Froggy Bottom Cafe – Make a Wish
Real live host on duty today!
Newcomers welcome, please introduce yourselves.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
I’ll be around this morning anyway, so thought I’d serve coffee and wishes if anyone else needs it.
I wish I wasn’t out of half and half.
Good Morning. Peace and quite edition – I couldn’t have wanted a fitting name.
Good morning, Family Man. How are getting by on no coffee? I gave it up once for a year, and then just missed the taste so much that I started again.
Morning SN – I’m doing pretty good. I’m sticking with water and haven’t gone through any tough times. That energy boost in the morning is what I miss though. I used to feel so productive in the mornings, now it’s, I’ll get to it in a little while.
I don’t think I get an energy boost from coffee; mostly I just like the taste. Maybe you could treat yourself to vitamin water in the morning and the placebo effect will kick in and make you feel energized!
Thanks for suggestion, but I doubt it. I could definitely tell when the caffeine kicked in and knew I had to get things done in the morning before I started wearing down.
I know what I have to do is getting out and start exercising more, and I’m slowly starting to do that, but as I said in a diary once, I believe the lazy shall inherit the earth and I’m glad to be in the multitude. I’ve been over lazy for a while and now I have to take responsibility for myself and stop being lazy.
Gosh I’m sounding somber this morning :).
Yeah, what’s with this somber mood? This might turn out to be a really cool day for you.
OK you asked. You’ve all said so well about things going on. I haven’t said anything and I know this isn’t the place, but I was so down in the dumps yesterday after reading all the comments. I’ve come to respect and care about so many people here, that it hurts to see what’s going on. I felt no joy yesterday and I guess that started my somber mood.
It’s only temporary though and me and George will be getting drunk in the cafe soon. Of course, maryb gotten George scared of loosing his job now, so I think he’ll be drinking a little less.
I think it’s just about run it’s course – keep your fingers crossed. I feel the same way.
{{{{group hug!}}}}
Thanks for the hug and I hope so.
I attribute it to either biorhythms or blog PMS…take your pick. (Or in our case, blog PRS — Putting up with Republican Shit…)
As long as no one’s storming off in a huff (or Huffmobile for your auto historians) and writing GBCBT diaries, I think we’re safe. DTF’s diary is the last one on the subject I plan to open…Storiesinamerica has one on the list that looks intriguing about now, once I’m done here in the Cafe, at least…
(I loooove tabbed browsing — just opened the diary in a new tab so I don’t forget to read it…)
((((Cali))))) I thought the same thing about the GBCW diaries… 🙂 I said elsewhere, I like it here because the people here take care of the human BEING aspect of all the human doing parts, too.
Also… I think for a while I will stay out of the damn “hello, I’m Mr, Politican” threads. Or politican spouses threads for that matter… those recently have done more to piss me off than anything.
Delurking to ask — if you watch 24?
Hey Mary, “24”? No. I haven’t. I don’t watch too much, if at all, prime time tv. I have a box mainly for my DVDs and hockey cable 🙂 I have a dear friend who started watching it and now says it’s more of a FOX propaganda show.
Someday I’m going to find somebody who watched the first 2 seasons of 24 and can put that together with your previous comment and see what I find so humourous.
But can’t say because it would be rude.
I can see it now…24? is going to become the new Fitz.
<ducks out of maryb’s reach>
of GBCW diaries…but I do appreciate it when folks post to say that they’re going to be too busy with Real Life issues to do much posting.
I’ve got an envelope for the spouse to open if something happens to me, like if I get hit by that hypothetical bus; it has my username and passwords for my favorite hangouts just so he can let folks know my fate…
Time to work and lurk.
I like what you said at Manny’s place. You’re very articulate and by god just so damn smart! Enjoy your day.
Beautiful. I like how you focus on the small things that others would miss. Sometimes you have to look down.
Unless you’re a snake :o)
Even if you’re a snake you might be running over fleas or a fire-ant nest.
Lovely Andi. And a wonderful image for the diary SN. Both very peaceful.
Nice to see you Olivia. Your site is lovely.
Thanks for visiting SN! I’ve been away the last couple of w/ends so I haven’t had a chance to play lately. 🙂
Good Morning Olivia. Well I’m waiting. No cafe is complete without your pictures also.
My contribution to today’s peaceful diary:
Clouds over my house in Ottawa, taken 9.18.2005 (view large)
And b/c the flower-thing is traditional:
Shamrock (oxalis) flower, taken 6.02.2005 but just uploaded recently(view large)
That shamrock photo is so splendid. I can’t wait for spring so you can take that panorama shot of your garden so I can get the full effect of what it would like to step into it.
You’re absolutely right…you DO leave out words!
Yup — I think there is some sort noise on the line between my brain and my fingers that causes data to get lost.
It’s a sure sign that your brain is too fast.
The only known way to cure that is by having kids. I must have donated a good portion of brain cells to each of them.
I used to have to write reports and before the computer my thoughts would be two sentences ahead of my hand. So I always lost good sentences. Since the computer it’s gotten better, but sometimes I get stopped dead in my tracks looking for one word. I know what I want to say, but the word won’t come.
Gosh, yeah that happens to me a lot too. I was feeling really scattered and brain-dead a couple months ago and then found out I was severely anemic…after a couple weeks of iron supplements I couldn’t believe the difference in my memory and concentration.
But I still lose words.
Unfornately that been a life long thing with me. I’ll be talking to someone and just stop, because the word won’t come. Luckily the people that know me think it’s one of those nice little quirks of me.
Could you do the same for us? I’m thinking of how you start off your walk w/ the dogs — you know, give us a good panoramic view of what you see?
And there might not be too much to see in the spring — lots of green things but not too much colour. Maybe I should do a four seasons-type thing. Hey! You should do the same. (You’re always giving me ideas Andi!)
I’ve tried several panoramas in the woods but they frustrate me because they never show what I want them to — I don’t think panoramas work as well in the woods as they do in more open landscapes.
Here are links to two that came out not great but okay.
pan 1
pan 2
They are so very different. The blue sky peeking through the dark trees in pan2 adds atmosphere. And the golden colours in pan1 gives richness.
I think having the sky in the frame situates the photo, but I can see what you mean about capturing it all. What if you were to zoom out all the way, and take more frames (half circle’s worth)? I bet Jim has some neato lenses that would help — fisheye or something… Or what if you selected a vertical panaromic: like identify a tree and follow it from the groud to the sky?
I think I might have the same problem w/ my garden. How to provide context so the viewer can get a sense of scope and situate themselves. Hmmm… Maybe Jim has some ideas?
Too hard, too hard. Scary complex camera stuff. Head hurts. 😉
You’re cute! Oh Andi, you make me laugh… 🙂
two camera classes coming up in the next couple of months: Digital Nature Photography — Simplified and Digital Landscape Photography — Simplified.
If I can get photos half as good as both Olivia and AndiF, I’ll be a very happy camper… 🙂
Can I make a preliminary request that you share whatever tidbits of knowledge gleaned from said courses? Or photographic results? Please. 🙂
As always Olivia beautiful. Now the cafe is complete.
Beautiful, Lovely – SN and Olivia took my words, but you know what I mean. I love seeing your pictures.
And I have Olivia to thank for my looking down and around for small but beautiful things that nature has to offer.
Now if only I hadn’t just noticed that the photo is slightly crooked. 🙁
Stop looking! It’s perfect.
I feel since I opened this cafe I am perfectly justified with subjecting you all to my beach photos.
Time to go to work…
Time to think about a lot of things said and unsaid…
Have a peaceful day everyone…
Morning Sallycat. Have a peaceful day.
This is my favorite picture you’ve ever posted — dragons, mythology, and cats inclusive (at least until you post a picture of a dragon making toast of Bush).
Is that the co-op garden?
It is. One of my favorite parts of the co-op is the U-pick flower garden…as many as you want, every week.
I would be there all day taking photos, people would be telling me to move along … That sounds like a wonderful place CG. U-pick flower garden. Wow. I love that idea!
Hanging out there while picking up my stuff is definitely one of the pleasures of summer for me. They have rope swings, adirondack chairs, and a sandbox for the little kids to play in. Some of my older chickens have even gone to live there…
That sounds really lovely CG.
You know I grew up on a farm, but can’t grow a thing. Someone giving me a plant is a certain death warrant for the poor plant. On the other hand I have a sister-in-law that can bring any plant back to life. She one of those people that can walk through a forrest and flowers will open up for her. Uncanny sometimes.
I’m so envious of people like that. I can’t grow a thing down here in this red clay soil.
It’s the same here, we have a lot of red clay. Here though it’s a thin layer of soil over limerock. Limerock and cedar trees are everywhere. Of course, never fogetting we’re covered with southern pine.
I have a plant here, some kind of green vine sort of thing :oP that was left in the last house I rented in Maryland when we moved in. That sucker is still growing after 13 years! Can’t kill it no matter what.
Morning Super. My brother had ivy on the side of a house he bought. It was a nightmare for him to get it all off.
No … he didn’t remove it?!?! Say it isn’t so FMan!
Yes he did. I’m looking out my window at the house right now. I don’t know really why he did, but he had a reason.
If anyone would like to leave a comment in the Feingold diary before I send it off to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, do it sometime soon. I’ll send it sometime in the early afternoon.
I’ll be back in a little while. George is ready for a walk and won’t take no for an answer.
Have a good day and see ya’ll later.
Morning everyone, I took these pictures this morning after the night of rain, rain one of my favorite things if it doesn’t go on too long.
Say if anyone wants a good laugh, check out shirl’s and my dual podcast we made last night, you will have to jump to village blue and click the podcast icon at top left of page.
Cheers and a good day to all of you.
In the spirit of the undercurrent of what’s cool to post and what’s not, I wish to address this comment to the Cabin Lady. Hey, sounds like Dragon Lady, only it’s not ;o)
In an earlier reply to your generous invitation to come to your home to share crepes, I referred to you as Ms. Girl. I noticed that there was no 4 forthcoming for that comment from you.
I’m sure it’s an oversight on your part, but I’m worried now that I spoke without thinking and in some unintended way may have made a sexist remark.
It is in the finest spirit of unity and reconciliation that I ask:
Have I offended you?
And more importantly:
Can I still hope for crepes with you and the Cabin youngsters sometime in the future?
I patiently await your response.
Yours truly (I hope),
Stupor…er…I mean, Super
LOL…It was most assuredly an oversight on my part. That cafe was closed…so I just came here instead.
How about I give you a 4 right now?
You will still bring the preserves, right? 🙂
What a relief :o)
And yes of course, I’ll be bringing the preserves :o)
You know what’s cool about the Cafe? You don’t have to overanalyze things. We’re all just friendly and goofy and kinda dirty-minded with no hidden agendas.
That’s what makes me so sad about the whole ‘other’ thing. Lots of people are afraid to speak.
Do you have evidence to back up that claim?
Tons. And pictures too.
That’s what concerns me :o)
I, for one, AM oah-fen-deed.
Crepes??? Darling, those are Swedish Pancakes
🙂 I’ll make some for both you and Ms. Girl
Does this Tuesday make my boot look big?? 🙂
Happy Fat Tuesday folks! Here’s looking at Big Bone Wednesday
Hey DJ…here’s wishing you a big, fat bone on Wednesday.
I’m sorry but I’m afraid I’m going to have to overanalyze these last two comments.
I think a quick analysis will suffice. There’s nothing much to it.
I meant “BOOTY”… typing fo-net-icky-cally today.
Here’s to the upcoming NICE AND THICK THURSDAY 🙂
Is there something you haven’t shared with us DJ?
Because following the progression from big boot tuesday to it’s likely wednesday result, are we to believe that this wednesday will make your bone look big?
Having seen you in person, I’m really so confused now ;oP
Welcome to the club. DJ often makes my mind go to places I didn’t even know existed. I just enjoy the ride.
Wednesday Bone day?? Every day is a good day for some boneage. 🙂 It’s part of a healthy “diet” 🙂
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
Right back atcha, Dada
Hey, is 8:50 in the morning too early for some Gris Gris from Dr. John?? 🙂 Walk on gilded splinters….
I was channelling DJ in my comment to dada.
Hope you’re feeling better … (((DJ)))!
Hey there Olivia 🙂 Thanks, I’m feeling better…. let’s see how Fat Tuesday Hockey night goes though LOL I might be ill again after watching the Sharks v Detroit
I think we created a North American vortex here in Ottawa when the collective city gasped in dismay as Hasek went down w/ an injury during the Oh(no)!-limp-ics. Yikes! Thoughts of losing Stanley were in everyone’s minds…
I know. Nike had the “just do it” and I was thinking “just don’t get hurt” Thornton and Nabakov oh my. At least you and Supersoling (NYR) have good times to root for this year 🙂 which makes me feel a part of the NHL hope by chatmosis.
If you’re a fan of the good Dr., here’s a rec. for a killer*collection *The Ultimate Dr. John Dig remix of analog recordings from late 60’s – 70’s, Warner Special Products, 1987 #9-27612-2. May be hard to find…:{)
Has a 7:57 version of Guilded Splinters and an 8:08 of Mardi Gras Day that’re pure bliss.
Whoooooooooooo I’ll look into it. All four of us are under his spell.
I have with me today Anthology – Mos Scosious a 2 CDer.
I think my favorite this moment is “Zu Zu Mamou”
A good sound system was made for Dr. John hoodoo sound 🙂
Backatcha dada!
and I’ve got to motivate myself to get moving.
Tonight’s dinner: PANCAKES! It’s the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake supper the youth group at church puts on to raise money for various causes — should be much fun.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday — part of the service is an extra-long confession of sin, so I’ll be reflecting on much that I’ve done and left undone, especially when it involves our own community.
Peace to all…
Just coming over here to comment on your comment on the camera classes. First thanks. Second, unlike olivia I am just point and shoot picture taker (except for the occasional macro shot); I don’t worry with lighting or exposure or any special features. I just find images that I like and take pictures of them. The camera and good ole mom nature are doing all the work. So I have no doubts that you’ll be able to surpass me.
You are too modest… You have the “eye” <(o)>
And that’s the most important part!
Well, I guess a camera helps. ;^)
I will admit to being a good ‘shot picker’. I took oil painting lessons once a week from age 8 to 16 and while I had no talent, I think it taught me a lot about “seeing” images.
That’s neat. Maybe the actual painting wasn’t your strength, but you took that creativity and used it in other formats.
I wonder how this translates with different senses … like, do you think learning to visualize or frame/select a picture relates in any way to say musical appreciation etc… Creative outlets not confined to the one sense (i.e., vision), but translate from eye to ear. Hmmm…. Something else you’ve got me thinking about today!
Based on my musical ability — I’d have to say a resounding ‘no’ (might be a different answer if I was synthaesthete). It did affect my sense of smell in that I have always like the smell of turpentine — which at least shows that what ‘smells good’ may be very influenced by our associations. The other thing it did for me was to help teach me the value of concentration and paying attention to detail — those were certainly very translatable skills.
I have that to a small degree: feeling colours, smelling colours, hearing images, etc. but it’s very faint… Interesting.
Concentration and paying attention to detail I picked up through various classes in music appreciation — I’ve never taken an art class (save for the one mandatory class in junior high). So, I know this is what translates in my visual world, and to some degree my sense of smell. Verrrrry interesting.
I took some panoramas on the walk today, a couple of which I think do a bit of what you were talking about. I’ve put one up with a link to a bigger image in the new cafe.
there are some incredible things a paintbrush will pick up that a lens sometimes never does 🙂
I do appreciate yours and Andi’s … and ALLs photographs. It’s like chatting in a modern art museum -slash- family photo album. 🙂
That’s an awesome description!
I think of your marvelous “blue dots”…
…and right now, I’m missing Gooserock and P4 and the misty PacificNorthWet… 🙁
Me too Cali… I was trying to plant the seed in Puget4 when she visited my site that they should start up a photoblog … Haven’t heard back from her recently so I hope I haven’t scared her away! 🙂
Hey, all. Just steppin’ in under the wire here to say hello from the snowy Catskills. Thanks to all for the absolutely beautiful images above!
Looks as if temperatures today will be absolutely balmy — 20s until this evening, when they’ll dip to the low ‘teens. Where’s my swimsuit?
Before the ‘closed’ sign comes down: wanted to let NYC area Tribbers know that the NYC Town Hall is hosting a lecture with Lewis Lapham & John Dean this coming Thursday. Should be gratifying!
And now, into the blowing flakes. Catch y’all soon.
Good Afternoon Luscious!