trying to keep this diebold story on the front page of blogtopia (a phrase which yes!  we coined!) skippy called the office of bruce macpherson, the california secretary of state this morning.

skippy used the number (916-653-6814) found on the sec. of state contact page.

at this point in our narrative, we will direct you through the short phone menu, to save you frustration (after the jump):
if you call, press #6 for other departments, and then press #3 for elections (skippy was lucky, he guessed the correct digits to press the first time out).

a lady answered the phone, and skippy told her who he was, and that he was calling to express disappointment with sec. of state macpherson for his decision to certify diebold voting machines last week, and that skippy hoped mr. macpherson would de-certify the machines.

the lady, after listening to skippy, said, “hold on, ma’am, let me transfer you to someone who can take your call.”

skippy was a bit nonplussed at being mistaken for a woman, but this is california, we are not anything if not flexible.

another nice lady answered the phone, and skippy repeated his statement.  the woman said thank you very much, she would take the message.

before she hung up, skippy asked her name, which was marsha.  skippy asked if she had gotten other phone calls, and she said “a lot.”  skippy asked if she could guess how many agreed with skippy’s position, and marsha said “all of them.”

so you are all doing good work out there, but more needs to be done.

call macpherson.  and call or email (or visit in person) the 5 senators on the rules committee.  and it doesn’t hurt to write letters to the editor.