Maybe that isn’t such a good headline considering the weather of late but we’ll stick with it.

Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer set foot in D.C. as part of the National Governors Convention. While he was there he did a C SPAN appearance, a White House dinner and also made a speech at the Center for American Politics.

Here are some excerpts:
    Schweitzer speaks in D.C.
    By NOELLE STRAUB – Lee Washington Bureau – 02/28/2006

    WASHINGTON – Bringing his Western flair to the nation’s capital on Monday, Gov. Brian Schweitzer told a liberal group here during a lunchtime speech that Montana’s last legislative session tackled the “most progressive agenda in America.”

    Wearing cowboy boots, jeans and a bolo tie in a roomful of suits, the Democrat gave a speech at the Center for American Politics, a liberal think tank headed by John Podesta, chief of staff for former President Clinton…

    …Giving an informal and colorful speech Monday, Schweitzer said Montana recently had a “progressive legislative session, the most progressive in America.”

    Schweitzer cited the Best and Brightest college scholarship program, the Indian Education for All program, a statewide smoking ban, elimination of the business equipment tax for small businesses, a country-of-original labeling law for meat and increased investment in alternative power sources.

    He also noted that tribal flags now hang in the state Capitol. He talked about his visits to Indian country and said he has more native people on his staff than all 22 previous Montana governors combined.

    Schweitzer also vowed to fight for full-day kindergarten for every child in Montana…

    …Schweitzer said that after attending a funeral for a Montana soldier killed in Iraq, he committed to fighting to ensure “that the next generation will not be sent to some foreign land to subjugate some oil field.”

    “The most important mission in Iraq was to make sure oil continued to flow,” Schweitzer said…

    …Democrats must present a positive agenda and have a distinct plan, and not just dwell on the shortcomings of the other party, he said.

    “You don’t have to say, therefore, they’ve made the following mistakes,” he said. “No. Say to them, look we have a plan for producing energy here that will create tens of thousands of jobs. We have a plan to invest in education so that we will create the engineers of tomorrow. That is hope and opportunity.”

    But he said Democrats should also argue, “You can’t trust Republicans with your money.”

    Schweitzer said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi invited him to a recent Democratic congressional retreat in Williamsburg, Va., where he also presented his vision for the party that he outlined Monday.

To read Noelle Straub’s entire article, go here:

* To see the video, go to the America Progress web site link here:

* There was no reference regarding how Governor Schweitzer was going to rid himself of the skunk smell after his time in D.C.