The New York Times (Handling of Mishap Creates Strain in the White House Staffs) and the Washington Post (Cheney’s Response A Concern In GOP) both have the Bush side of the White House distancing themselves from Shotgun Cheney.
Michael Goodwin of the NY Daily News opines:
Partisan humor can’t rescue Cheney. Not when a knowing, howling humor fueled by accepted truth has him in its death grip. America, and the world, are not laughing with Cheney. We’re laughing at him. The already diminished value of Cheney’s presence now shrinks to zero.
Meanwhile, MSNBC reports that Katharine Armstong, the host of the canned hunting party, has lobbied the White House:
Armstrong was paid $160,000 in 2004 by the powerful legal firm Baker Botts to lobby the White House, according to records she filed with the U.S. Senate as required by lobbying disclosure rules. The records indicate she was paid the money after she “communicated with the White House on behalf of Baker Botts clients.”
In a phone interview, she told NBC News that in return for the money in one case, she set up a meeting at the White House for a Baker Botts client, although she said she felt she could not release the client’s name.
“A meeting for doing something with one of their clients,” she said, describing the event. “I’m not at liberty to say which.” She says she cannot remember which White House official the meeting was with. She also said that during the inauguration proceedings, she got Karl Rove to speak at a Baker Botts function. “I got them Karl Rove,” she said.
Paul Burka of Slate reports that Texans don’t believe the official story. Among other items:
At what range was Harry Whittington hit? The official story is that the blast from the vice president’s shotgun hit Whittington at a distance of 30 yards. Hunters at the Vaughn Building are skeptical. The hunt took place on a cold, windy afternoon. Whittington and his fellow hunters were probably wearing warm clothing—say, a jacket and a flannel shirt. Cheney was using a 28-gauge shotgun, a smaller-diameter firearm with pellets smaller than BBs. Whittington’s friends question whether the pellets could have penetrated his layers of clothing and skin at that range. Yet two pellets lodged against his larynx, another was in his liver, and another migrated into the heart muscle, causing the heart attack. The pattern of wounds was between the lower chest and the forehead, a pretty tight zone for shot of 30 yards. If the range was considerably less than 30 yards, then it is likely that Whittington’s injuries were worse than the initial statement by Katharine Armstrong indicated. (The blast “knocked him silly,” but “he was fine.”)
The BBC has a good round-up of American opinion. But I prefer watching the media go meta in Newsday:
Already, some are questioning whether Cheney’s accidental shooting of Austin lawyer Harry Whittington on Saturday will harden into metaphor, like Jimmy Carter confronting a rabbit on a golf course or Gerald Ford’s stumbling – relatively insignificant events that crystallize the public feelings about a presidency.
In this case, secrecy surrounding wiretaps and questions of competence surrounding Hurricane Katrina and Iraq could become wrapped up in the errant shot of a vice president whose approval ratings are among the lowest in the administration – just 24 percent in a recent CBS News-New York Times poll.
Lastly, my brother has an editorial in today’s Washington Post. You better damn read it.
I am impressed, Marvin. YOur brother is a seinor fellow! WOW! He does make some good points. May I ask is NY a trial city for doing this to all of us here in America?
Now on to cheney. of course he is at a low rating in the polls. Look at the man, for heavens sake. He and bush are joined at the hip. …and as we know, cheney is really making the decisions for the most part, especially in foreign policy. Cheney and rummy are friends and have been friends forever. They are all crooks and liars, so what should we expect from this man and his cronies. I sure hope Texas slambasts them all the way to jail.
Hi Brenda. It’s Martin, not Marvin, but that’s okay.
New York City has, I believe, much higher rates of diabetes than other places. It surprises me because New Yorkers walk so much. But, I guess they eat too much crap. I think this program is unique to NYC…for now.
P.S. My bro’s office is next door to Steve Clemons’s of the Washington Note.
Geez, I knew it was Martin! So sorry. I am still impressed….:o) Well, what with my career being in the medical field, one needs to come south to find diabetes. Geez I never saw so much of it in my life till I moved this direction. As we know, diabetes can be hereditary, but yes diet is a good predictor of this disease. Diabetes can lead to other problems as well, if you have read any of DTF comments and diary on this. Sems like younger ppl are starting to suffer from this. I taught diabetic education in Peoria, Il, and learned and enjoyed it greatly. We had to learn how to eat like a diabetic. It truly is hard to do at first. We taught how to do a diabetic diet and function to recognize ones blood sugar level at all times of the day and night. To monitor and do the insulin with this monitoring is not an easy thing to do..a lot of adjusting to life styles is needed when you first know you are a dibetic.
Thanks for all the great work you and Susan do here. It is badly needed in todays world. But then you know that…so anyhow, good morning and glad you are here with us. Is there a link up for your radio appearence the other day?
thanks Brenda.
Here is a link.
Here’s a link to the New England Journal of Medicine article on the NYC program mentioned in the editorial, for anyone who’s interested.
I’m impressed too. And I’d love to know what your brother thinks about the possibility of programs like this branching out to include things like testing for genetic predisposition to cancers, and what happens when potential employers get access to that health database? You could have people being passed over for employment because of the likelihood that they would become chronically/seriously ill.
Sorry for rambling.
cg, I read that article. I get the journal and I just get so burned out on all the medical things at times. This is a good indicator that ppl are starting to understand the problems associated with this particular disease. Thaks for bring that to the page for us to read. I wished I could do the link thing. I would bring a lot from the journal here. Do y ou subscribe to it?
I pretty much have access to everything in the medical literature and medical publishing field.
I think the NYC program is a good idea as a screening tool, considering that millions of people have diabetes, don’t know it, and won’t find out until they already have complications from the disease, like nerve damage, cardiovascular disease, or kidney problems. I also wish we did a better job managing the disease in people who have it.
I just worry about how such programs can be used against people in the future.
Oh I so agree with you. Preventive medicine is my favorite thing to do. It is so good to screen for such thing. The populas of NYC is ideal for that; nowever, I question the fact of medical privacy and such. Anything that our government does nowadays has me all to scared of what they are up to…bs
BTW did you see way back…oh about, 2 years of there abouts, the new surg. units that are being set up in Iraq and Afgh. It is so wonderful how they do this.
The story says privacy will be respected…
…but I’m not a HIPPA expert. Are you (or Brenda) able to say from your medical knowledge of how HIPPA works (HIPPA = Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) whether this system is secure from the abuses we’re concerned about?
I know that it says that, but what happens when they put together a national database?
I ask the question because I’ve seen what happens with health insurance claims databases, and there are some types of healthcare I think people should pay for out of pocket to avoid having on their “record”. But that’s just me.
Brenda can probably speak more to the real-world applications of the HIPAA law than I can at this point.
paying for it out of your pocket would not help, I think doctors also send in reports to MIB.
The ugly experience I’m thinking of specifically had everything to do with a health insurance claim (diagnosis: brain cancer) that was shared with another insurer who then refused to pay any and all claims for prior injuries due to an explosion because they knew the individual would not live long enough to fight them in court.
for insurance, or even if you get a new job and sign up for group insurance, depending on the contract between the employer and the ins. co, a request is sent to the MIB, who has a record of every medical treatment you have ever had and for what.
The insurance underwriters will use this record to decide if you can have insurance, and for how much and what conditions. They may say you can have it, but with a stipulation that it will not pay for anything related to rheumatoid arthritis, or heart disease, or whatever your MIB record tells them you have that might increase the cost to the insurance company.
In the case of the group insurance, they might say that they will not cover your spouse because he has this or that, or they will not cover anything related to his this or that.
The MIB has this information because doctors and hospitals send it to them.
A standard privacy release even for an average Dr visit allows any entity in the line of possession of information to share it with corporate affiliates. Treatment is denied if you don’t sign it.
This is where megacorporations get access to all of our information. That’s why globalization was warned to be a threat and why GWB is now warning against condemning it.
But doesn’t the insurance company have to request it from the doctor, rather than the doctor automatically providing it on a regular basis?
This is where I think the issue of datasharing gets misunderstood. All of our information is kept, and has been kept in individual files wherever we do business or receive services, etc… As more services became privatized and outsourced to local, then global companies, our information started traveling further. The first risk is for improper access when these services, like transcription are outsourced. That company then has access to it and by laws passed, it also has the right to share your information within it’s corporate affiliates. The information is also kept onsite, sort of, but in theory, any affiliate of any approved service/business/professional it passes through also has a claim to it.
When businesses are bought and sold, we go with them. Any time an insurance/medical (or any other industry) carrier, provider, adjuster, outsourced service or similar entity is bought, merged or absorbed into a larger entity, it’s legal then to share that information with those affiliates. Somewhere along the line each one of these has it’s own data aggregation, brokering, analysis, assessment service to use this information to the corporations best advantage. Part of that is in selling a credit number for rating risk, as an example.
So, while it’s true that the info is not directly sold to a third party, the main owner is so large they find ways around the spirit of the law.
They all have contracts with the MIB. It has been like that for decades, long before automated annoyance calls or privacy regulations. As rumi points out, if you do not agree to have your info given to anyone the company that owns the hospital or medical practice wants to sell it, you will not receive treatment.
Before there was any waiver at all, the doctors and hospitals still sent it to the MIB.
Sorry for the delay in answering your question. I had to shower and get to work. I have sometime now to do some reading in here. As far as HIPPA is concerned it is very strict. And I mean very strict. I do not know for sure about the insurance thing, I think they have protacol that must be followed for all of this. I know that to activate ones insurance, the hospital/dr office has to verify coverage and benifets. I do know that they are so very strict in just everything in what I revolve around. I am very sure that government is in a way or such that can get around anything…that is just me tho…:o(
I don’t know what he is up to today, but I’ll send him this link and let him know that you wanted to discuss this with him.
when I read the piece; employers using the database as an employment screening device, especially with the rising cost of healthcare/insurance. You think it’s hard for someone over 40 to find a new job…try finding a job with health benefits when you’ve got a “pre-existing condition”.
There might have to be modifications to the Americans with Disabilities Act…if the Roberts/Alito court doesn’t weaken it so much that it’s merely window dressing…
This is likely to be what the politicians want to protect when they avoid hearings into the datamining/NSA/surveillance issues.
The problems of using that information against us is that the companies abusing it are protected from having to disclose it’s use. We could be denied an application and never told the true reason behind the decision.
You do have a point. I suspect that what with the government we have today, you are probably right. HOwever, it does help the public to see that they do need to change in their habits of eating…well we all could use that…I know I sure could..:o)and more so since I am getting older. If someone is a borderline diabetic and diet is all that is required to do the trick, that would be very easy and should not be held against anyone. Even when someone has diabetes that should not be held against anyone. Sorry to be so democratic about this issue..but then again, what can we say…You are so right. CS
as one who, along with the spouse, has had the “riot act” read to us by our doctor…hence the daily workout(s) (though today’s will wait till after my new furniture gets delivered; I might get enough of a workout just assembling the damn stuff).
But something else concerns me. Early in the AIDS crisis, there were gay men who were afraid to be tested because they feared reporting, especially if they were still closeted. What if people avoided going to their doctor for the same reason?
Geez CS, I sure would not hope to think any would avoid tx of any sort because of fear! But who knows. I suppose anything is possible. Personally I think from what was known back then about AIDS and what is known today is an indication that early DX and TX is needed.
Immigrants in particular, although in cases of extreme emergencies some will go, and there have been several cases of medical personnel stating publicly that they will not be reporting people’s immigration status or what they suspect it might be, still today to seek medical treatment, most doctors will require some kind of photo ID, a social security number, etc, and not everyone is eager to share these things just to get some antibiotics.
There is no way to know if the personnel, medical or administrative, who handle your file are among those who oppose sharing it with law enforcement and/or immigration authorities.
And with hospitals of course there are the infections, not AIDS but staph, and since the fincancial consequences of a hospital stay mean loss of the home for so many people, even if they have been giving money to the insurance gangs, more and more people will just take their chances. Especially if they have chronic conditions and are elders anyway, being homeless is likely to kill them sooner than not going into the hospital.
CS, all I can document on that one is that when anyone is hired for work in my company, they must do a drug screen and if on any specific drugs that might show up in that screen, you are to declare. They do a hep b testing and give the hep innoculations. Mainly cause I am directly involved with blood and blood products. I do have a right to refuse these but I am to sign a release of this too. We do tb skin testing and that is all! Way back in the horse and buggy days in my profession that used to do the whole gambit..but the cost of doing this is what stopped them from doing this. They would prefer you see your pcp for this.
If the law has not changed they can not discrimate for age, race, color etc for employment. You have the right by fed law to take them to court if they do this. I know….you do not need to say what you are thinking, to me..:o) but as of today, this is the law. I hope I have answerd your questions as best as I could.
Oh Brenda, it’s not that impressive. “Senior fellow” just means that he’s an old man.
Martin, this is a stunner. I wish you’d write it up separately. Big Bro wants to look at my bloodwork. Not good.
Susan, I am very sure that all the boys are stunning men! :o)
Send me an email to the latter, if you will.
What is it that you wish I write up?
There have been conflicting reports on the number of pellets that struck the victim. I thought most medical sources mentioned approximately 200 and some will be left unrecovered as normal. I also noticed different estimates of the number of pellets in a shot and the spray pattern considered with the distance and force needed to lodge in the skin.
Did Harry Whittington get hit with more than one shot?
the slate article aslo mentioned pellet lodged in the throat too at the site of the (laymens term=voice box). seems like more of the reality is coming out.
seems like more of the reality is coming out
No matter how hard they try to hide or disguise the reality, it eventually finds us.
you got that one right on!
When the photocopies of the official report came out I recall seeing a diagram of a head/chest with marks to indicate where the shot hit. I think a lot of people missed that little diagram. It looked to me like he took the brunt in the upper chest… a few in the neck/head, and a few to the mid-chest. A reporter on CNN mentioned this morning that the guy still has DOZENS of pieces of shot in his body. It seems as if he HAD to get shot from close range.
Yesterday I tried to find the entire photocopy again, but gave up. I can’t remember who had it up first… probably Raw. If I find it, I’ll post it here.
The close range shot makes sense but at that distance, the blaze orange is hard to miss.
This event cuts to BushCheney base (NRA, NASCAR even the leaders’ cult believers). Hunters in all age groups are NOT buying the official version of the accident, in particular the stated distance and pellet penetration of chest wall and human tissue v quail tissue.
The Corpus-Christi Times-Caller photographer, an avid quail hunter, made a simulation video of the hunting accident showing pellet impact area. Given the distance, as mentioned upthread, the Wildlife Parks people report was not very detailed. Maybe to please Armstrong- the host and a former chairman.
Take a Look via Thinkprogress here
On another note; Monday – Tuesday, Cheney kept himself busy. He succeeded in shutting down the congressional calls for an inquiry on NSA spying.
here’s the link to the accident report from Texas Parks and Wildlife. It has a diagram of a human body with indications of where the shot hit Cheney’s victim. You can blow up the section to see it a little more clearly, but it’s there. Looks like he pretty much took the whole shot to his upper chest/ neck. This pic is via the smoking gun.
How wild would this all be if it were the result of a domestic dispute or some illicit affair gone horribly wrong?
Just some wild irresponsible speculation based in reality.
Thanks for that link.
Dr. Mrs. K.P. was talking to some hunters yesterday while checking out their dogs (she’s a veterinarian), and was told that when flushing out birds while hunting everyone knows that you’re not supposed to shoot until the prey is above head-level for exactly this reason. It seems that the more people know about hunting, the less they’re buying the official story. This will hurt the most right where the administration’s got it’s main strength (well, other than the Wall Street PermaGov…).
Nice title and many thanks to her for her profession/dedication
Here’s a video from Caller-Times in Corpus showing the pellet pattern of a 28 Ga. at 30 yds with a human silhouette target….approx. 200 pellets impacted the chest, neck and head.
It would appear to verify Nags link.
from Slate’s piece:
If there is one thing I despise (and you know I despise more than one) about the Bush/Cheney gang it is this: the fear they have engendered in even their own supporters not to openly criticize the “official story” whatever that story may be, out of fear of retaliation.
Maybe this is where the core Republican supporters break through their fear. That is why this might be a significant story. Roughly 30% of the populace is convinced that the administration is our savior from terrorists and would never hurt us or lie to us. A large number of those supporters are hunters who realize that the Cheney team is lying to them about that 30 yard distance and possibly other details. The administration clearly does lie, and it’s something inconsequential that they could have just as easily been honest about. This is why so many Republican spokesmen have turned on Cheney, to isolate the damage to just him and insulate Bush from the fallout.
Good points. It also goes to a core bond between hunters that is based on mutual respect for each other and life.
In the meantime, with absolutely no mention anywhere in the blogs or the MSM, The House Ilntelligence subcommittee held hearings yesterday on the Whistleblower protection debacle on Cspan. I would not have known anything about it had it not been for insomnia last evening. They had Russell Tice, an intelligence analyst that was fired on the grounds of mental instability, an Army career officer that was demoted because he called fowl at Abu Graib, and several others including an FBI agent all that feel there is nowhere to go to report illegal actions including NSA spying without repercussions for blowing the whistle.
Cspan has the full four hour hearing. Even the Republicans were pissed by what they heard and said the system was broken but will they do anything about it?
Oh dear heavens…I want to watch that one! Thanks for this…
Guess what I am trying to say is that we are doing exactly what they want us to do. Pay attention to the Cheney shoots a guy story and nothing else. Am I just paranoid here?
I used to make the same observations but I got tired of all of the tinfoil references.
I think you’re exactly right. This in no way implies it’s the reason Cheney shot Whittington…before someone tosses that at me.
Not paranoid. But I think you are wrong that they want us to pay attention to this. They want us to pay attention to angry Muslims.
This story has ‘legs’ as they say, and it furthers our cause much better than focusing on issues.
Dan Quayle was an idiot, but it took Dan Quayle telling a 3rd-grader that potato is spelled potatoe for the country to realize it.
There hasn{t been a goddamn story that has legs in 6 years.
If you can{t get the Republicans on torture, dissapearing people, needless wars, corruption and being traitors….this little murder isn{t anything.
The media will end up calling this “an unfortunate incident for the respected Vice >President.” I mean everybody accidentally kills someone every once in awhile…were only human until we are accidentally killed ourselves.
It[s too bad that Wittington didn{t have cheney in front of him as he went to shoot the birds they would never eat.
Perhaps Cheney should be forced to eat whatever he kills
afraid of Cheney – this from the NYT piece:
Also in the Times was this:
6 to 200? What kind of doctors are these? I’m telling my family, if I ever collapse in Texas, fly me home to New York.
6 to 200 – Now that’s what I call precision! C’mon, even Texas doctors can count higher than six!
I presume they got the six from the announced wound sites, and the 200 from the manufacturer of the shotgun shell as the number of pellets in that caliber of shell? Or am I being too logical here in “Through-the-Looking-Glass land”?
too logical?
How’s this for logic?
They guy got blasted.
That’s not in dispute.
The better questions are, by who and why?
I think they want us to pay attention to anything that takes our minds and attention off Plame outing, NSA spying, Katrina incompetency and the list goes on and on and on. They had the weekend to work on the Senate that was calling for an investigation into the NSA spying illegalities and now it looks as if they have decided it is not worth a hearing? I don’t know anymore what is going to take to get these inhumane animals that are ruining our country and dragging us down the road to a nuke war with Iran. I want this feeling of hopelessness and what’s the f’ing use to go away.
I think if they just wanted to divert our attention, it would be via a story other than one that trashes the VP’s image; Cheney would see to that!
I think the widespread seething dislike for the VP has jumped on this story in a nationwide epidemic of schadenfreude, just like it did to Spiro Agnew.
If they wanted to take focus off of the government corruption, all they’d have to do is up the terror threat level — after all, with all the protests over the Danish cartoons, there’d be a built in excuse: “Major unrest in the Muslim community aimed at the Western culture…” and blah blah blah…
That wouldn’t work because the US ambassador to Switzerland is close to the centers of controversy concerning several issues such as knowledge of the US-EU black prisons and unrest over the cartoons.
Points well taken. I just want to be clear that I am not advocating that this incident was done on purpose but that now that it happened it has taken over the news cycle. It is just a convenient fact.
This has the potential to become this administrations Blue Dress Moment.
If we’re lucky.
A hunting party with 2 men and 2 women, 2 of them married but not to any of the ones present, one female recently divorced, the two female hunters both established overnight guests at the WH in the past, one female hunter as an overnight guest at the WH both with and without husband, timeline problems of the shooting, treatment, report, no police report until the following day, delay or contradiction in victim’s treatment, hunting from the car near sunset or after dark…there’s more, but damn, that’s enough. If it were any of us we’d get our own primetime regular Rita/Greta spot.
I’m not even implying anything specific but it sure looks like we might not know the whole story.
Hunting party, indeed.
Are you implying that this might be Cheney’s Chappaquiddick?
Oh, what a delightful meme to let roll around your mind and off the tongue. Say it again to all your Republican friends: “Oh, such a shame about Cheney’s Chappaquiddick…”
Schadenfreude: Delightful to indulge in, and as always, fat and calorie free! 😀
Cheney’s Chappaquiddick…I LOVE it!
I’ll be damned if I didn’t hear some wingnut justify the pr handling as oh yeah?…well at least he didn’t swim across the river and go home and …yada, yada, yada but hey, the Cheney gang evidently was sitting down to dinner while Harry was at the hospital with his condition being assessed. Armstrong recalled that Cheney seemed deeply concerned during dinner….Whittington at the hospital for treatment…WTF??
Maybe the Constitution advocate Whittington had a few words for Cheney and the Swiss ambassador concerning the black prisons in Europe or any one of a number of issues. Where was Lynne over the weekend,…and George…do we know where he was? Hell, it could be that someone else fired the shot and Cheney offered to take the blame to avoid anyone being prosecuted. Maybe Cheney was the one intended and Harry jumped to take the blast for him…we’ll never know.
I do say though, the number of pellets involved in anything less than a full diameter pattern hit, would almost require being hit with two shots to substantiate the physical evidence.
BooMan, your brother’s article is great. I will be greatly interested in reading his upcoming book on healthcare. I hope you can convince him to come here and talk about health care sometime. Your family seems quite talented… anyone else you’re hiding?
By the way, now that my brother lives in Springfield outside of Philly, I’ve been spending more time in the area. Are there ever weekend sessions of drinking liberally? Maybe the next time I’m in the area I’ll get the name of your favorite hangout and come buy you a drink. (or two)
well, I’m hiding this brother, also an author.
Wow. Andrew’s quite the cutie. I am so glad that you are devoting those inherited critical thinking skills and that intellect towards political activism when you obviously could be off somewhere splitting the atom. 😉
There might be some real teeth in the angle that he was closer than 30 meters.
That matches the “gut reaction” of the hunters Mrs. K.P. talked to while working on their dogs.
Cheney is a man who communicates with an avuncular, secure, confident, quiet easy self assurance. All the politicians and media have called him “very competent.”
Beware of appearances.
He is in fact what is commonly known as a TOTAL FUCKUP.
He has been arrested twice for drunk driving. He has been drunk driving the nation with another drunk driver for 6 years. Together they have run over and ruined the United States.
The Democrats want to imitate their “success.”
Where is there hope?
I am laughing myself silly and have been for the last six years. Not at the people who didn’t vote for Fuckface 1 and 2 but the people who did and continue to believe everything that comes out of Bill O’Reilly’s mouth.
I am really sorry but America is a frigging joke. And it’s a joke that is sooner or later going to affect the entire west if it hasn’t done so already.
Two good things have happened to America that revealed just how dysfunctional it is:
Hurricane Katrina and the imminent death of this Texas windbag.
I have absolutely no sympathy for any of you anymore. You made your bed now lie in it.