Susanhu posted a diary yesterday called Did WH Leak Classified Info to Woodward? in which she made the interesting statement “…if some of my friends are correct, Bob is a member of the intelligence community, and has been for a long time. I can’t confirm that but there’s been strong suspicion.”
“Strong suspicion” is right.
Here is a reprint of a diary that I wrote first for dKos back when people were still allowed to speak some semblance of the truth on that site. (About a month before the infamous July 4th massacre in which Kos +Kompany eliminated all those who did not toe their “electable” party line.) It was elicited by Woodward’s role in claiming that poor old Alzheimered-out Mark Felt was “Deep Throat” in that fictional morality play presented as the truth called Watergate. I originally included the entire text of the article mentioned, but I will now only give a link to it and then add my comments on its contents. In my opinion there are just too many intel-linked “coincidences” in Woodward’s life to allow any other conclusion to be drawn than that he is indeed a very high level intelligence asset.
And he is STILL playing his part, as Murray Waas has so clearly noticed.
Read on …
Bob Woodward, by Lisa Pease
Here’s a recap.
Just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts.
Go read the artiicle if you doubt this sketch of it.
Woodward is described by Ms. Pease as “staunchly conservative.” Whatever THAT really means.
Yale undergrad, second level secret society member (one of a total of 15 tabbed for the “honor” of being a member of ANY secret society). and Naval ROTC cadet.
Upon graduation from Yale, almost immediately assigned to a “floating Pentagon” ship, complete with a top secret clearance (Just like ol’ Lee Harvey’s) and later a free pass out of Vietnam. Lucky Ensign Woodward, eh?
Next…a job at the Pentagon. “Briefing” high level spooks like General Al Haig. This boy was a ROCKET!!! Straight up into NeverNeverland for HIM!!! What…only a few years from being a Yale undergrad to briefing the Chief of Staff in the White House? MIRACLE!!!
“…subsequent high-level friendships with leaders of the U.S. military and the CIA.”
WHAT was his rank in the navy again? No mention of it on the net as far as I can find. Lieutenant Commander, maybe? No higher, after only a few years of service. A rank that these “leaders of the U.S. military and the CIA” generally treat as not much better than a house servant. A “communications officer” still in his 20s? As in “Take a letter, sailor.”
But…WAIT A MINUTE!!! There he is, suddenly in the White House with General “I’m In Charge” Haig, and soon thereafter having “subsequent high-level friendships with leaders of the U.S. military and the CIA.”
Hmmm… What gives?
Need more? OK…
The last human being to see William Casey alive.
Ye GODS!!! Do you have ANY idea of who Casey was?
He was one of the last of the old school, working O.S.S. officer spies. All secrets and not an OUNCE of give. He knew every secret that the CIA had squirreled away since they began rescuing Nazis to use as counterspies during the Cold War.
A TOMB of secrets.
As Casey lay dying in a hospital, doubtless pumped full of painkillers and legally non compos mentis…DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT THE CIA WOULD SIMPLY WALK AWAY AND LET WHATEVER INTRUDER WHO WANTED TO DO SO JUST AMBLE IN THERE TO “INTERVIEW” HIM!!!
Let ALONE that Casey was scheduled to testify before the Senate Committee investigating the Iran-Contra mess in two days. And Woodward claimed that Casey admitted to him that he was aware of the diversion of funds from the sale of arms to Iran for the support of the Contras in Nicaragua!!! New CIA uses dying OLD CIA as patsy. Perfect!!!
No one ELSE even heard Casey say a goddamned WORD around the same time. Brain cancer and craniotomies’ll do that to you, don’tcha know…
Ludicrous on the face of it. Under orders from someone to do something, for sure.
Here’s another howler. “Onetime CIA Director Stansfield Turner, a friend of Woodward’s since 1966…” Woodward was still at YALE in 1965!!! And Turner is 20 years OLDER than Woodward. What? Did they meet at FOOTBALL GAME!!!???
Give me a break.
Let alone all the deceptions implicit in his role in the Watergate scandal, which are THOROUGHLY enumerated above.
Do it yourself.
You have a computer and an internet connection.
Get to work.
Google Bradlee, the Grahams, WAPO, Allen Dulles, Operation Mockingbird, Frank Wisner (whose son Frank Jr. was one of the Enron officials who got away clean. It’s got to be genetic…bad genes plus good contacts. COMPANY contacts.), and so on.
This is NOT “tinfoil hat” material. It is the stuff of realpolitik, manipulations that have gone on daily for 60+ years in the underground area where American government, culture, media and the intelligence community meet and greet.
Wise up.
The same thing is happening again.
Bet on it.
If you are going to allow yourselves to be fooled…at LEAST know it. That way, when push comes to shove (and it’s going to eventually…NO con game lasts forever), you will have the option of changing your mind.
If, however, you do NOT look at it, full in the face…then you have no mind TO change, and the next group of fourflushers will step right up and continue faking you out of your shoes AND your stake.
Your choice.
Have fun…
And…wake the fuck up.
The symbolism of critical incidents happening at Rosslyn could be a coincidence but probably isn’t. More than one behavioral program being multitasked in that name.
I know very few of the details of this story but the outline is familiar and beyond question, from my viewpoint.
What I’m wondering is, why are the Democrats always the ones outside the loop, no matter how high in the Senate Intelligence Committee? Kerry, Rockefeller… Why is the Intel leadership always sucking Republican dick? Even George-Freedom Medal Fall Guy–Tenet, for goodness sakes, a Clinton appointee!
It’s time for the Dems to flex their muscles and trim the fat from the secret war budgets so that the Republican spook rats have to jump ship and drown.
Who does the congressional oversight on ONI, anyway?
Your naiveté is overwhelming!
AIN’T no “oversight”.
Not when the budget is secret.
And what “oversight” there is…is bought by the very same monies that THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO OVERSEE!!!
Checkmate, over and out.
This is a Permanent Government…the PermaGov…and until such time as the American people vote in a government that is willing to end this condition, this state within a state, it will continue as such.
Plus… as long as those same monies are used to buy and control salient parts of the media to ensure that this will NOT happen…game over.
Unless the whole rotten system collapses.
Hunker down…it”s going to be a rough ride.