Larry C Johnson (bio below)
Will someone please help the White House figure out which security playbook it should be using? In recent weeks the President’s men have stronged arm Republicans to look the other way and not investigate whether George Bush has violated the law by authorizing domestic spying that ignored legal requirements to seek court approval. Those who have dared to challenge the Administration on this point have been accused of letting Al Qaeda have free run inside the United States.
Well, what about allowing a Middle Eastern country, one where some citizens have links to Al Qaeda, to have free run of key US ports? That appears to be fine as far as George Bush is concerned. Wait just a doggone minute!! Pliant Republicans when the issue was illegal domestic spying are now starting to kick back.
The alarm bells have sounded with the news that Dubai Ports World, now the third-largest port operator in the world, is on the verge of taking contol of Britain’s Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co (aka P&O) (which currently runs port operations in six major U.S. cities). In simple terms, a Dubai based company, which is headed by Sultan Ahmed Bin Sulayem, who also represented the royal family in buying two Manhattan trophy properties, the Essex House on Central Park South and the Helmsley Building at 230 Park Ave. for $ 1.1 billion, will be in control of the commercial operations of U.S. ports, including the New York City Port, the Baltimore Port, and the Miami Port.
Continued below:
is true that Dubai has been an ally of the United States in combatting terrorism. But, it also is true that Dubai remains a questionable partner. US News and World Report’s David Kaplan identified the problem in a December 2005 article:
But Dubai also serves as the region’s criminal crossroads, a hub for smuggling, money laundering, and underground banking. There are Russian and Indian mobsters, Iranian arms traffickers, and Arab jihadists. Funds for the 9/11 hijackers and African embassy bombers were transferred through the city. It was the heart of Pakistani scientist A. Q. Khan’s black market in nuclear technology and other proliferation cases. Half of all applications to buy U.S. military equipment from Dubai are from bogus front companies, officials say. “Iran,” adds one U.S. official, “is building a bomb through Dubai.” Last year, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents thwarted the shipment of 3,000 U.S. military night-vision goggles by an Iranian pair based in Dubai. Moving goods undetected is not hard. Dhows–rickety wooden boats that have plowed the Arabian Sea for centuries–move along the city center, uninspected, down the aptly named Smuggler’s Creek.
U.A.E. rulers have taken terrorism seriously since 9/11, but Washington has a half-dozen extradition requests that they refuse to honor. The list includes people accused of rape, murder, and arms trafficking, and the last fugitive of the BCCI banking scandal. The country has put money laundering controls on the books but has made few cases. Interior Minister Sheik Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan told U.S. News the U.A.E. has made great strides in cracking down, but he insists that the real problems lie elsewhere. “We are a neutral country, like Switzerland,” he says. “Give us the evidence, and we will do something about it. Don’t blame others.” Not everyone agrees. “All roads lead to Dubai,” says former treasury agent John Cassara, author of Hide and Seek, a forthcoming book on terrorism finance. Cassara tried explaining U.S. concerns about Dubai to a local businessman but got only a puzzled look: “Mr. John, money laundering? But that’s what we do.
The slumbering Republican controlled Congress has awakened, but will it mean anything? They have spent the past four years justifying policies and behaviors that Republicans, in normal times, eschew–you know, like exposing the identity of a covert intelligence officer, weakening the US Army, or increasing Federal Government spending. Key Republican leaders recognize the peril of allowing a commercial transaction to go forward that will be seen as selling out U.S. national security interests to a wealthy Arab buddy whose country has some ties to unsavory terrorists and criminals. That dog won’t hunt and the Bush White House is going to take a beating on this issue.
Larry C. Johnson is CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm that helps corporations and governments manage threats posed by terrorism and money laundering. Mr. Johnson, who worked previously with the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (as a Deputy Director), is a recognized expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, crisis and risk management. Mr. Johnson has analyzed terrorist incidents for a variety of media including the Jim Lehrer News Hour, National Public Radio, ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Today Show, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and the BBC. Mr. Johnson has authored several articles for publications, including Security Management Magazine, the New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times. He has lectured on terrorism and aviation security around the world. Further bio details.
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Isn’t there someone you could call and tell them to talk sense into those people? Seriously, you must know lots of people in important places. Can’t anyone get through to those folks?
I listened to Lou Dobbs’ show today. he was ALL over it. He practically spent the entire hour on it … he praised Martinez, Clinton, etc. for trying to stop this.
He has quite a devoted following. My 90-yr-old mom LOVED his show. You can bet that a lot of letters and calls from fans like her are coming into the White House, etc.
He heavily criticized the Dept of Homeland Security and pointed out that Chertoff’s excuses are particularly weak since he already has NO cred left because of the Katrina disaster.
Here’s Lou’s transcript.
(Just ignore the section on Chavez. Ha!)
That’s only the tip of it. Cited by Thinkprogress is this gem.
Can’t make this up. Link to post here
If memory serves, there’s a segment of the BushCheney base in wingnutland hollering ‘the borders are not secure’. Build a wall, Get up the militia.
Oh that’s a riot. I think it was Lou Dobbs who said today something like, “What’s next? Outsourcing our military command to another country?”
This is the part that scares the hell out of me…
what kind of idiots are these??
First the VP can’t hunt, and now the dog won’t! Hopefully a trend may have started??
Larry: I have my very own canary in the mine. Her name is Thelma and she is 80 years old. Has been a Rebuplican forever, attended Nixon’s inaugrual. She is dead set against outsourcing the security of our ports, particularly to an Arab nation. What the hell is wrong with having our Coast Guard secure our ports. I thought that was what they were for. Oh, wait, it will cost more money.
Tell your beauty of a bird that I’d oppose letting the Chinese have them as well. This is lunacy.
no citizens are suspected of having “links” to “Al Qaeda?”
And remember please, Al Qaeda has, according to Washington itself, “morphed.”
Gone are the days when the term referred merely to a gaggle of CIA sorta-assets helping defend Amrika’s way of life during the 80s proxy war in Afghanistan – Osama’s first Real Assignment.
Today, “Al Qaeda” means anyone who opposes or resists US policies. Which, naturally include invasion, occupation, kidnapping, torture, mass murder, single serving murder, maiming and sexual predation where applicable, which would of course, exclude Rhode Island. Amrika’s way of life, you know. Gotta be defended.
And we must also bear in mind that a “link” can look as innocent as an ice dancer. For example, suppose you find out that someone in your neighborhood, or maybe a country you visited on vacation, has the same first name as an “Al Qaeda” member, or smokes the same cigarette, when everybody knows smoking is bad for Americans, or maybe the two visited the same mosque, or the same city, or are believed to have watched the same Hilary Duff movie, whether together or on separate occasions. You might be tempted to pass that by, but an expert would spot the danger in an eyeblink. All kinds of opportunities there, for coded messages. (Oh, Mom, you DIDN’T! wails Hilary, thus unknowingly communicating secret terrorist info regarding the 911 events to other cell members). A professional knows that there are just so many people in the world that could possibly be named Mohammed, and the likelihood of two of them being in the same mosque during the same fiscal year are, well, remote, if you get my drift, as in remote-controlled bomb? And I’d walk a mile for a camel? Well, we’re getting a little obvious there, but if you see that phrase on anything, first TAKE COVER, then report the suspicious activity to your local Homeland Security office.
This is, after all, an enemy that lurks.
Remember him well
DT, you are on a serious roll today…all systems go.
Peace my friend
The Bush administration is accusing those opposed to the Dubai outsourcing of being “racists against Arabs.”
Geez folks, I had hoped that you all had figured out gw by now. He has ti instill fear for the only purpose he can. Keep us all in line by keeping us all fearful…then he goes and starts something like this. I think this is all telling of his real motive in all of what is going on. Terrorism will always be around. This administration has used terror since 911 to install fear in everyone. This is his only way to get anywhere he wants to go in what he wants to do. He is a great con man. NOW look at this port security thing that is coming up on this with this statement of security…it is all about money! the almighty $$$$$ that is what it has been about and will always be about. He is not interested in anything else but that and keeping his wealthy memebership happy in his club. The only thing I worry about is the anxiety he feels ans when will he use that anxiety to bomb some county with the big one. It is coming you know…it is coming unless we stop him and his cronies. it is coming.
This flurry of populist idiocy about port management is the most blatant unthinking knee-jerk xenophobic racism that beltway politicians have dreamed up for quite some time.
Please do some research on this before you all turn into a bunch of Republicans.
This sounds very familiar. Isn’t that what this country did with both Posadas Carriles and Orlando Bosh who we refused to extradite to Venezuela for blowing up a plane and murdering 73 people, after the CIA declassified documents in which they bragged about another terrorist attack in Washington DC?
I’m not trying to be disrrespectful to you, or anyone of the agencies. I’m simply tryin to point out the double standard that this country has had with terrorism, as well as the fact that you just don’t come and kill Americans. No matter how long it has been, there will always be one of us who will stand up for them. Also, it is just luck that I’m not in the list of Americans killed by a terrorist state.(but it was way to close)
Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and UAE are the only three states that recognized the Taliban as a legitimate government in Afghanistan pre-911. Pakistan created the Taliban to provide a certain stability in the country and Islamist extremism in Pakistan provides the madarassas to further their cause.
Saudi Arabia is a natural ally of Osama Bin Laden due to the same roots, powerful and wealthy family and the funding and export of Wahabism.
The UAE is not a state, has no stable regime and has no justice system with national judges. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are mostly known for its past history of contraband, money laundering and gateway of illegal (arms) deals. Not much has changed in the past decade of building an extravagant front for the super wealthy. Compare to the BCCI bank in the form of a state called UAE.
Hotel Burj al Arab - 321 meter
It’s not about Arabs, I would have no major concern if the buyer was Egyptian, Moroccan or Persian (Iranian).
The neocons and Bush cabal should worry about democracy in UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. The focus on Iraq to wage war was illegitimate and counterprocuctive and on Iran is shortsighted and foolish foreign policy. Similar to the position taken on Venezuela and the coup e’tat attempt. Has Bush-Rice “solved” the rogue state North-Korea yet?
You’re on the ball Larry Johnson, as usual!
≈ Cross-posted from my diary — Al Qaeda Buys Control Six US Port Facilities Chertoff Hands Over the Keys ≈
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Move along, move along. It’s just part of privatization. In a few years the Microsoft Supreme Court will rule that what the WalMart White House is proposing, was perfectly Monsanto Constitutional all along.
Another fine operating system as endorsed by the Preston-Gates-Ellis folks and their associates.
I would like to see the following question answered: If Al Qaeda has a nuclear weapon and wants to put it and a technician in a container bound from Karachi to NYC harbor, how does the impending change affect that? Could it potentially facilitate the attack?
I think a good analogy might be to look at the security companies that were in control during other tragic events such as WTC 93 OKC and the airports/WTC at 9/11
Well, what about allowing a Middle Eastern country, one where some citizens have links to Al Qaeda, to have free run of key US ports?
There are Americans with links to al Qaeda. A man with family business connections to the bin Laden family is President of the United States.
But yes, we’d probably be safer with Halliburton managing the ports, with fallback to FEMA in the event of an emergency.
Just to make Americans feel a little bit better about things.