At its core, religious fundamentalism is born of the need to repress the sexual expression of women by men who use religion as a tool for this cause.Whether it is a Christian rightwinger telling women what to do with their bodies or an Imam telling women to wear a burkha to maintain her chastity, the motives are the same. A woman who is independent and does what she pleases with her body is a direct threat to the authority of men.That threat is compunded for men who are at an age where their virility is on the wane.That sets off alarm bells in men who have always assumed they would be kings of the sexual hill.

Once they face this reality, the men in question either go postal or take their violence out on their nearest victims, usually their wives or girlfriend.Religion becomes a handy tool, especially a harsh and uncompromising religion that blames women for emasculating men.

In fact, I believe that such dogmas concerning women and their conduct are the very basis of religions such as fundamental Christianity or Islam.Men who subscribe
to these are the ones who constantly obsess about abortion,contraception,infidelity and such.

Men who use religion as a crutch to beat down on women usually are afraid of independent and strong women and seek the company of timid women who can be easily controlled and manipulated.Because they are unable to connect with women, they tend to seek perverse sexual relations.

To make a long treatise short, I can say I am describing the perfect Republican righwing religious zealot.No wonder their harems are all populated by Stepford women while our Democratic women such as Angelina Jolie, Katrina Van Den Heuvel,Natalie Portman,Susan Sarandon will clean the clocks of all the rightwing airheads.