Crossposted at Spiritual Awakening

Any discussions about free will bring up a myriad of ideas, philosophies and contextual arguments that I must confess, spins my mind in many directions at once.  I believe, however, that free will is central to current debates that consume our social and political landscapes.  The increased focus of religious principles on our society has caused a defined split between those who view many of the proposed changes as divine (ordained by God [according to which God these individuals believe in]) versus others who see these proposed changes as edicts being forced upon them against their will.

Thus, the debates are being framed in such black and white terms, it is hard to see beyond the arguments and understand the principles behind them.  Add to this, the U.S. Declaration of Independence states: We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.  You see how quickly things can spiral out of control and the end results are conflict and confusion but no real communication is derived.

It is important to understand free will is more than just “I get to do what I want to do because I want to do it!”  This philosophical concept strikes to the core of our being.  Each day we are presented with choices and we “decide” to do something.  From waking up, going to work, eating lunch, seeing a movie, every human being makes decisions that they must accept the “consequences” of each and every day.  Some decisions are easy to make, others are much more difficult.  Since the focus of Booman Tribune is political activism, this diary will focus on how free will drives and motivates policy decisions within the United States.

More below the fold
I believe that it is an important discussion since most Democrats are viewed as God-less, amoral and spiritless beings trying to domain American culture down a path of immorality.   The Republicans have done a great job at selling this image to the rest of America and it is time, in fact way past time, the Democrats stay up and re-connect to the spiritual power that has sustained this political party over the years.  If something is to last beyond our time on this earth, it can not be based in slogans but true spiritual concepts that touch the human soul.

Numerous diaries have been written in the past few days that reveal a deep and spiritual foundation that has touched me personally.   One slogan “Enough is Enough” (which I personally like by the way) has been presented as a possibility.  My goal is to push beyond that slogan and give spirit, life and personal substance to the goals and policies we all feel are needed to bring a new “Renaissance” to the Democratic Party.

Please know that I am not a theologian, philosopher, or academic professor.  I am just a father, husband, retired Navy veteran (22 years of service), Scoutmaster, and human being that would like to bring another point of view to the table.  Having lost my first wife suddenly after 22 years of marriage, I experienced something that I can say now, enlightened me to see that every one, every human being, exists for a purpose and to stand by and not speak and discuss openly and honestly is to waste valuable time.  I believe that free will is not just a phrase, but center to our existence.  Understanding the choices we make is more than just because we did.  It affects others as well as those around us.

Discourses and disagreement is bound to happen.  My objective is not to dwell in arguments, but search for the commonalities and shape a spiritual message that can be used to uplift and inspire others to reach their potential.  I feel this site provides me with this opportunity (I hope) and I look forward to the task at hand.

This is my way of fighting back against those extremists whose only desire is to dominate and order their ways, thoughts, and philosophies on others, regardless of the consequences. Please join me as we, together, begin the revitalization process to reach new heights and combat all extremists (religious and political) that truly threat to destroy mankind.  It is not their world; they are just part of “our world!”