Froggy Bottom Lounge~busted margins edition!
Foul language and crude behavior encouraged!
Newcomers welcome, your first drink is on us!
Please be considerate and use the ashtrays provided.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
What to do, what to do? Stay here and have a drink with the froggies, or watch Jack Bauer break some fingers?
I am going to sit here until I finish grading these journals. Anyone else around? I think that SN is going to watch a little t.v.
I’m here! What kind of journals are you grading?
Daily writing prompts. I am almost done!
I’ll be here all weekend!
What? What’s that? It isn’t the weekend anymore?
Well, I’ll be here for a while, anyway…
Do you work at U of M or are you a student? Every time I see your e-mail, I mean to ask you that question.
Actually, neither…I used to both be a student, and work there, but then I graduated and they made me stop doing both
But I kept my U of M email address out of convenience. I do still live in Ann Arbor though, so I’m around the university a ton.
I love Ann Arbor. In high school, we spent a lot of week-ends in Ann Arbor, trying to look like college students.
I have several former students at U of M right now.
I love it too…that’s why I’ve stuck around despite the, uh, subtropical weather that we have here.
And I still spend many week-ends trying to look like a college student
So how’s vacation been so far?
Productive and relaxing, so far. The house is a little cleaner, I’ve gotten significant grading done everyday, I’ve had time to play with Andrew, and I’ve read.
It doesn’t get any better than that!
What about this?
(it was just something that came up when I did a google search for ‘awesome’).
I like it!
Throw out the cleaning and the grading and that sounds like a very nice way to spend a vacation.
Normally, I would agree, except for the fact that we are restoring the facade of order to the house and professional life.
Hi all.
9:00 — probably everyone is in bed and sound asleep by now.
Actually, it is 10:00
Not where I am.
Maybe you’re in the wrong place?
(looks around)
no, I’m right where I belong. Maybe YOU’RE in the wrong place.
Definitely possible. I haven’t really found anywhere that I really belong yet…
Maybe here?
Hmmm…let’s weigh the two things; Ann Arbor in February or a warm sandy beach?
Damn, when you put it that way…what am I still doing here?
Now you’re talking. Let’s both be there.
HEY — how did this get to be a threesome on the beach?
I don’t know, but I’m not going to argue.
Hey, has maryb been here long enough to see the pictures of a young ejmw? Your narrative had me in hysterics.
I must have missed that. Naked baby pictures? Or are we back to the news bucket conversation?
He needs to provide you with the link. It’s a treasure.
I think we tired him out. Men exhaust so easily these days. Can’t keep up with three gals.
It’s a rare fella who can.
Let’s start over down on the left, this is confusing.
Your both in the wrong place, because your not where I am. kcmo
Are you talking to the geriatric bloggers among us?
I was talking about Andi . . .
Now that you’re in charge of their sex life maybe they turned in early.
They wouldn’t agree to pay my retainer so I can take no credit for any improvement in their sex life.
I assume that you are also not liable for any degradation in the same?
I have no idea if what they do is degrading.
LOL :0)
To whom?
The one in the french maid’s costume?
Aren’t those ‘freedom maids’ now?
What? TMI!!!
You must have missed that particular discussion. Maryb was showing an unhealthy interest in the F’s sex life.
Do I have to do another impression of he who must not be named?
Your and Mary’s Catholic upbringing is showing — there’s nothing particularly unhealthy about being interested in someone’s sex life. I mean, we don’t have cooties or anything.
So the Andi and Jim video should be hitting the internets soon?
they should have a click through on the site to get to it — Susan and BooMan would like that. Although I’m not sure there would really be much increase in revenue. Not like my Paris Hilton style shower movie. Who wants to see a DVD of geriatric bloggers having sex?
We don’t have a video camera so it would have to be all still images — and the miracle of photoshop.
And they’d probably be lacking the majesty and sense of imminent calamity that your other photos have.
The majesty is unlikely but I suspect we can manage the imminent calamity.
Yes, there’s always that possibility of breaking a hip.
It would take more than photoshop to make that a possibility.
Sadly, some of us might be jealous of geriatric bloggers having sex.
I said it wasn’t unhealthy — I never said it would be interesting.
I think we scared Toni off.
I was just finishing the last few journals, so I wasn’t paying attention. I teach high school – I don’t scare easily.
Oh good. We didn’t mean to be immature and gross.
and besides, ejmw started it. Yeah. he started it Ms. Toni. We didn’t do ANYTHING.
No, no, I just furthered it. There’s clearly a difference.
Yeah sure.
Just watch the Usenet in the group.
Ahh. See, that’s not what I heard. :p
Stop believing what you’re reading on
Don’t worry, TMI for me too.
Over here !
{{sigh}} I sure hope it’s a new Daily Show. I’m so damn sick of the Olympics and all the good NBC shows being preempted. Oh yeah, like I can stay up until 11 these days!
No cable. So I never see it.
Sorry, I’ve been arguing with some wingnuts via email.
Mary, this is the link that was described to you with the pictures of young me, that I hope you find very entertaining.
uh, you might want to watch out for Toni.
Sorry, but somebody had to take the fall with the teacher and, well, you weren’t here.
It looks like she’s headed to bed.
Did I stumble in here in the middle of ladies night or something? Where are all the fellas tonight?
Not that I’m complaining of course
awwwwwww! What a cute photo journal. I especially liked the glasses phase.
But where were the college pictures with the bros?
Umm…those are classified. Talk to Dick Cheney
you’ve discovered our little problem. We’re trying to attract more males by offering them free drinks and o cover charge. Unfortunately maryb keeps scaring them off.
How should I know where everyone is? I just got back, walked through the door of the cafe and an orgy started.
You and your beaches.
I’ve seen that site before and here I am laughing my ass off yet again…ow, my poor stomach muscles!
Well, I have to admit that I’m at least happy that my years of ostricism and ridicule are coming in handy at this stage of my life
No, the thing is you are a total cutie pie through the whole thing. Your narrative is a scream.
Yes, let’s.
wow – I really do think we scared Toni off.
See above a few comments. I am off to bed. My eyes are tired from reading. Plus, I just can’t get this picture of a bouncing blue dot out of my head.
Bon soir mes amis.
I think we did really well with the crude behavior but we were really shitty at foul language.
Shhhh…family man is back, and we don’t want to scare him away.
Susan wanted us to tone down the crude language. Didn’t you read her front pager. She didn’t say it, but it was pretty clear to me that she thinks we in the cafe have gotten out of control and are scaring people away from the site.
Seriously? What did I miss? Can I really be expected to read the front page?
She mentioned you by name. I think you should go out there and read it. And leave the guys to me.
I’m just gullible to fall for that one. But seeing as you’re single I guess it’s only fair.
You give in sooooo easily
I think this is just a ploy to swing the guy : girl ratio into your favor.
ya think?
That’s what’s so appealing about the cafe. Crude, rude, and lewd.
Was the birthday bash as wild as this. Or were the people more polite?
Are you kidding. Anyone of us children get out of hand my mom won’t hesitate to put us in a corner. I keep telling her at 53 I’m too old for that, but she threatens anyway.
Well I’m back from the birthday party. Everything went great.
thank goodness. They’re being mean to me.
I’m just picking on the popular Catholic girl to make up for how mean they all were to me in 7th grade. Sorry, maryb. :{
I’d doing my bit for the male-female ratio and heading off to bed. Night all.
I assume you are leaving Jim with us?
I would say he’s all yours but actually you have to share him with several mac forums and motley fool.
I’m going to close this in a few and put up the all-nighter for you wild folks. I’m off to bed too.