As a rule, I don’t usually do commentary. I more prefer trying to tell funny stories or create phony pictures to get a point across satirically. That being said, every once in awhile you run across a picture that, like the old cliché, paints a thousand words. No Photoshopping needs to be done. It’s like the spirited stallion that can’t be broken.
This picture, released yesterday, is one of those rare moments in my humble opinion. The sheer power and depth of the unconscious and subconscious metaphor that was unleashed upon an apparently unaware American public is mind-boggling. I refer to a still capture of the just uncovered, and, dare I say “leaked” video depicting the briefings of President Bush, Chertoff, Brown and the rest of the apostles prior to Hurricane Katrina’s landfall.
I am not a very religious person, so I would leave that to others to explore the finer details of this uncanny epiphany during this season of… well… epiphany and resurrection. To me, this was equivalent to accidentally poking one’s finger into an electrical socket. It almost begs the question, “was this released on purpose?”, as so many things have been by propaganda Meister Herr Karl from deep within the bowels of the Bush Bunker. Or, was this just a simple miracle, wherein God chose to tap gently on the skulls of those open enough to see, as if to say, “Yes, I’m still here, and I have a sense of humor.”
I mean, really, doesn’t the little videotape warning, “near end”, in the lower left-hand corner of the picture raise the hairs on the back of your neck? The dialogue… um… scripture almost writes itself. “You’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie… Before your stock grows three times you will betray me… This bottled water, the fruit of the tap, is my blood, take it and drink of it, and do it in memory of me… This MRE, the fruit of the taxpayer, is my body, take it and eat of it, and do it in memory of me.” And then there’s the exit light glowing over his head like the tongue of fire of the Holy Spirit…
Most people knowledgeable about politics have said that Michael Brown was sacrificed, or “crucified”, if you will, for the Sins of the Bush Administration. Do we really need further proof? When you take into account his fledgling disaster consulting firm and his recent testimony in Congress, I think it is safe to say that Mike has died, Mike has risen, Mike will come again…
I humbly apologize to anyone who has been offended by this, but I just call them as I see them… I view myself as more of a conduit for truth, and this just had to be said. I haven’t decided what to give up for Lent, and it’s probably a little too late, but maybe… giving up thinking would be a good choice. Anyway, Happy Easter, and six months after Katrina, pieces be with you.
Bood, you are the painter who picks up his brush and looking at the canvas shrugs – nothing to add. You’re right it is perfect. Thanks for the commentary, and for dredging those paintings up from memory.
It’s scary that we’ve been here before isn’t it? Gosh – evolution is hard work!
There are many similarities and coincidences of religious reference/messages throughout the Bush admin and even deeper.
Have you taken a good look at the powerful Rosetta Stone software programs?
Someone posted a picture over in C&J at Daily Orange a while back of a painting they found in a “Christian” book store somewhere in Florida. It showed the Hypocrite In Chief kneeling in prayer with Washington and Lincoln with their hands on his head.
It was one of the most disgusting, and at the same time hilarious, things I’ve ever seen.
Personally I had to pretend they were just on their way to strangling him to get the picture to make sense.
The only comfort I can take from this is that there is no opponent of an ideology more fierce than someone who has come to realize that they have been following a false God or a false prophet. I’m hoping that someday people will wake up from their stupor, realize they’ve been had and that will be the end of Bushism.
I’m hoping, but I’m not holding my breath.
Let me tell you something that might be disturbing.
I fell out of favor with my wife’s church and half the family back in 2002 over the Christian support for Bush. I have approached the subject from every way possible. Here lately, I thought developments might warrant another try….I was wrong.
The fundamentalists are covered no matter how their decisions turn out. The responsibility for supporting Bush is removed by their faith that following prayer has guided the decision to vote for him. The individuals are not held accountable because all they can do is pray for and support their leaders, but not rebel against them. If the leaders’ actions are done through deception or are misguided, then either those leaders will be held accountable in divine judgement or the end result must have been the will of God to justify the actions.
There’s a story in Talmud (I think) that when Moses closed the Red Sea, swallowing up Pharaoh’s army in the process, the children of Israel rejoiced. Moses told them to stop, saying something along the lines of “It is shameful to cheer the destruction of so many of God’s children.”
Somehow I can’t think that God’s attitude on the subject has changed in the intervening 4,000 years. Isn’t there supposed to be only one God? And if there is, and we are all His children, why would he send us to kill off so many of His other children? Especially when they are innocent of any wrongdoing.
Ah, but you are right, logic will never convince the fundies of anything. You say what you wrote might be disturbing, and it is; what I find disturbing is the attitude that “God said it and that settles it.” Especially with those who are completely wrong about what God might have actually said.
This discussion is veering off in a drection much more appropriate for Street Prophets.
I’ve been meaning to sign on over there. ha!…maybe I should consider this a sign of divine intervention and register.
Totally Teflon.
Just say three times “Hail George!” and all will be forgiven.
Ah yes, a picture is worth a thousand words. “Near End” adds to it though.
I hear the louvre is opening up a new “virtual masterpieces” section.
perhaps a new oeuvre.
I left this in a place where I know some old chatters of I place I use to frequent before the “election” come to lurk. They were the Church Ladies. The hypocritical ones… the ones who bagged on medical marijuana but would take vicodin if they “suffered” razor burn.
Bush’s “followers” try to place Diety powers onto their leader. “Bush can do no wrong”, “trust him”, he doesn’t have to answer to anyone, they praise him at home, in the workplace and in their churches.
I don’t actually believe in a Christian G-d. Too much violence and hate is gleened from their bible to justify war, destruction and isolationism. The hate of women, gays and anyone with other beliefs or ideas.
But the Christians introduced a spirit they call “Jesus” and unlike the G-d, who tests and teases – Jesus at least showed some accountability, some responsibility, some compassion as well as heated passion. Jesus walked with the poor, the hungry, the sick – those savaged and raped by wars. I like the idea of a Jesus. It brings comfort. I think it’s supposed to make a person want to care for others and the planet that he left behind.
I wonder what their Jesus would say when he learns of their support for someone with such a callous disregard for life, the land and love. I wonder if Jesus will approve of voting for a warmonger and then ignoring the fruits of your support. Wouldn’t Jesus look upon the teary and torn faces of Iraq, the amputeed lives and families broken. Or would he state that his life had to move along and had to think about warm and happy thoughts instead. How many manicures did Jesus get while babies were burning in the streets of Baghdad. How many pieces of cake would he choke down while so many drowned.
Jesus wept.
Christianity is a fine thing, or it would be if people would actually follow Jesus’ teachings rather than other peoples’ interpretations of them.
Jesus would indeed weep if He were to come back to earth today and see all the violence and misery done in His name. As I suspect Mohammed and Moses would if they could see what some have morphed their revelations into.
I think I can dig the Jesus stuff or the prophets because they weren’t about Christianity.. it was more about humanity.
Well, the central message of any religion worth being practiced, as far as I’m concerned, is, “Don’t do anything to anyone else you wouldn’t want done to you.” Everything else is just details.
That, of course, is the message Hillel delivered when he was challenged by a Gentile to teach him the entire Torah while standing on one leg.
but not at you.
Have a 4 and a recommend, as always.
Hey there mr.bood-dude…you’re a genius.
It looks more like one of the lower rings of Dante’s Inferno to me…
These creatures are SO cursed!!!
Sort of a Las Vegas gamblers sitting around the poker table effect on me. Place your bets! What happens here stays here!
But that may be because Las Vegas pretty much is my idea of hell.
Remember the photos of George Bush With Halo? Goggle’s got ’em.
FYI I used a link to your site – along with a photo for my latest diary. With sincere appreciation and awe of you 🙂
This diary of yours has been a topic throughout the day in a hockey chat I go to as well as when I was out tooling around in the car with the Mr. The guys at the music shop thought you were cool, too. 🙂