Progress Pond

Howard Dean on Hannity and Colmes, March 2

“Colmes: We just had this tape of this teleconference where President Bush is being briefed on Katrina. You have Michael Brown there and you have Max Mayfield of the National Hurricane Center. And he’s clearly being told “We don’t know how bad this could get, but there’s a possibility of a problem with the levies, and four days after Katrina hit, the president is saying “We had no idea that there could be a breach of the levies. How do you respond to that–how should Democrats react to this?

Dean: Well, I don’ think it’s a matter of how Democrats react to it, I think it’s a matter of how the American public reacts to it. Anybody who wants to see this for themselves should go to our website, You can see this tape–it’s linked to the Democratic party’s web site. And I advise Americans to do that, because I think they need to make up their own mind about about this. This president has a pattern of not being truthful to the American people about Iraq, about Katrina, about the Medicare prescription benefit–a long history of saying things that just aren’t so.”-excerpted from the transcript on Howard-Empowered People.

Since the rovians are showing “their video” with Governor Blanco downplaying the dangers to the levees, it’s time to spread this one around.

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