Our good friend rumi wrote a short and right to the point diary today called Y’all Have Been Punk’d By The Rovian Neocons.
The operative essence of this diary is as follows:
Understand that this was their desired result of their manipulation of you.
This is EXACTLY what is happening.
But rumi offers no solution to this, really.
Well…I think that I have one.
Read on to find out what it is.
You CANNOT be “Punk’d By The Rovian Neocons” if you are on NEWSTRIKE!!!
It simply cannot be done.
You write about the “desired result of their manipulation ” of us.
Of mainstream America and of the opposition to their work as that opposition stands today.
But…no interest or even attention paid to their foolishness…no manipulation.
Simple, eh?
Spread that idea far enough…and it wouldn’t have to be THAT far, really, in my opinion…and there they are, impotently jerking THEMSELVES off instead of fucking us all from the area closest to the right rear quarter of our respective cultural anatomies.
I will keep plugging this idea until SOMEONE actually understands it.
What if they gave a newscast…say a newscast about the imminent demise of the world as we know it due to (pick one) bird flu, global warming, terrorists, the possession of WMDs by (shudder) MUSLIMS, etc…and no one showed up?
If they cast war bait into an uninhabited pond?
If we all just yawned and said…”What was that? Did you hear something?” and then went on about our proper respective businesses?
They would wither and fade away, these neocon punks, just like the shadows of reality that they truly are. We are a herd of sheeple being stampeded in the desired directions by a group of all hat, no cattle cowboys shooting cap guns into the air from out the windows of their air conditioned, Cadillac Denali, fake motherfucking SUVs.
And simply go about your business.
They are ghosts.
Ghosts of the past.
Walk through them.
Into the future.
They have no substance whatsoever.
They are not only ghosts…they are HOLOGRAMS of ghosts.
Walk on through them and survive, or…allow yourselves to be stampeded into another, bigger, even MORE dangerous war.
These ghosts FEED on our horror, on our opposition.
Just tell them to get the fuck out of your face and go haunt some other empty house, and they will POOF!!!
A time whose idea has come.
Get outta my face, Karl, you fat fucking little ghost you.
Go away, kid. Ya BOTHER me.
And then to one of rumi’s comments on that diary…
I replied:
I suppose it depends on how you define the word “society”, but…
A very good case could be made that our society has already been destroyed.
That is…the “society” that entered into W.W. II and gathered itself together to win that war.
The society…the SAME society…that 25 and 20 years later faced down the segregationists in the south by the use of federal force. That faced down Joe McCarthy. If Joe McCarthy were alive today and a Senatorial level politician…he would be a mainstream Republican. Mainstream like a motherfucker. Bet on it.
That society has been assassinated.
The real future leaders of that society were one and all murdered over a period of several years…JFK, RFK, MLK Jr., and yes, Malcolm X too.
The culture that FED that society…the amazingly multiracial and multi-culturally ROOTED culture that produced the “America” of humor and fire, the “America” that produced the jazz and blues tradition and the country/bluegrass tradition and large parts of the Afro/Cuban/Puerto Rican/Caribbean tradition and the Broadway/Pop tradition (They don’t call ’em “standards” for nothing, y’know.), the living writing/journalistic traditions and the film and humor traditions…that culture has been dumbed down and corporatized until its “stars” are creatures like Britney Spears instead of Frank Sinatra (Sinatra COULD NOT sing a wrong note. Britney cannot even WALK, let alone chew gum.), Kenny G instead of Duke Ellington.
The system that PROPAGATED that culture…the media…has been taken over by the Corporate Machine.
The educational system…sorry. That has become an ongoing joke. A multiple choice quiz with no correct answers instead of an essay on the philosophy of the evolution of mankind. (Philosophy…the love of knowledge. Philsophistry is more like it.)
Aside from a few stubborn and increasingly isolated holdouts, the sole representative area that remains of that culture exists here on the web. That’s it, bro’…and if the arc of the career of dKos is any indication, THAT little pond of free water is rapidly being encroached upon by the growing ice of this new system as well.
Short of a total economic collapse most likely brought about by international pressure (economic AND military) and/or some sort of environmental disaster…or a truly miraculous rebound of the human spirit (It has happened before in history, that one…against ALL odds)…this scene is over.
A walking corpse.
A cultural and social zombie, an unthinking, unfeeling, machine-driven golem clomp clomp clomping right into the teeth of a massive, world-wide resistance that is determined to take it down.
And I MEAN “worldwide”.
Europe, too.
People like you…and me and all the other good hearted folks that are posting all over the web and trying to work the Democratic Party into some semblance of real opposition or at least do SOME objective good in the world…we are the resistance fighters in this Information War.
And all I can say to us all is…
Today is a good day to try.
Have fun…
So…TRY already!!!