[because it’s Friday night and it’s been a loooong week. Promoted by BooMan]
And the party continues…
And if you can’t set an example, you’ll just have to serve as a terrible warning…
Martinis are in the shaker, chilled and ready to pour.
Leave your keys in the basket by the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Whew, for a minute there I thought I couldn’t find the lounge…
Jonas and Ezekial–Indigo Girls
One–Cowboy Junkies
I Think We’re All Bozos On This Bus (side one)–Firesign Theatre
Pink Moon–Nick Drake
Gray Stables–Iron & Wine
All Souls Night–Loreena McKennitt
Advertising Man–David Wilcox
These Arms of Mine–Joan Osborne
It’s a Hard Life Wherever You Go–Nanci Griffith
Worker’s Song – Dropkick Murphys
Baby Hold On – Leftover Salmon
The Moon is Down – John Prine
Goodbye – Alien Ant Farm
The Sun Never Shines – Flogging Molly
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers – Esquivel
What’s Left of the Flag – Flogging Molly
Intro: Adam – Victor Wooten
Monkey on my Back – Austin Lounge Lizards
If it Makes You Happy – Sheryl Crow
Hey, ya’ll, just wanted to drop in and see how everyone was doing tonight….being it TGIF and all. I will probably be coming and going in here all evening. I have a few things I must get done here at the house before tomorrow.
It has turned off rather coolish here in the NW corner of TN. The clover is still getting higher as we speak tho. Will have to mow by the next week or so if this continues.
I was in a diary mentioning about the hokey pokey and I have not gotten that out of my mind since I read it. Strange how things like that stick…:o) I used to get my children that I used to babysit to doing that when they were becoming unhinged…then they could go to bed and sleep alllllll night long…:o)
Hi Brenda-
welcome to the party. I wish I could blast this Disco Inferno loud enough that everyone could hear it.
Hey, Boo….I like the disco tunes…did a lot of shaking the bootie to them.
Good Evening. How is everyone?
Hi katiebird! How’s it going?
Hi CabinGirl — I’m fine I’m ranting on healthcare in my head. To the point that I’ve made a life-changing decision.
I’m making it my priority to do something constructive to make universal healthcare for everyone happen — soon.
Not exactly Cafe-talk, but I wanted to say Hi.
Cool! More are always needed…
A long week! You can’t even imagine!
Those of you who have been following my tragic employment situation will be appalled when you hear of the latest development..
Monday morning I went into the office to discover that someone had URINATED in the drinking water that I keep next to the coffee maker in my cubicle!!!! To make matters worse — even though G. knows matters are bad enough already — the boss YELLED AT ME when I complained about it! He said “mythmother [OK he doesn’t call me mythmother] we have done everything we possibly can to make you happy and comfortable.”
It was like being in a sadistic alternate universe. I discover that someone has peed in my drinking water and I am being yelled at by the boss for complaining about it. He also yelled at me when I said I wanted to call the police. “If you think you are being harassed,” said he, voice dripping with scorn, “go ahead and call the police…”
Which I did, but the police are totally useless, did only a cursory investigation, and gave me bad advice, which was to dispose of the contaminated containers. I’m even dumber than the cops since I followed their advice, and should have kept at least one of them.
The whole week has gone by and all of my co-workers are acting like cheerful happy people and no one has even said anything to me. It’s just a small staff, and only a few people have keys, so there is little doubt that the perpetrator is among this small group of people.
And needless to say the boss hasn’t said or done one thing about it.
My life is a nightmare!
I have spoken with several lawyers, but they are not representatives of the philanthropic side of their profession. As of this moment it looks like engaging a lawyer to help me get a no-fault separation with a decent recommendation and a modest severance package would cost far more than just quitting my job and throwing myself (and my family) upon the mercy of happenstance.
Help, help! Moral support badly needed.
(No, I am NOT making this up!)
that totally sucks. Someone made coffee with pee at my old job. Fortunately for me, I won’t drink Maxwell House and I wasn’t victimized.
They should make a law that no man can move from a fraternity to the workplace for 5 years.
Good luck and I hope your situation improves.
Mythmother I wished there was something I could do, I really do. I’ve worked in an office like that and it was a horror. I don’t know what to tell you to do, but you’ve got every hug I can give right now.
Thanks ((((Family Man))))!!!
Oh my g-d!!! I am so sorry (((((MM))))))
That is just horrible! Where do you work? Or what state – the DA might be interested(?)
My husband just left his nightmare job. Boss screwing the secretary and everyone else got f–ked – situation
Urinating in your water???
you are looking for a new job right?
I work on the Monterey Peninsula. Not to make any assumptions, but from my experience so far, the “authorities” are focused on those with the big bank accounts.
yup, ya should have made the coffee and sent each of them a cup and then see who did’t dring theirs. Then you would know…by process of elemination…:o)I am so sorry for your week be hellish. Mine was not too bad. The Dr who I work with ripped me for not getting him more pts today…Like I Can!!! Like I want to make them all well again and he doesnt have a clue! I told him he is the Dr not me and do do his own work…really I told him that. He knows me better than to say things like that to me. Hell, when I do a pt. and they get much better, he scolds me for doing this so he doesn’t make money! Damn him anyhow. So I know what you are saying. Maybe I can make him some of that famous coffee….:o) Wanna help me????;o)
Yikes! That doctor sounds like a nut!
mythmother — it sounds like it was your boss who did it. Where do you live? This has happened a couple of times in this city and they talk about it for hours on the news. I which you had saved the stuff — the TV station would be interested, even if the cops aren’t.
And then they’ed GET interested.
I work in Monterey County in California. Tell me more about what happened in your city. Is this a copycat crime of some sort?
The thing is that the police report was totally pathetic. I went to pick it up today and it was almost like signing in blood that they would never be asked to be responsible for doing the jobs that we good citizens are forking out tax dollars for.
I don’t remember the details, but it’s common enough that a search in a9 brings up a million hits.
Thanks! At least I got a laugh out of that one. I’m definitely thinking go the hidden camera route. What fun to have some real evidence!
If/when it happens again, or something similar,save some… think criminal complaint and DNA testing. There has to be something in the criminal code re: harrassment, intimidation, assault or something that could provide an avenue to pursue this. State Labor Relations Board?…something.
Since you’ve already contacted the police, perhaps a call or visit to the DA’s office would be worthwhile.
This sucks!
Thanks for the tips! Much appreciated. Last week I called the Department of Fair Employment and Housing. They made an appointment for me to file a compliant…. on May 17!
mymother, there are at least three lawyers who hang around BooTrib.
Harassment in The Work Place
My sister says you need to get in touch with some women’s organizations, like NOW, who have legal departments and would love to take a case like this.
What state are you in?
I am in California, and will check out your links, thank you!
That is just nasty.
Have you thought about streaming a webcam from your cubicle overnight? They make them quite small these days.
Yes, as a matter of fact coincidentally, I was just searching the internet to learn more about surveillance options. It looks like one can obtain fairly small clever devices for a reasonable amount of money these days. Could just be worth it.
That might be the best ticket out of there…
I just have to wait until someone is stupid enough to quit another crime in my cubicle. Well I took all the food and water out of there. Too bad that being in a hostile work environment, when someone commits a crime against you, and the boss responds in a hostile and accusatory manner, isn’t a “ticket out of there” in our enlightened democratic society.
I don’t know how you made it through the whole week. It must be awful.
Yes it was awful! I didn’t even know whether I should go to work or not. If only I had some way of getting out of there. If I was rich, I would hire a detective to get the goods on whoever did this. But then, if I was rich, I wouldn’t need this job!
That is just despicable. And your boss basically threatened you about going to the police.
If nothing else works, try the troubleshooter at the local tv station. And keep records of everything.
Good luck!
Thanks, will do, Second Nature!
Well first of all you must laugh, and you must laugh a lot and often. Lived in a small town for too long, have seen the poorer side of human nature too many times. Surveillance is a total must……all forms you can come across, use, and afford. Patience of Buddha helps if you can get there…..really seems to fuck with their heads really bad too and while you are all tranquil and serene it seems like they do the stupidest damn shit red handed. If I lived nearby we could lunch everyday and make a huge game out of it and laugh our asses off! I would send you bokays of roses and chocolates everytime someone pissed on anything around there and it would make them all crazy!
I agree about laughing, although it took a while to get around to the lighter side. I happened to be reading Bridget Jones’s Diary, and pictured how it would look in her book. True about the tranquil and serene thing. Last weekend I walked around Point Lobos for three hours and took heavenly heavenly photos, little thinking that someone was peeing in my drinking water back at work all the while. I would love the bokays and roses. You know, that’s a really good idea actually! Lunch, too.
mythmother… I don’t know how I can offer any specific help for your situation, but I do want to give you some love. This is just awful…
I don’t know … I think you could make a strong argument that this action is harmful to you, in that urine does transmit disease – hepatitis, CMV. And you should be extra cautious about your work environment. Bring a bottle of windex or wetnaps and always wipe down your telephone, keyboard (places that your routinely touch). Don’t keep food and water, gum, mints etc. around your office.
Seriously — in what professional, business setting does someone do this? I’m shocked.
Make sure you document everything — dates, times, people involved. It may seem like a big task, but over time you may not remember it all clearly.
I wish that things were better for you… Sending you super duper sized hugs!!! (((mythmother)))
Back to you!
Yes, I am documenting, documenting…. you wouldn’t believe that I actually work for a non-profit performing arts organization, raising money for them, and despite all odds doing a damn good job of it. So much for “philanthropy.” So ironic.
tells me that whatever the situation, it has crossed the line where decent severance packages and recommendations take back seat to safety.
Don’t wait to see what whoever or whatever did that will do next.
I agree wholeheartedly. That’s what all my instincts tell me to do. But one… I can’t afford to be out of a job with no recommendation from a former employer, and two… there’s something in me that does not want to let such a sick person dictate the course of my life and force me to harm my professional future and the financial security of my family.
It’s something that most people would like to have, though they never will.
But financial is not the only flavor security comes in, and while your feeling of not wanting the let the entity move you from your seat is very valid, even admirable, you may also consider the question of just what you are willing to let him do to you, and possibly your family.
It sounds like you are wrestling with some tough questions, including some unknown unknowns, which complicate any decision.
For some, this would not even be a decision, but every person is different.
Think about it, ask some trusted friends for advice. Unlike lawyers, they will give you an all you can eat dinner of it.
Deliberately choose people to ask who will disagree with each other.
If you are the kind of person who does such things and benefits from them, make lists of pros and cons of “go” and “stay.” Be sure to include the unknown unknowns. 🙂
Great advice: “Deliberately choose people to ask who will disagree with each other.”
It’s so much easier to only go to those who we know will argue for the side we secretly want…
Thank you so much for these thoughts. You have a “healing” perspective!
Whew. we’re good to go. I tried the Happy hour lounge and the bouncer just wouldn’t let me in. Looks like it was at overflowing.
Is that Chertoff hanging around outside? Asked if he’d be allowed in – we’re one of few that serves drinks. How did he know that? Said he needs a few rounds of martini and yes, he has a designated driver. It’s big daddy warbucks. Go away, I said.
Rawstory is reporting, like Brownie, Chertoff is about to join the consulting line – only has days left at DHS.
With news like that, first two rounds on me.
no, no, idredit, the next five round are on me!!!!! YEA!!!!!
Ok then, I’ll get in line. Keep this up and we’ll all need designated drivers.
This guy Chertoff, next to Bid Daddy warbucks Cheney, is very bad news.
btw, Thinkprogress provides the link to Human Events here
I’m buying. Have another round. I’ll need a driver.
The rat’s are scurrying….Bwahahahahaha!
I predicted this a couple days ago. Intrepid surfers can affirm. I also said Rummy would come after Skeletor.
Why yes BooMan. Prof. Juan Cole caught Rummy’s speech in MO yesterday. ‘Defense Chief cautions against too many troops in Iraq’
Hoping Congressman Ron Paul, R-TX is right when he predicted that there’s an impeachment on the horizon. He expects the Democratic Party will take control in November. Heard on talk radio last night. No link.
(I started out by mistyping “Groggy Bottom.”)
I can sit here sucking down the last of my wine from dinner, enjoy the company, and all I need is a designated hoist up the stairs to bed. Or I can just pass out at my desk.
Good. Glad to see the lounge on the front page… may I please have a coffee Jamison while I peruse the clientele?
coffee Jamison, what is that? I prefer Baileys in my coffee…:o)
Mmmm, Bailey’s. I haven’t had any in weeks.
Coming right up.
Thank you much.
Hi suskind.
From my son’s teacher’s email today:
“I don’t know if he told you, but yesterday he ate lunch at a table in the very middle of 25 girls! (I counted.) He’s decided to take turns eating w/ C—- and T—- (the girl who invited him to eat with her yesterday.) In PE today, T—— invited him to join her and some other girls in playing soccer.”
don’t ya just love the socialization of the wee ones????:o) He is just getting his wings, don’t ya know, MOM????!!! he must be a handsome young man.
A chick magnet it appears 🙂
He’s a bit freaked out by the girl wanting a date tonight 🙂 She invited him to see a flick – he loves movies – so he’s a bit conflicted.
Congrats Janet. Sitting at a table with all those girls and a movie. He is a chick magnet.
The little girl who demanded she was going to take him to a movie tonight at 5 hasn’t shown up yet. We were down at the curb for an hour. I’m sure it’s just a communication mishpa as she has some form of a speech delay herself and Wes tends to get confused, too. Some other time. The phone # we got today goes to a full mail box… grrr.
He got teary-eyed and says he feels like a jerk 🙁 But we know it’s not something done out of meanness. She’s a nice girl who really does like him. I think he likes her too, because he was very sad.
Poor guy. Give him an extra hug.
Will do and consider your covered with huggage 🙂
He’s super bumming and I gotta call it a night an ddo that thang I do. The good thing we know this wasn’t malicious. She’s a sweetie with a big crush on him.
He’s decided “next time” he’ll make it a date and get her a gifty or something. … Wow! Big change from, I have to just be friends – to… “what do girls like?”
DJ, I’m sure it was just crossed wires. But doesn’t it hurt like hell when you see your child in so much emotional pain? I’d rather walk on razor blades than see disappointment or hurt on my kids faces. 🙁
I guess if I added a hug he’d be totally smothered.
I’m sure it is some kind of weird mix-up. If not, there’s always ice cream.
first time stood up for a date qualifies as a milestone of sorts too…make sure he knows it’s not his fault, probably car trouble or something. (They never showed James Bond with a car that didn’t start, unfortunately.)
Hugs to you and yours…
Just 15 minutes before I get to leave work for the weekend! I’m sure I will need a drink tonight as I am actually letting my 11 year old daughter go off to the mountains to play in the snow for the weekend. I so hate letting her go, but I am sure she will have fun (while I worry about her every minute!)
Hugs to all and happy Friday!
A big letting go hug to you K 🙂 It’s so hard.
Thanks and kudos to your heartthrob of a son! ;>)
I just got back from dropping her at her friend’s house. She’s going with a couple of 20 year olds and some toddlers. I just keep telling myself that any 20 year olds who are willing to take preteens and toddlers on a weekend trip have to be decent people!
I’ll take a marguerita now. :>)
What’s happened to the cafe. Where are all our rude, crude and lewd clientele. This joint needs to start hoppin’.
Is this lewd and crude enough?
All I can say is YUCK!
A little late, but I’m here! Where are those martinis?
Does that mean we have to keep our clothes on? Boooorrrrinng….
Anyway, here’s my Random 10 for the evening (since I was napping and missed the Happy Hour cafe:
School’s Out — Alice Cooper
Baba O’Riley — The Who
Let Go — BarlowGirl
Sisters of the Moon — Fleetwood Mac
Malagueña — Madalyn Blanchett and Terry Muska
A Whiter Shade of Pale — Procol Harum
Ave Verum Corpus (comp. Byrd) — Cambridge Singers
Rebel Rebel — David Bowie
The Breakup Song — Greg Kihn
Some Kind of Wonderful — Grand Funk Railroad
Love your list — a little local color, too, with Greg Kihn. Nice.
Just needed to pop in to say Happy Weekend to the frogsters. Anyone catch Olberman scewer O’Lielly tonight. I laughed so hard I alsmost wet my pants. He played the tape where Billy cuts Mike(Stark from Big Orange) off for saying Keioth Olberman. I read about the call incident over at Kos today. It happened to another poster there too when she thanked O’Lielly for turning her on to Olberman. Billy threatens the callers with police action, we have your phone# etc. She was called by “Fox Security”. Olberman was all over it like fleas on dogs.
Anyhoo…hope all here have a fabulous weekend. Only 28 days to the SOCal Meetup. Can’t wait to hug you all!!
Missed most of the bit — mom-in-law called to see how I was feeling (and she’s the one who sliced up her thumb; I’ve just got the pain in the ass). Got it on the DVR though so spouse can watch it when he gets home from birthday gift shopping; maybe I’ll go give myself a preview before he gets home…
“FOX Security”??? We’re the ones who need the security to protect us from their bullshit…
I didn’t see it, but I really wished I had.
“Fox Security?” Because it’s against the law to call in and say Keith’s name? What are these security guys, phone bouncers?
“Fox Security?” – Consider the source. Laughable.
I say that we all choose a day and call in to say either Keith’s name or to say Impeach Bush. We hang up on them as soon as we say our thing.
Actually we should start a grass roots thing and get all the blogs going on it. I wonder how soon Fox would stop the call ins.
Absolutely familyman! O’Leilly is losing it for sure. I believe Olberman replays twice throughout the night.
So call him and start out saying how much you like him and then just say Impeach Bush Olberman for president. I would laugh my butt off.
OMG! This must be done. It will just send him over the edge!
Last I checked, the folks at dKos seemed to be getting something like this going.
I just dip in & outta there, however — didn’t check the details.
Seems I’ll be ‘dippin’ in & out’ here at the cafe’ tonight, too: it’s cold as Cheney’s defribillator here in my wilderness hovel, gotta tend to the sparks & hungry critters (including yours truly).
Happy Friday night to one & all.
Ms GrowthRate is away for the weekend, and left me with a list, to make sure that I fed the following:
Fish (all of them)
Do I detect a lack of confidence?
That’s hilarious.
Aloha, I have been meaning to talk to you about upcoming meetup, wow it’s really getting close, Shirl is coming on the 28th which is only 25 days away and I am really starting to get excited.
I am even going to get my hair cut and dyed for the occasion….lol….maybe?????
Can’t wait Diane. Drop me an email or give me a call. I believe you still have my phone#?
Well I guess I’m call it a night.
Have a good night in the pond.
Night Family Man.
Good night.
Off to the couch. Had a hell of a week. Very busy. Need to decompress.
we have 27 days left to make public statements against the wholesaling of public lands.
Thank you, Cedwyn!
for spreading the word!