothing yet except for what I thought were exceptional first interviews for 2 hours…
If jobs are hideous I’m a masochist – I give them a full year. If they are tolerable and don’t make me miserable I’m good for 3 years. If they are exceptional it will be 5+….
Because of my background/jobs, and at my age and salary level, I don’t move jobs very often. They don’t tell you that there a fewer good jobs when you get pretty far up the management ladder.
Not complaining….just pondering how the hell did I end up here professionally!
Oh I didn’t mean three months to quit — I really meant three months of simply refusing to decide if you like it or not. I always think it takes that long to get through an entire day without once thinking that this is a new job. Once you hit that point, then you can start figuring out if you like it. Or not.
And I hear you about the whole top of the management ladder thing.
you keeping track, we finally got a spitting of “rain” today.
You know, I’m not the hugging type, but if I was I would hug you.
thanks, hugs are always appreciated and reciprocated by me when they’re given freely 🙂
Since I’m already hugging maryb we’ll just group hug with you as well!
Are you still on for San Diego Mar 31?
Hey – I found a couple of new kitten photo websites tonight! Maybe puppies this weekend!
ahh, la pregunta del dia.
I’m leaning towards a yes, but I would be lying if I told you that it was the same answer this morning when I opened my eyes after a sleepless night. As I mentioned in the original diary by aloha, it’s mostly dependent on funding, but I have been saving everywhere I can to make it happen. How can I pass up the opportunity to have a group hug in real life?
We may have some brainstorm ideas between the bunch of us!
Night Manny!
I wish kansas were here too. She’d be so excited to see her boy Atrios make the front page.
need to figure out why someone like Atrios gets all the girls with his quickies. I was under the impression that longer, well-rehearsed rendezvous were the way to go. Oh well… 😀
He’s just a once in a while kind of guy. A bit of fun on the side.
And calming. Sometimes just a few minutes with Atrios is necessary. Like a walk around the block. Especially when I’m tempted to use my trusted user status to troll rate.
‘Bout time to call it, croakers…snowing pretty heavily w/ a good wind behind it, so it’ll be one of these days tomorrow
Oh joy, since I’ll be out in it a good part of the day…keep yer inside jobs.
About 2+ miles from my house
This was the weather for the past 5 days….and more this weekend….
We’ll find you a place to sleep…business trip maybe?
This is near my house in a similar storm last year
My of my clients main offices are in Marin Co…but I rarely get there…usually meet in the field at one of their projects. The last one was in Reno…and I must say, I do not like Reno.
Night all
including me!
So before I mess up refresh time for the dialup crowd…time for me to call it a night. Some tea and then sleep!
Snuggle up everyone!
Goodnight, see you tomorrow.
Skinny Minny and Mr. Magoo
…hummm, won’t change my picture!!
violently allergic to cats, I would consider adopting that kitty as a cuddle buddy.
It’s a good thing I have one of my own
the couch!
Here are my babies: