CBS News has a new poll that shows Our Leader has fallen to a 34% approval rating. Cheney has a rating of 18%. The consequences of this are already becoming evident as the Moonie Times reports that Cheney may retire after the midterms and MSNBC reports:
The unease within the Republican party was apparent from interviews with more than a dozen governors over the weekend, including nearly half of the Republicans attending the winter meeting of the National Governors Association.
It appears that Bush’s solid 39% has cracked in the face of Cheney’s shooting accident and the controversy of the Dubai ports deal.
This reminds me that no matter how closely you pay attention it is impossible to predict how the American public will respond to events.
I thought that maybe the public would get upset by evidence that we are fighting a war under false pretenses or that the government is spying on us without a court order or some one of 10,000 other issues that have been reported on in the news or in the papers. But apparently shooting people in the face and engaging in normal negotiations about corporate takeovers are more important. So be it.
One thing I am pretty sure about…at 34% and 18% respectively, Bush and Cheney don’t have any more cushion. The next shoe to drop, be it the indictment of Rove or something unexpected, will be ever more difficult to weather.
I’m glad the American people are finally catching on. I just wish it didn’t take this much effort. And this much failure and damage and …
Let’s see if what the Dems make of this.
I was thinking about Clinton’s impeachment today. Were his numbers as low as this even during the height of sexgate? The Repubs didn’t worry about alienate Clinton’s supporters. They saw a weaknesss and exploited it.
Nixon’s numbers were not this low the day he resigned. These numbers might have been attained by Harry Truman, or maybe Abe Lincoln in South Carolina.
Any idea what Herbert Hoover’s numbers were like?
The American people do (did) not want to admit that we went to war in Iraq based on a pack of lies. The majority of Americans supported the war in the beginning, and to learn that they were snookered was just too much for their egos to admit.
But as more and more shit comes down, it starts to pile up; one little pebble won’t cave the roof in, but a giant mountain will. The secrecy around what exactly happened on the ranch in Texas reminds people of the secret meetings Cheney held with energy executives. And I wonder how much of the indignation in people’s minds has to do with port security and how much has to do with the Bush misAdministration being in the back pocket of the Middle East oil cartels?
In the long run, it all adds up: the lies, the inefficiencies, the backbiting against “enemies”, the us-vs-them mentality, the special favors for special friends…eventually even the densest American gets fed up.
What worries me though is if this misAdministration looks at the ratings and says, “Fuck it, we’ve got nothing to lose,” what might they do next?
Reminds me of Complexity Theory, where you can never tell if the next grain of sand will cause a landslide or not.
Believe it or not BooMan, that was motivating comment.
it’s how many newspapers can the spouse stack up before the stack falls over and he has to take the damn things out… 😉
And this is why the dems should be opening fire on the Bush admin to the fullest of their abilities. With numbers like these, the midterms could turn into a rout.
I think an Ackbar quote is appropriate here:
“The shields are down! Concentrate all fire on the death star’s main reactor.”
I love Pollkatz.
Though he doesn’t have these CBS poll numbers included yet, his latest creation tells the tale: watch the spiral.
He also has a Dubya/Clinton/Nixon comparison chart
Duhba’s chart looks identical to the performance curve of every venture he’s ever been in. The man is a menace; a megalomaniacal loser.
fallen as low as Nixon yet. But there is still time. The folks who voted repubs for the fiscal bits probably are all backtracking big time. I guess tax cuts don’t make up for such lousy performance reviews – Iraq, Katrina, etc.
From inside the CBS poll breakdown .pdf files, Dubya’s personal favorable numbers:
Favorable 29%
UnFavorable 53%
Can’t say 17%
looks like we’re in free fall.
Rove where are you? Dear Leader needs your expertise.
Watch the elephant fall
LOL! I hope so!
What a corpse! What the hell is BushCo, a bunch Vampires…….the undead? In my tickled little mind tonight I see Dubya the Zombie walking around chanting “Brains, brains, must have brains!”
you consistently crack me up.
Now that’s a cool chart!
I bet someone a few months ago that he could slide as low as 33 and that would be his base. But maybe (oh please) I’ll be on the high side.
and stop whining about effort. Just enjoy.
It seems were getting closer to that answer to the question..”what will it take for you (repug) to lose faith in W.”
A better question is what will it take for the Republicans to get their faith back?
That’s what you have to worry about. Bush’s poll numbers will go up again.
A small scare, a small attack, an air war with Iran could do the trick for Bush.
in Harper’s is so on the money: A country is not only what it does–it is also what it puts up with, what it tolerates. –Kurt Tucholskya
Is America through putting up with Bush and Cheney and the Neocon contract on America? Will we get our Nation back from their grip and free it from the corrupt military-industrial greed fest? Can the vituperative Christycons be driven back into the hate-filled holes they crawled out of and be made to stay?
This is like an Arthurian Legend. Will the People return? For the People and Land are one. Will the light of liberty shine once more and freedom ring again?
If only this were a movie instead of contemporary history, I’d feel much more confident in having faith in my fellow citizens to do the right thing.
Since it isn’t a movie, I echo the sentiment — can’t somebody find me a blue dress so we can impeach this SOB?
can’t somebody find me a blue dress so we can impeach this SOB?
Now that’s service to your country!
I’m thinking (hoping?) limelite meant it metaphorically, like the infamous “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” Of course, there are always literalists about, LOL.
I’ve got a warped sense of humor.
and after you do, consider what that metaphor got Henry II. Results.
Poll numbers are no longer as important as they once were. Dictators are not always popular, fascist governments are not always popular.
We are living under a fascist government. Sorry.
Bush doesn’t care about poll numbers right now. He will bother with them in August and Septmeber for the November elections when Republicans will go up against their mirror image Democrats who still won’t oppose the war and in fact will call FOR MORE TROOPS! So if Democrats get elected they will do what their sponsors want….fight terrorism.
That’s right!
Democrats will complain BUSH IS TOO SOFT! We NEED MORE TROOPS!
The democratic message being we are stronger than the Republicans.
THere’s no difference between the parties, so no….Americans cannot have their country back or whatever…..
Nothing is going to change. Don’t get your hopes up. America has crossed the line and it’s a long long way back.
IF you want the country back you better get into the streets and tell Move on and Air America to call for demonstrations.
American people are too medicated, too apthetic, too drowned in propoganda to ever wake up I’m afraid.
Oh Stu, can you teach my son’s high school civics class?
Let’s cut to the quick here: it has to do with a vote of no confidence by the “corporate board of directors” that put Bush/Cheney into power in the first place. If public concern gets to the point that a recession might result, if their incompetence threatens oil supplies and quarterly profits, the giant Wurlitzer of the media will be fired up; the word will go out from K Street to ears that listen on capitol hill; Rush will start to voice doubts to cover his butt, and the plug will be pulled – Cheney will go. The sharks are circling even now, and words of poison are being whispered into the ear of the boy king to just do it. Then a new puppeteer more to the liking of the PermaGov, as some here have called it, will be emplaced and groomed to run as an incumbent in 2008.
I could be wrong, but I don’t think so.
The way out of the box is a Democratic landslide in 2008 that overwhelms the capacity of the vote-riggers, who know that if they do more than nibble at the edges they do, in fact, risk having mobs in the street.
Hence the plan to replace Cheney with a “friendlier face” that can credibly run in 2008 and get enough votes to make it stealable if need be – an election close enough so that it remains “tinfoily” to suggest rigging. Someone relatively untainted by the policies to date (as least in the public’s eyes) – someone who has “opposed the administration” on issues like torture, campaign finance, and even climate change (which big business is starting to face up to, with the exception of ExxonMobil, which seems hell-bent on playing the role of the PhillipMorris of climate change) while “yet remaining a loyal Republican.” One who is not part of the Talibaptist fringe. I’m anticipating John McCain as he seems to fit this bill of particulars to a “T”, but it could be someone else.
Cheney will not step down. Tha’ts a rumour being started by some Republicans like Peggy Noonan who don’t like him. Bush doesn’t give a shit what they think. He won’t ask Cheney to step down and Cheney will remain. CHeney could decide to step down and would if he feels he’s being focused on too much. He doesn’t like the glare, the attention be it good or bad. He’s likes being in the shadows where he can be as stupid as anyone can be who imposes his lessons learned from Jackson Hole Wyoming on the grand stage of Planet Earth.
As the Booman says:
“I thought that maybe the public would get upset by evidence that we are fighting a war under false pretenses or that the government is spying on us without a court order or some one of 10,000 other issues that have been reported on in the news or in the papers. But apparently shooting people in the face and engaging in normal negotiations about corporate takeovers are more important. So be it.”
I am upset that more people aren’t upset about the spying without a warrant issue. I mean this is important, people! Or is all this respecting the principles our country was founded on, blah, blah, blah, a bunch of horseshit to most people?