Progress Pond

Update: America for Sale

Update [2006-2-22 17:13:11 by meagert]::”Official” News from the US House on <b?The Sale of America by the Republicans. LINK (PDF)

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We have made a lot of money off our sales of American Worker Jobs to Foreigners. – Corporations of America

We couldn’t have made so much money without you. – The Pharmaceuticals

Without your Representatives to help us, we couldn’t have controlled all this Oil, THANKS – The Oil Companies

Thanks to your Land Sales Section, We’ll make MILLIONS – RE Agents,Loggers/Developers Assoc., and The NoNothings

You have opened the doors for us – UAE,
Al Quaida

You have empowered us – The Neocons

Thanks to your Media kit, we don’t even have to make up our stories anymore…just use your easy to use kits – The Media

You’ve given us a pipeline for our Wurlitzers – The Republican Wurlitzer Company

Our Sales Pitches have found a good home – The K Street Project

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