Indiana’s Governor is selling off the roads The public doesn’t want it and has been very vocal about it.  The President is selling off SECURITY at our ports.
The Public doesn’t want it and Some REPUBLICANS are being very vocal about it.  This is not about discrimination, this is about I would feel better with AMERICAN LONGSHOREMEN protecting America’s Ports, than any foreign entity, especially one with ties to the 9/11 terrorists.

I diaried about this last night STOP SELLING OUR COUNTRY, and I am sure there have been several on the Port Security. But this phrase has to be repeated, STOP SELLING OUR COUNTRY.  This is more than just a Port Diary, for me, it is happening in the state.
(See Below)

The Port Security situation is absurd.  But it is far from isolated.
Here in Indiana the toll road is being sold, at least it is to two allied countries, but that makes it little better.  Our country is being sold right before our eyes.  There is no way to put it more clearly.  

I honestly believe that we have to send people to our statehouses and to Washington D.C. that will stand up to this disregard for our Nation.  We live in a Republic, not a Reprivate, and any time something is private, it means that someone is not allowed.  That goes against everything American.  
I am Barry Welsh and I am running for Congress in Indiana’s 6th District.

I have been delaying making a plea for any donations, out of regard for Ciro in Texas, and the closeness of his primary, but I am asking for some financial support.  I have to sincerely thank everyone who has donated, and those that have linked us to their actblue pages.  I am honored and motivated by each and every donation and again thank you! Please consider visiting the website and all donations are through ActBlue.

Please consider visiting the website and all donations are through ActBlue.

Throughout the election cycle, from time to time I am going to ask for 2006 Pennies from each of you for the 2006 Race.   If 1000 people did that, it is a huge impact.

I have one final thing for you CLICK HERE to find out where your congressperson is at on the Political Spectrum on GovTrack.US.  You will find Pence so far right he is almost off the spectrum.  I need your help against him.  Consider 2006 Pennies for a 2006 Victory  

Thanks for all that all of you do for this community, for our campaign, for the 50 State Site, and for Democracy in America, sometimes we have to fight for it, and now is one of those times.

Bush=Pence=Daniels=Pence=Bush=Daniels=Pence  It all comes out the same, bad for Indiana=bad for America.

Barry Welsh Indiana 6th District Congressional Campaign
2006 Pennies for a 2006 Victory