Progress Pond

Congressional Candidates Wife speaks her mind

My name is Sherri Welsh; I am the wife of Congressional Candidate Barry Welsh of Indiana’s 6th District.

I have been actively participating in my husband’s Congressional race opposing Mike Pence – this is my first Diary. The contents of this diary have not been vetted through my husband’s press secretary or my husband or for that matter anyone else.  This diary is affording me the opportunity to speak my mind and express some of the things I see, hear and read in today’s issues and commentaries as well as being connected to my husband’s, Barry Welsh for Congress, campaign.


I have had a large amount of exposure to the people, places and types of circumstances that lead to people questioning our current political administration on all levels; municipal, county, state and national.

What do we have to do? What is our role in making Change really happen?

This is the question I would like an honest answer to, the number of people commenting, lamenting, pleading for change is very evident, but what do we need to do to create change in our Political landscape?

Are we finding out what our current representatives are doing for us?
Are we trying to understand what impact to us our representatives have?
Are we in agreement with our political representatives?
If not, what are we doing to make a change?
Are we finding out if there are alternatives and what they will do for us?
Are we sharing what we find in and outside our realm of influence?
Are we helping?
Are we volunteering?
Are we donating funds, “in-kind services”?

Are we donating funds? YES funding is paramount if we want our choice to be recognized and known to constituents in our districts! We need $$$$ in order to travel distances to make sure that all counties, cities, towns and villages are aware of the alternative candidates. By the way, my husband Barry Welsh is a candidate in a district that encompasses 19 counties – that is 19 counties! We need $$$$ to pay for the flyers to tell people what the alternative candidate is pledging to do for the people of the district. We need $$$$ for the radio, newspaper and TV ads that reach further markets within the district telling the truth about their current representation and telling the truth to the people of the district about my husband Barry Welsh the progressive alternative.
Volunteers, in our opinion, are always welcome and there can never be enough volunteers in a campaign – especially the size of our district.

We have a message, people, and it’s a very important time period to make sure that the message is able to be broadcast to the people!  People are, will be and always have been ultimately more important than an individual corporation – the greater good must be served if we want a change for the better.  There needs to be a change in the present administration, there needs to be a change in the mindset of those that are in power as those in power seem to be getting more powerful and the people represented are losing their rights, dignity and respect.  One would think that the numbers would reflect this change, after all, there are more PEOPLE than there are REPRESENTATIVES.  You’d think that if the majority of people want change – there would be change, we have people that unfortunately have become hopeless, overwhelmed, discouraged, apathetic and cynical to the hopes of our future.  This great country of ours deserves better, from the local sheriff races to the presidential races.  1968 was a pivotal year – from what I’ve been able to read, hear and see it was an age where people took back their country and insisted on accountability to the people, the political process and to the world.  

I think there are a lot of people that have been able to lend their voice to the cry for change – we now need people to lend themselves to action and this brings up the questions noted above.

If 250 people contribute $100 that equates to $25,000 to Barry Welsh’s Congressional campaign, this may be a small drop in the bucket for some candidates, but for my husband’s campaign this would be very empowering. This campaign may not need millions but it is a necessary tool in order to get the truth out on Mike Pence and the differences between where we are and where we want to go in the future. Invest in the future with Barry Welsh for Congress and donate today!

If you think that representation outside your district doesn’t effect you -Do you really want Mike Pence in Congress?!

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