The Real Reason For Fema’s Fuck Up is this:
Martial Law Concerns
Chertnoff doesn’t want FEMA to be a separate entity from Homeland Security because BUSHco may need to quell people like us. Disenters. Civilians who don’t like them. Because of the quagmire within the Homeland Security entity and ALL the other projects THEY are working on, there was not enough funds for FEMA to do it’s job properly in NOLA etc.
A much discussed and circulated report,
the Pentagon’s Civilian Inmate Labor Program, has recently been updated and the revision details a “template for developing agreements” between the Army and corrections facilities for the use of civilian inmate labor on Army installations.”
The plan is clearly to swallow up disenfranchised groups likes prisoners and Muslims at first and then extend the policy to include ‘Fifth Columnists,’ otherwise known as anyone who disagrees with the government or exercises their Constitutional rights.
Respected author Peter Dale Scott speculated that the “detention centers could be used to detain American citizens if the Bush administration were to declare martial law.”
On page 6 of this
the Pentagon’s Civilian Inmate Labor Program, document is this info:
a. Civilian inmate labor programs benefit both the Army and corrections systems by–
(1) Providing a source of labor at no direct labor cost to Army installations to accomplish tasks that would not be
possible otherwise due to the manning and funding constraints under which the Army operates.
(2) Providing meaningful work for inmates and, in some cases, additional space to alleviate overcrowding in nearby
corrections facilities.
(3) Making cost-effective use of buildings and land not otherwise being used.
b. Except for the 3 exceptions listed in paragraph 2-1d below, installation civilian inmate labor programs may use
civilian inmate labor only from Federal corrections facilities located either off or on the installation.
c. Keys to operating an effective civilian inmate labor program on Army installations include–
(1) Establishing a comprehensive lease agreement, interservice, interagency, and/or interdepartmental support agreement
(ISA), and/or memoranda of agreement with the corrections facility.
(2) Developing a cooperative working relationship between installation personnel and corrections facility personnel.
(3) Working closely with installation government employee labor unions to ensure union leaders understand the
program and have current information on program status.
(4) Training all installation personnel involved in the operation or administration of the program frequently.
(5) Developing a public affairs plan informing the installation and the surrounding local community of the program
and work projects assigned to civilian inmate labor.
And the civilian inmates will be us because NO real criminal will be allowed.
(a) A person in whom there is a significant public interest as determined by the corrections facility superintendent in
coordination with the installation commander.
(b) A person who has been a significant management problem in their current corrections facility or in another
(c) A principal organized crime figure.
(d) An inmate convicted of a sex offense or whose criminal history includes such conduct.
(e) An inmate convicted of a violent crime or whose criminal history includes such conduct.
(f) An inmate convicted of the sale or intent to distribute illegal drugs who held a leadership position in any drug
conspiracy, or has been involved with drugs within the last 3 years while in prison.
(g) An escape risk.
(h) An inmate who poses a threat to the general public as determined by the corrections facility superintendent in
coordination with the installation commander.
(i) An inmate declared or found insane or mentally incompetent by a court, administrative proceeding, or physician,
or under treatment for a mental disease or disorder.
(j) An inmate convicted of arson.
(k) A Federal inmate convicted while on active duty, presently serving a sentence for that conviction.
f. Army personnel. Department of the Army personnel will not be involved with custodial aspects of inmate labor
So who wants to plan the first prison block party?
We know THEY hate us: Liberals, Democrats, Gays, Pro-Choice, Whistleblowers, etc. That includes most of us, right?
THEY will need CHEAP labor for future occupations.
Any media coverage involving inmates participating in the Civilian Inmate Labor Program, or involving onpost civilian
inmate prison camps, will be reported through command channels to HQ, IMA (SFIMPL), and HQDA, Office of the
Chief of Public Affairs, Public Communications Division (SAPA-PCD). Report media source (newspaper, magazine,
radio, television), name of media source (and radio and/or television channel), date of coverage, synopsis of report, and
whether the report had local, regional, or national coverage. Provide copies of the article and/or script, if available.
10 AR 210-35 * 14 January 2005
it won’t be easy or truthful.
Responsibility vs. Paranoia. It’s Bushco’s overriding paranoia about dissent that is the driving force here.
Very interesting diary, thanks.
There have been others tories about detention centers/camps here. Fema containment camps… so much activity about this but nothing on the news. I feel like I’m living in a Orwell novel.
Skeery stuff.
So glad they are thinking of how to use empty buildings… blech
Gestapo George has got to go. Maybe Pakistan will speak up for Americans? :/
Great Diary Rose, I slappped it over to my hockey pals.
So much talk of martial law lately from the Scared Yellow Crowd…
Question: Has this country ever undergone martial law? I don’t think it has. Even during some scary times – race riots and such… So why all the focus power from George now on martial law and detainment camps?
We all know they are planning to make this country a 3rd world country and who ever isn’t so damn poor they are on the brink of death …. the rest will be seen as dissenters so they can control this land and party with their “thousand points of lights”.
Yes we have. It was called the War Between the States. Abraham Lincoln, the greatest American President hands down, actually suspended Habeas Corpus. He also, because Washington DC is surrounded by Virginia and Maryland and the seat of the Federal Gov’t couldn’t end up in “enemy” territory, had the entire Maryland legislature arrested so that they couldn’t vote to pull Maryland out of the Union. The Governor of Maryland was anti-secession so Maryland stayed neutral.
I think a convincing argument can be made the Civil War was an immediate threat to our Constitution and society. Bush’s fabrications to rationalize and attempt to legitimize his fascist power grabs and full-blown asault on our cherished civil liberties is unprecedented. Bush makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout.
Civil War that makes sense. Thanks.
Bush just wants us all either dead, poor and sick – AKA out of the way. If we don’t die or get diseases – he’s gonna haul us off.
Our new pledge
One Nation, under Martial Law…
Scary-Very Very Scary!! Can’t we “party” in Canada instead?
It’s easy to forget that FEMA’s first purpose was to secure high gov’t & business officials in the event of nuclear war with the Soviets. All else is & always has been secondary.
You certainly seem right about which prisoners they intend to put to work for the military; looking at the list of excluded convicts, who else would be left other than that dangerous Fifth Column of dissenters?
Better off busted for a joint than holding a protest sign? eegads . . .
Given whose exempted on that list I’d say bushco is getting ready to make a formal designation for a certain class of prisoners…which would be something along the lines of political/treasonous type ‘crime’…different from terrorist designation but applying to any and all of us who speak out/sign a petition against bushco etc.
I don’t think we’re going to be rounded up en masse. On the other hand, I know I’d be foolish to insist it won’t happen.
But I also think the feds would be fools if they thought they’d get productive labor out of us under these circumstances.
I recently found a small book of letters that were written by a distant cousin of mine. She was a prisoner in a Nazi labor camp during WWII, forced to make precision machine parts for anti-aircraft guns. (Imagine being coerced to help produce weapons that would be used against your liberators!) But, she said, they learned how to make their parts just slightly off-spec, so that they’d be likely to fail in use, but not so poor that they’d immediately fail inspection. Reading this, I wished I could have known this woman.
And this was (I assume) someone who hadn’t been schooled in the art of civil disobedience. Most of us have it in our blood, to one extent or another. If push came to shove, how many of us would give our labors for an ideology that was set against us? How many of us would do everything we could to make it not worth their while?
I’m such a ‘trouble-maker’ that I know I could’nt even be dragged in- they’d surely shoot me first.
Maybe these places are for the ‘guest-workers/immigrants…