This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Beer, wine and soda in the cooler.
Pretzels on the tables.
Pretzels on the tables.
Dirty books are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Some cormorants “chilling” at high tide yesterday!
I want to live there. I love the wind blowing the tops of the waves into mist.
I want to live here, too! If only I didn’t have to go to such a depressiing job everyday. But, count your blessings, ay?
Another great photo. I’m beginning to think that it would be a shame for you to get a job you really liked. 😉
Thanks, AndiF. Almost makes me wish the job was photography!
Are the two cormorants saying this?
“You catch this one I’ll get the next one.”
BTW, great picture.
I think that’s what I overheard!
Did someone say dirty books?
Why don’t you read aloud to us.
I change that message all the time and no one ever notices — so I’m really happy that you did and that it took dirty books to do it.
There are certain words that just catch my eye.
Oklahoma City has decided that kids books with GLBT characters have to be in an adults only section. I guess this is slightly better than banning them from the library as they had planned at first.
I find myself puzzled about the difference — since the books’ intended audience can’t access them.
hopefully parents will still check them out fort kids. I am not happy about the decision either way.
Truly — these particular ‘values’ concerns regarding kids are beyond bizarre, considering what kids are exposed to as a matter of course. Ridiculous.
That said: as half of a lesbian couple raising a child, it never occurred to me to look for a book for her relating to GLBT issues in the ‘adults only’ section ..
It wouldn’t to anyone with half a brain. I am furious at the stupidity that is going on in the nation and being sponsored ny the repugnant party.
Unreal, isn’t it?
Well, yes it is, imo. I may be utterly delusional — or too deeply sheltered — but it seems to me that the current cultural values ‘discourse’ is being conducted almost entirely on a extra-cultural basis, a show for the ‘cheap seats’. That is, it’s a harkening backward, engaging a relative noisy few, while as a nation, in terms of our overall cultural sophistication, we’re actually moving forward.
I’m talking strictly about cultural mores, not about how playing to the cheap seats is manifest politically, strictly for cynical gain on the part of the GOP (not excluding the true GOP looneys who also believe this stuff). Therein lies the disaster ..
What I’m trying to say is that I don’t think we, as a nation, are generally as backward & stupid as the big noise in the political arena leads us to believe.
The hardest part is figuring what to be furious about first; the choices are almost overwhelming.
I’ve spend some time in Oklahoma City. I think the best thing we could do would be to raise some money to send the Pied Piper in to get those kids the hell (literally) out of there.
That is why I do the designs and use most of the profts to help fund civil rights and political causes.
Now you’ve done it. You’ve alienated the whole Oklahoma delegation to BT. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
Not in the least. LOL
I thought only republicans wrote dirty books?
Seems to me that only republicans write dirty books badly.
Cranking up the Fire Pit for WW, NDD, me, and everybody
Keep it stoked yawl and enjoy!
The 6 o’clock news was crammed full of live, on-the-spot reports about the “bone-chilling” cold and how the Triangle (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill) is coping with it. The temps are in the 30’s.
I guess everything is relative. Good thing we have this nice fire to keep the chill away. Being from the north you are still wearing shorts?
No shorts…but sandals, yes.
Very nice. I feel warmer already and I’m sure that WW will appreciate you getting the firewood for her.
Now all I need is a story about Nudgeli ..
No story really. She was a lab mix and one of the sweetest dogs ever. She was sitting at our mailbox one day, followed us down the drive and moved in. She had some physical problems (including a permanent drip) but she had the biggest heart. Everybody loved her. When she died, we got a card from the vet that everybody who worked there had signed saying how much they all loved her.
Funny — when Jim mentioned her I had an image in mind pretty close to the way you’ve described her.
Who else but a very sweet dog with a few little detriments could be named Nudgeli? 😉
We’re very lucky to have made such great friends in our lives, really. I just don’t ‘get’ folks who don’t like animals.
Yes, I definitely feel lucky in all the dogs that have adopted us and to live in the country where I am surrounded by wildlife.
Hear, hear!
It’s unfortunate that the two habitats — for domestic animals & for wildlife — aren’t always congenial (regarding the loss of smaller pets to predators, for example, or small prey to pets), but such are the conditions. I’ve yet to satisfactorily negotiate that one — at what price do we restrain our pets’ true nature?
We don’t do much to restrain our dogs. We’re back from the road so they are free to roam where they want and chase whatever they want. However, most small animals are too fast for them and the deer certainly don’t feel threatened by them; mice on the other hand are often victims. Though when it comes to characterizing their true natures, I’d describe them are cheese lovers who have a deep appreciation of the ability of upholstery to provide a fine place to sleep.
Gee — it could be true that felines are actually a bit closer to their wild state than canines are, considering that they were actually brought into human homes, to sleep by the hearth, a bit later.
They do seem to be making their peace with upholstery, though (‘peace’ being a highly relative term) ..
Thank you, dada! That looks wonderful.
What gorgeous photos we’re treated to this evening! Absolutely perfect.
Thanks to all those with unchilled shutter-fingers.
All we need is a little Blackberry Brandy in a tin cup that can be warmed over the fire and it would be perfect.
when in the dorm at the univ we were wondering if a pint bottle of that was still liquid, at -30F, so we rounded up some taste testers and headed out to the auto.
(Stored in glovebox due to no alcohol on campus.)
Whaddayknow, still liquid, so we all had a swallow or two, and that was it, tooooo cold to tell even what the heck flavor it was…
It was the only good thing that happened during the worst camping trip I’ve ever been on. It rained the whole time, the tent leaked, we were stuck on an island on a remote interior lake in the north woods, after travelling through two other lakes and trudging across beaver dams to get there. And the fish weren’t biting. I have very fond memories of Blackberry brandy.
I haven’t had blackberry brandy in years. Bringing back some memories with that one.
Ken Schrader finished 9th in Daytona. Right behind Dale Jr. woo hoo
I’m guessing you’re all NASCAR fans?
I watch religously just like I do curling. LOL
not you (clearly), andi
I’m with refinish. Not a bit sorry. That is the driest, dustiest, hottest, and dullest place I’ve ever been.
And anyway, I live in a state that gets plenty of insults and it doesn’t bother me — most of them are well deserved.
right on!!!!
Is Sniff getting his second wind yet? Ready to howl at the moon?
Sniff is zonked on the love of his life (the couch) in preparation for the exhausting trip up the stairs to the bed.
Some day I’m going to make a recording of them doing their three-part harmony howl and figure out how to post it on the internet. What they really like to howl at are sirens (does that make it a four-part harmony?).
Thank goodness my dogs do not howl at sirens. They bark at anything that moves but not sirens. LOL
Y’know, speaking of wild relations, every once in a while our local coyotes do that — mainly in summer.
can you hear wolves where you are?
No wolves here, just coyotes or ‘coydogs’ (rumored half-breeds).
I’ve heard the wolf packs howling up north and it’s an incredible thing to hear. beautiful but eerie.
I feel the same way about the coyotes’ howls — there’s something very plaintive there, especially as it’s usually solitary, announcing a presence. When they get together their sound is more joyful — they’re generally on a group hunt, cackling & yipping.
A funny story: about a decade ago, two down-staters spent some time up here with my partner & I. Late one night we came home to find them absolutely frantic, scanning the skies. They told us — breathlessly — that they were hearing UFOs (this is apparently a popular sighting area). Turns out they were listening to a gang of coyotes on a spree.
hah, that’s a great one.
I have a couple of high school classmates who live in CA, Tustin and Modesto, and visit every few years at my boonie location.
R___, of Modesto was visiting by herself one time, and I was off working, so when I came back at the end of day, all the doors were locked, including the upstairs balcony door,(15 ft drop to ground), and the music was blaring.
It’s six miles to the nearest town, hardly any traffic in area except the neighbor farm related equipment.
She said the quiet was too much for her. So she’d cranked up the stereo and let it loop all day.
Me, well, when I moved into Fargo this last time it took me two years before I wasn’t continuously conscious of the noise level.
[Any replies, let’s move back to the left.]
I’m over here
that’s hilarious! Although it is an unearthly sound.
Put the howling together with satellite spotting and you’ve got a UFO sighting.
Frankly, I think they were both stoned 😉
I’ve seen what could probably be classified as UFOs on two occasions here, both silent.
what were they doing?
not Blackberry brandy would be my guess
The UFOs? Hovering, mainly. Saw one from the side, an eliptical shape encircled with lights, & the other in the distance, a nearly stationary star, with a visible trail. Both vanished within seconds.
I’m meeting NDD below ..
Misunderstood you. I’m guessing pot, hash or some hallucinogen.
my yard (rural location) one night, late, windows open, as it was summer time. I think I levitated a couple of feet before I realized what it was.
In the distance – a very pleasing sound, outside the window… that’s take a little getting used to.
In 1993 my mother had a coyote on the front lawn of her home in the middle of the city. She thought she was nuts until other neighbors saw it too. It had been displaced by the “great flood”.
I’m right with you, NDD. ‘Course, I’ve never seen them right outside, as they tend to visit just before sunrise, but I’ve heard them & seen the tracks (& pee).
On the silence you mentioned above: true, when I first came up here back in ’86 from NYC the depth of the silence could be truly unnerving — enough so that it contributed to a serious mental disturbance I experienced here just a little later.
After a while, of course, the incredible noise of the city felt the very same way. Didn’t drive me nuts, however, since I got out in time 😉
It’s not as quiet here any more, unfortunately — due to lumbering & increased general traffic.
I was probably close to serious one of those myself after having lived for 3 years in a “manufactured home” that measured 12 x 45 ft, (that 45 included the length of the hitch,) through three ND winters.
Boxes in the less heated bedroom were froze stuck to the wall at one point. And talk about cabin fever. That’s just too darn small an area to be hunkered down in, particularly when you can’t be outside doing something.
Those types of homes are about half way between tents and real homes IMHO.
I think the house just got built in the nick of time, so to speak.
Ho! NDD, you’ve got a perfect picture of where I’m living now — including the size & things sticking to the walls. This one’s seriously deteriorated, as well — manufactured ca. 1972.
I’m trying very hard to get outta here, too.
bringing the books with you
You know I’ll try, maryb!
too bad we ain’t a little closer, I’d come and bang a few nails for ya…
Thanks — I know you would. However, I’m still trying to find something to bang nails into 😉
Already built a house here on this land, but the whole thing’s been sold.
I missed your question altogether. Yeah, I’d like to build something — the question is where.
I’m obviously suffering from ‘tired brain’ — better sign off & return tomorrow.
See y’all soon!
the last two couples have taken falls, after so much hard work…then something goes wrong…I really don’t know how they keep on to finish sometimes.
I’m not wild about ice dancing, so I didn’t watch it tonight. Been doing other things.
I think it would be very enjoyable just once to be in the stands, well, for many reasons, but one I can think of is I wouldn’t have to listen to the yap yap of the TV announcers while the show is going on.
Are you planning on attending any of the events in 2010?
where will they be?
Vancouver, BC
Of course, I forgot. Brain fart.
I wasn’t planning on going but you never know. I’ve never been to Vancouver so it would be a good opportunity to check it out.
although it’s been a couple of decades since I’ve been through there. ‘Course that was in the summer time, and I went though Banff area too, which is quite spectacular for scenery. As the Canadians don’t go in so much for disnification of their natural wonders!!
I was sorry I didn’t try to go to Salt Lake City but at the time I thought the security would make it unbearable. Then I watched it and kicked myself that I didn’t go for at last part of it.
particularly as the “gestapo” there is much more friendly and reasonable in dealing with people… at least they have been in the past in my observation and reports from others.
More fun than Italy or more fun than Salt Lake?
Those Canadians. They do know how to party!
V BC probably has as much ethnic diversity as SanFran, and is probably the most liberally oriented city in the country, that I’m aware of.
plus I hear its gorgeous.
I’ve got an old friend lives in Bellingham Washington, next time I get a chance I’ll ask him about it as I’m sure he’s been to V lately. or close enough to know something about it anyway.
Oh, missed the ?
More fun that Salt Lake City.
Italy, was probably fun for those who could afford to travel that far.
I watch NASCAR..because their always turning to the left. Anyway, it beats watching the Sunday talk shows.
I had a friend who went there at the last minute. He had a blast. There’s always a way to pick up some tickets for something even on short notice, so I hear. His advantage was he had a cousin’s place to stay at, so no hotel expenses.
It sounds like tickets are easy to come by in Italy except maybe for the high profile events. I imagine it will be possible to get them in V.
When I checked the SLC Oly tickets were sold online on some sort of lottery basis, if memory serves, you had to put an order in and take your chances. So now I’m wondering how far ahead of time that system gets set up.
I don’t know. But I do remember that they did a lottery and then were concerned because the events were not sold out. Heard the same thing in Italy at the beginning.
At this point it looks to me like the expense of lodging, (for how many days?) is the biggest hurdle, as rates get bumped up for those types of events.
Totally changing the topic (so I moved left)
Firedoglake is having a poetry contest they call Dickfest.
ha ha, that sounds like great fun. Have you got one ready to submit?
I don’t write poetry, I just enjoy it.
I also just realized that Dick Cheney and Mr. Whittington should have been big cat hunting instead of bird hunting.
Because then we could call it the *Dick Whittington’s Cat * scandal.
I wish Andi were awake, because I’ll forget that by tomorrow.
You’ll just have to post a link back to your comment, at the end of her first posting. Ha!
In the mid to late 90s, I used to write a little poetry. When I lived in Arcata CA, there was a fairly large local group which had regular once a month open-mike readings, which I enjoy tremendously. Some of them were quite accomplished, and some were just young screamers.
I’ve been working on a diary for release maybe Tues, so creative juices somewhat stymied at the moment.
Good luck with the writing. I can’t wait to read it.
well, great, maybe I’ll get 1 rec anyway.
I’m trying hard to generate some sort of an MSOC style rant… well, maybe not quite that lively.
But I think I need to improve my opening so that the first few paragraphs have some personal comments, some rational for introducing the topic rather than just present the info.
If you’re so inclined here’s my first one in which I think I tried to accomplish a tad too much at one shot.
This time I’m trying to break it into a smaller piece to begin with and then eventually work through it all.
So far I’ve run into a half dozen of BTrs who are somewhat familiar with the material. I seriously think the concepts contained therein are our only hope ofpolitical change.