I really despise people who hide behind religious icon’s robes to do their evil, especially pseudo-politicians.
Katherine Harris to Headline “Reclaiming America for Christ”
I have a hard time picturing Kathy going to church, let alone preaching. And there is something about an evil woman. They seem to stand out more, like a sore thumb, because it is such a contradiction in so many ways.
Kathy wants to play with the big boys, but she really doesn’t have what it takes- money.
Harris will give a talk on March 18 called “Bringing Faith to the Public Forum.”
The conference is sponsored by the Center for Reclaiming America for Christ – we’ll call them simply, CRAC — which boasts the following initiatives on its web site:
A letter-writing campaign to The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences castigating them for Brokeback Mountain’s Oscar nominations. According to CRAC, Brokeback Mountain is a movie that “…has little to do with honoring great moviemaking. Instead, it is just a high-profile attempt to mainstream the homosexual agenda. That this movie uses the classic symbol of the American male — the cowboy — to promote this agenda is offensive to the vast majority of Americans”
A “Petition to Defund and Expose ACLU” in which CRAC urges its supporters to “Take a stand against the ACLU’s radical agenda, which undermines our nation’s moral and religious heritage.” CRAC further pushes members of its Christo-Fascist zombie brigade to “Join with citizens across the nation in protest of ACLU policies and actions to strip faith in God from the public square while promoting anti-family and pro-homosexual initiatives.”
A “Stand for Marriage National Campaign.” This classic of the Religious Right movement is in support of the Constitutional amendment, sponsored by Republican Senator Wayne Allard of Colorado, to define marriage as a union between “one man and one woman.” Their stated goal is to “… rally at least 400,000 citizens to `Stand For Marriage.’ This petition simply states that marriage should be defined as `one man and one woman’ and encourages state and federal leaders to pursue both legislative and constitutional actions to define marriage in this way.”
Anyways, I have a hard time even imagining her having the balls to stand up and preach to her CRAC choir. Why do so many republicans lack a conscious? Perhaps chasing the almighty dollar is as addictive as getting that next drug fix. She even looks like a CRACk addict.
“That this movie uses the classic symbol of the American male — the cowboy — to promote this agenda is offensive to the vast majority of Americans” is so familiar. Substitute ‘this president’ for ‘this movie.’ Boy george only bought a ranch when he decided to run for president. Reclaiming America for the bush family.
Of course Kathy’s got plenty of money, but just as for most rich folk, it’s never enough. What she really needs is Other People’s Money. She’s just a pitiful little girl who tried to fit in with the wrong crowd.
I am not a devout Christian.
I am not a Christian at all.
But if I were, I would be taking up arms and going after these greedy, hypocritical, power-mad extremist bastards with both barrels and a posse behind me, for co opting and making a mockery out of Christianity. No. Worse than a mockery; making it into something hateful, mean, cruel and despicable.
The only difference I can see between extremist Christians who have co opted their religion to justify violence and hatred, and those who have co-opted Islam to justify violence and hatred, is in the type and degree of expression of that violence and hatred. American Christian Religious Extremists simply chose more subtle and"civilized" ways.
No suicide bombers over here, no siree! Just a lot of quiet dying no one notices, like young girls bleeding out from botched abortions, and poor people dyiing off from lack of social services, as they funnel state monies into "faith based initiatives". Or women in third world countries, here included, who are dying form lack of prenatal care because they took funding away for fear someone might get an abortion, thus offend their concept of "gods will."
No blowing up of gay bars going on here, oh heavens no. Instead a open campaign to marginalise all of us and whip up ignorant hatred all over the place.
Our home grown Religious Extremists are MUCH more civilised and would never resort to crude weaponS like bomb laden vests or IED’s. They have a much more effective, less messy, much quieter weapon called MONEY.
They know full well you don’t need to blow things up when you can BUY power over others, and in this country, everyting is for sale if the price is right.
Hell, you can even buy off the very laws of the land if you have enough money, and then mutilate them however you wish to fit your beloved religious dogma.
By working with those those who may not be so religious, but are driven by insatiable greed, and that other bunch who just wants world dominion, you can take over a whole damned country with no observable violence at all!
Best of all, these people know they can get by with all of this without most of us even noticing, by keeping is all so damned afraid of those big bad brown skinned "terrists" we gotta fight "over there" so we don’t have to fight them "here."
It’s working, you rotten bastards, gotta give you that much: you are damned good at what you do.
(Sorry for the cussing, here are days when I just can’t maintain my serenity.)
was bringing Mary Kay to the public forum!