Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
I just wanted to drop in for a minute. I’ve been grading papers all weekend, so I have stayed away from the computer. How is everyone?
Hello Toni π
I thought of you the other day, I was at market and found these really cute chopsticks. We all know how to use them, Danni could when she was a wee toddler, but my son – who has a hard time still even with scissors – wants to use sticks, too.
So found these chopsticks with a cute Panda at the top that are more like TONGS. (Can’t find pictures) and he loves them π
Not sure why I thought of you – just did π
Morning or afternoon Toni and Diane.
Morning! How are you?
I’m doing fine today. Even thought here it’s almost 11:00 am I’m still trying to wake up.
You got big plans for the day?
More grading and I think that we are going to the museum to see a co-worker do perform a tribute to Soujourner Truth and Langston Hughes.
What are your plans for the day?
We had relatives come in last night or early this morning (4:00 am), and it’s mostly cleaning up the house and yard. I’ve got an old friend I haven’t seen in 16 years coming by on Tuesday. So I’ve got to have the place looking tidy.
The more grading sounds like my sister. She isn’t a teacher, but brings work home all the time.
The museum sounds like it would be fun. Enjoy.
4 am? I would have killoed them.
I felt like it, but whenever they come here, they travel at night, so they never arrive at a normal hour.
Now I’ve been awake since this early this morning and they’re asleep. I feel like letting George go and bark at their door. π
I would tie lunchean meat to the door so he would bark more. LOL
Cleaning isn’t so fun, but enjoy it as best as you can.
Thanks Toni.
And with that, I’m going to start on the house. I’ll keep checking in.
I’m ‘girding my loins’ to start doing my taxes. Maybe I can reach some sort of zen state by staring at this picture.
THAT is my new favorite. I see note cards in it’s future.
I don’t want to suggest you are fickle but I think you might have a slight case of ‘if you can’t be with the picture you love, love the picture you’re with’. π
Not sure if it will work on notecards — the pictures lose detail when they are reproduced so ones like this don’t work that well.
I found a seagull, lizard, dolphin, and bicycle. not to mention the disembodied spirit. Great picture, Andi.
Good luck with those taxes, hope you’re getting money back. I’m not, so I’ve got a full month to look at pictures and become zen.
Thanks Alice.
I’m not getting any money back but I like to get them done because then I can move into a state of being where taxes don’t exist.
Three Thunbs up ((((Andi)))
For some reason I can hear a Donovan tune while staring at your photograph.
Hurdy Gurdy man…
I really like these ones that challenge the mind/eye coordination. And I have to admit that after numerous perusals I still don’t quite have the reality of it locked in. So you’ve definitely come up with a tricky one. I may have to ask for a verbal explanation if I don’t make any further progress, ha!
I have a (not very good) shot that gives you a frame of reference which is probably more useful than a verbal explanation.
Trade ya…I’ve got a session of Zen and the Art of Plumbing maintenance, today. Disposal decided it was finished last night -so it’s grab the toolbox, a bucket, and awaaaay we go. Hopefully, it’s repairable.
Adding my new CDs to iTunes, trying to motivate myself to go over and work out this morning. Have had a good breakfast — I was going to have some of the red grapes I bought earlier this week, but they were already going bad :(. The green grapes were still good at least.
Spouse claims he’s going to work out this afternoon — I could wait and work out with him instead, and work on getting laundry put away; we’ve got to wash the other set of sheets so we can change the bed today.
I got the news that a dear friend’s son died this morning. I have been on the phone and yahoo messanger almost none stop every since and now I need to lay down. I know the memories of all the joy he brought to the world will ease the pain eventualy but when a 28 year old dies it just robs your soul for a while. I will check back in later today after my nap is I am able to sleep.
That totally sucks… π
Blessings and peace to you, your friend, and your friend’s family…
Life has no rhyme or reason sometimes. Sending what comfort I can to your friend.
All my sympathy and kind thoughts to you and your friend.
I am so sorry to hear this. Rest and take care of yourself.
Truly sorry for your loss. (((((XOXOXOX))))
Thank you all!!!!
Ways to entertain yourself when the Sharks are more about mathematics than athletics Part Deux.
Fist Installment of “Fahhking with Kitty” – The Paper Bag Series:
Getting Kitty “faced” on Organic Catnip stashed in her Happy Jalapeno;
Volumes 2 through 5
Later, we’ll have lectures on:
DJ that’s hilarious. My cat lookes exactly like yours in the face. She some white underneather and on her paws.
No wonder we’re such an ‘unfortunate,’ ‘ill-fated’ lot: if we all have black cats running around the house. lol.
How did my cat end up in a bag and on a box at DJs house?
<scratching her head?>
Btw, I’ve since taken Malcolm to the vet (found a very good one, I call him the cat whisperer). Took him in for a complete “geriatric exam”. (I stress the “geriatic” part just to keep reminding spouse that the cat is OLD and therefore due special consideration).
The pooping appears to be a territorial thing, but he’s also still spitting up quite a bit–more now in fact.
He’s going in for a tooth extraction (like mother like son?) early next week and I will ask cat whisperer again–last night, while spitting up, he let out a yowl and it reminded me of your horrific warning a few weeks ago, so I’m going to specifically ask now about kidney stones.
It was kidney stones you said your cat had when you found him yowling under the bed, right?
We are going in again on Tues, in the meantime, I’m keeping a close eye on the situation.
The Late Jack had kidney stones. Hope all goes well with Malcolm!!
Kitty is probably the best furry companion we’ve ever had. She’s great.
Today’s she’s been running around with her tail all bent and her ears backwards. She’s been terrorizing the couch cushions, too.
We’re glad she could bring some smiles to people today. π
Kitty and mom both, eh.
We seem to have “companion” symptoms here. I haven’t exactly been pooping on the couch, but…I won’t go into it…. 3 root canals here, bad reaction antibiotics.
Anyway, he had complete exam–blood, urine, physical, but I didn’t specifically ask doc to chk for k.s.–i’m going to. thanx.
I’m so sorry about your dental nightmare. It reminds me of my son’s terrible time with dental insurance and how he almost died due to it all. Another reason I totally hate Bush and his followers.
Maybe Malcoklm is having sympathy pains?? But old age can bring on some weird stuff.
Kitty is a rescue cat. We have no idea why no one wanted her for several months. (We got her when she was 9 mos and had been resuced from an abandoned trailer as a kitten that was being used to house breeding cats to be used for fighting dogs) Only thing we can think is that she was black. So many won’t take black cats. I’ve always found them to be the best π
The dental nightmare is sucking the hell out of my earnings–as a freelancer, I have NO insurance. Root canal, 1K a pop. 4K in gold and enamel followed on the heels of 6K on gum surgery. Great fun sinking *hard*earned $$ into teeny tiny holes in your teeth. 4X yr. cleanings, 150/pop (75-120 extra if you need nitrous!).
Twill be even more great fun after meeting w/ the accountant to see how much I get to invest in body bags and ice trucks on the road to nowhere again this year. ;-(
My former neighbor, a mechanic originally from NOLA who lived in the garage next door with his dog–as the local ‘alley mechanic’ for thirty years–and who was one of my favorite people: i’m pretty sure he died as a result of the same sort of gum disease or other dental problem (smoking-related, and often in mixed-race American Indian and or Black individuals, now–after centuries of bad diet and no preventative health care–hereditary)
Malcolm was also rescued, from the humane society: you know they always separate the black cats out a month b/f halloween and “euthanize” them to prevent idiots from adopting them and using them as halloween “props”.
When I got Malcolm, all the other black cats had already been “quarantined”–he was still available only b/c, as was apparent from one of his siblings, he was actually part siamese (if you look at him closely, he’s not black, but kind of a burmese brown).
Black cats, I’ve heard that, too. I was hoping it was a Snopes.com urban legend – bot nowadays I’m no longer shocked by this society.
((((LIL)))) we were without insurance for several years.
Offtopic: I just read your link in the ducttape diary. Lefty Radicals are always welcomed in my home and heart. π XOXOXOXOX If you’re even in Portland, OR… you’ve gto a sister to sit and fun with π
Stark I sympathize with your dental. I have been through 4 root canals with no dental insurance. Luckily I found a dentist and expained my financial situation and he let me make payments. It took two and a half years to get that done. Now I’m going through more dental work and just got through with the dentist from hell.
Good luck with yours.
payment plan isn’t going to do me any good. better to pay up while i can, who knows when the next big contract is coming?
Thanks for the kind words.
should go to the shelter the last week in September and adopt a nice black one, or more, if you can.
This is good information to know and to spread to people who have the space and the love and would like to become the pet of a nice kittycat.
I hope you have recovered from your dental catastrophes, stark, even if your banker is still reeling.
DTF, do you have any advice/suggestions/explanations for why my most recent post is at the top of the dKos recommended list but has not received any attention from the BT community?
I try to give people what they want, but I can’t gauge things very well at the moment.
I stay here in Boomanland π
I understand all the people that make BT their permanent home, and I certainly appreciate it. I’m just wondering how one community can eat something up and another can show little interest. I don’t want my writing to only appeal to the community I don’t write for.
FWIW, BooMan, I went over there and gave you a rec.
Hope it doesn’t cause you any trouble. π
As far as not conversing about it here: my excuse is that I’m just not feeling up to heavy discussion/thinking today.
If I were you, I’d just enjoy being on the top of the rec list over there and not worry about whether it’s going anywhere over here–being at the top of the rec list over there is a good thing, and I’m serious about that. It’s a big place with lots of attention.
I notice that phenomenom a lot. Here’s my theory:
people at Orange are content to write one or two lines responding to a diary. So you tend to get a lot of comments there.
people who live in green feel compelled to write comments the length of diaries. So you tend to get fewer comments here — especially on days when everyone is tired.
And given that there are, what, over 70,000 members over there now and around 3500 here, statistically you’re getting as much or more feedback here.
But I notice that the FOX TV strategy for high ratings seems to have been put into effect this last week — lots of talk about sex and sex-related topics π
Maybe that’s the winning formula here at green
Well, it IS spring in the frog pond.
t’aint true — the spring peepers haven’t started up yet.
you 2 going to KB’s?
nah — not really an oscar watcher.
Here, you get feedback, you get silent nods of appreciation or “you betchas” by way of 4’s or recommends.
When people DO repy, it’s usually in the form of well-though replies or questions. A SHARING
I noticed that at the other site – one would get a lot of SHIT. Nitpicking, one upsmanship crap.
I’d rather share than compete.
The diaries here are read, almost all of them. It’s not a popularity contest. Here at the pond, people add to each rather than race each other to the rec list.
that to do it justice will take some time. There is a lot in it to ponder, and click and ponder.
It is Oscar Sunday and your blog has a higher percentage of readers and independent, more critical thinkers, but right nowit is only a little over an hour until the Red Carpet, Madame Fatwa is already in her dressing room, and I have not even decided who I am wearing yet.
I think that tomorrow you will see that people will be more inclined to comment on it. For now, I will agree with you that it is all about generating more revenue for Amrika’s dynamic and growing defense industry, and the transition to a single-industry economy.
sorry your kitty is sick. I am wishing you both speedy recoveries.
Anyone else feeling this way? I’ve been fighting off a nap since 1:00.
Nice Pillows, SIN π
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuzzy. {{{{{DJ}}}}}
Would you mind if I put my head between your pillows? π
Can you come over and play today? I’ve got to run to market and get some goodies, and then maybe we could drink some Calypso coolers and watch a flick or play a SkipBo (a card game)
But what i’d reallylike is just to sit across from a table from you and talk and talk and talk and laugh and talk and cry and laugh and talk π
That sounds awful fun and sure, you can put your head between my pillows.
great now I’ve got ‘put your head on my pillow’ playing on an endless loop.
I’m telling you “It’s Hard out Here for a Pimp”…maybe you can listen to it on Amazon.
Yes that should be me. I did very little with the maximum amout of effort. I’ve got to learn to turn that around someday.
I suffer from that myself. But if you’re going to do something, might as well give it all you’ve got.
Got the raking done?
I haven’t gotten out of the house except for this morning. You forget where I live. Someone mowing or raking a lawn on Sunday is frowned upon. That’s for in the morning.
gosh, I would hate that. But it provides a good reason to put it off another day.
Procrastination is my religion. The lazy shall inherit the earth. π
Amen, brother. That is the kind of religion I can believe in.
Why wouldn’t you want to give all you’ve got to doing nothing? The ratio of effort to success would be much greater.
I am very accomplished at just that. I attack nothingness with gusto.
It’s these kind of connections that make me so sure that one of us is the other one of us reincarnated.
Don’t kid me. You do more in a day than I do in a week.
I will kid you — endlessly — just not about this.
In that case I’m usually a very successful person.
I’m so glad I could help raise your self-esteem. I knew there would be a good reason to stop working on my taxes.
Andi any reason is a good reason to stop working on taxes. But esteem wise I’m very lucky you decided to.
I’ve got to stop worshiping at the altar of the slothful and get back to work.
See ya’ll later.
Got to
Type in ASSHOLE in the search section, then click on the “I’m feeling Lucky” button.
It took me weeks to get that song out of my head last time. LOL, at least it will replace “It’s Hard out Here for a Pimp” now.
well, I had never seen it till today. I am still laughing and I needed it.
It’s a catchy little tune, isn’t it?
I have to figure out a way to record it so I can play it in my cd player as I ride past the capital in Texas. It works for them too.
Be happy!
On the third line under the video you can download it.
Thank you!!!!
Droping by after a lovely day plumbing the depths of the kitchen sink…
several trips to the hardware store and many dollars lighter, I once again have a functioning kitchen.
Shower time…or perhaps Beer:30 first.
Been hanging out in Boo’s Oscar threads — the Oscars are pretty much the only awards show I really get into (but I usually like the Emmys too).
Only 8:30 here…too early to go to bed…
hi cali
I’m here. Glad you had a nice birthday yesterday.
I’m up too. Should we open a new cafe?
I guess that “we” means me?
give me a second
Well, it could mean me too…but if you’re on it, I don’t want to interrupt π
I didn’t know you were a froggy bottom — if so I would have gladly allowed you.
It’s open now