The South Dakota Senate has passed a bill that bans abortion in all cases except when a pregnancy threatens a woman’s life. The vote was 23-12. It now goes back to the House, where they will have to decide whether to accept amendments. The Governor has said that he will not commit to signing the bill until he sees its final form. But, he will sign it.

Take your blood-pressure medication.

Republican Sen. Bill Napoli of Rapid City said, “This bill is as straight forward and as honest as it can be. It just says no more abortions unless the life of the mother is threatened.”

Republican Sen. Tom Dempster of Sioux Falls said, “This bill ends up being cold, indifferent and as hostile as any great prairie blizzard that this state has ever seen.”

Democrat Sen. Julie Bartling of Burke said the time is right for the ban on abortion.

“In my opinion, it is the time for this South Dakota Legislature to deal with this issue and protect the rights and lives of unborn children,” she said during the Senate’s debate. “There is a movement across this country of the wishes to save and protect the lives of unborn children.”

Republican Sen. Stan Adelstein of Rapid City had tried to amend the bill to include an exception for abortions for victims of rape. The amendment lost 14-21.

“To require a woman who has been savaged to carry the brutal attack result is a continued savagery unworthy of South Dakota,” he said.

Republican Sen. Lee Schoenbeck of Watertown objected.

Rape should be punished severely, he said, but the amendment is unfair to “some equally innocent souls who have no chance to stand and defend themselves.”