Good morning. Did you ears burn last night? We were all wondering where you gone off to — especially since maryb was worried George wouldn’t be at the cafe to do the dishes today. 😀
It’s 12° here so tell me what the temp is in AL and warm me up some.
temps of -30 to -40F, no wind or -20F along with 30+ mph winds, with wind chills down to -60-70F. At -40 you can do fun things like throw hot water in the air and hear it crackle before it hits the ground, or so I hear from reliable sources.
The coldest I’ve ever experienced was -25° with a wind chill of -40° and the thing I learned from that experience was that -25° can make 5° feel like a heat wave.
Congrats maryb.
Good morning. Did you ears burn last night? We were all wondering where you gone off to — especially since maryb was worried George wouldn’t be at the cafe to do the dishes today. 😀
It’s 12° here so tell me what the temp is in AL and warm me up some.
Nope ears were OK, but my head was killing me. Migraine. George was ready for the dishes, but I just couldn’t get him there.
maiden voyage, ah, so to speak!
Hey, neat graffiti!
Who’s going to give maryb her wakeup call? I’ve managed to misplace her cell number.
Sign via one of the greatest time-wasters ever.
She’s still asleep? Hmmph…where’s the coffee?
so we can rattle our cups on the counter, or are our noses up against the glass looking for any sign of movement within?
You don’t have the cabin boys making your coffee? Are they both better now?
Your maybe weather preview: we’re having snow and heading toward a low of 4°.
Nah, I’m just glad they don’t get me up at 6 on Saturdays anymore. And yes, they’re finally better! Just in time for the long weekend.
Thanks for the preview, I noticed that it was significantly colder when I let out the dogs this morning. sigh.
Wind Speed: SW 13 MPH
Wind Chill: -29°F (-34°C)
I think it’s safe to say I will not be coming to Fargo in winter. Yikes.
It think it’s safe to say that the closest I will ever get to Fargo at any time of year is being grossed out by woodchippers.
Don’t ya just wish that arctic air would go back where it belongs. At least it’s going warm up a bit (yay 4°!?) before it gets here.
temps of -30 to -40F, no wind or -20F along with 30+ mph winds, with wind chills down to -60-70F. At -40 you can do fun things like throw hot water in the air and hear it crackle before it hits the ground, or so I hear from reliable sources.
The coldest I’ve ever experienced was -25° with a wind chill of -40° and the thing I learned from that experience was that -25° can make 5° feel like a heat wave.
as Einstein said, It’s all relative…
morning cafe open
over at the other one.
OMG I”m still at the wrong one.