Just Blowing Smoke
This is an Unhosted Cafe
But Izzy’s Cafe will be along later.
But Izzy’s Cafe will be along later.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
I am enjoying my first mug of Java and trying to wake up so I can get ready for work later. LOL I hope everyone has a fabulous Wednesday!!!!!
Pass some some of energy and good cheer through the ether to me, will ya.
Did you get elected to be a delegate last night?
LOL I wish I could share the energy.
Yes I did get elected as Precinct Delegate and will have 15 votes at my disposal at the County convention. I will also be a delegate to the state convention in June. I am hoping I have my laptop by June so I can do live bloggong from the Texas Convention.
Mazel tov and I’ll be looking forward to getting your insider’s view of Texas politics — years of reading Molly Ivins has me primed me to expect some good stuff.
So here I am with a wee bit of insominia (just an hour or so) and I’m cruising the blogs….and there is a brand new Cafe’….at 3 am! acccckkk…. Yeah – I know east coast time and all that – bah!
So I’ll drop a comment have another smoke…and then go back to sleep for a couple of hours….
LOL Hope you can get back to sleep.
I suggest reading anything by Kierkegaard. I always found it impossible to read him and stay awake.
I could never fall asleep reading Kierkegaard because I always want to argue with him too much. Now Kant, who I think was equally as wrong but in a very different way, puts me out in less than ten minutes every time.
Perhaps it is true that for each person there is an ideal philosopher whose writings are able to surmount any bout of insomnia.
That’d be any philosopher with either a consonant or a vowel in his or her name. For me, it’s Mathew Arnold.
I would guess that for a lot of people Kelly’s wife’s formula — any philosopher with either a consonant or a vowel in his or her name — probably nails it.
Most philosophers really piss me off, though, and I can’t sleep when I’m pissed. (Kant is a weird semi-exception, he does piss me off eventually but he takes so long to do it that I have plenty of time to nod off beforehand.) When I get bouts of insomnia, nothing else works for me like old sitcoms, so I wind up watching TV Land or Nick at Nite. A while back I bought all the old Soap seasons on DVD and those got me through two months where I’d have otherwise barely slept at all.
Old tv shows would never work for me — I won’t go to sleep as long there is something to pay attention to. (And why isn’t Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman available on DVD?)
For people who like philosophy, James Fenimore Cooper or Walter Scott could probably be substituted.
No kidding! Even though I used to read voraciously before I got sick (can’t keep the focus anymore but I used to be able to put away at least 2, sometimes 3 novels in a day if I didn’t have anything else to do), I have never liked much of what counts for “classic literature”. I can’t get through a chapter of Nathaniel Hawthorne unless I’m being paid for it, and Hemingway, for me, reads much more like a random old drunk dude than like a brilliant American novelist.
Meanwhile, I am freaking out because I just put Roomie on a plane in the snow, and I freak out every time she flies anyway but the weather out of here was really bad today. Please tell me it’s clear skies back where you are, since that’s where she’s heading.
Hemingway is the only Certified Great American Writer that I dislike more than Whitman — which shows off quite nicely, I think, how flexible I am in my disliking.
It’s raining but not windy and in the 40s so I don’t think you need to worry about the weather.
Thanks for the weather report. It was windy and snowy here today (for the first time all season!), so I was white-knuckling her take-off, and I probably won’t properly unclench until she calls me after she lands.
I hadn’t considered it before, but it doesn’t surprise me to learn that you are a flexible disliker, lol.
I used to worry a bit about my disliking (I’d chastise myself — ‘I can’t dislike Saul Bellow, he is too important a writer’ or ‘I can’t hate the Natural, everybody loves that movie’) but I finally confronted my prejudices and overcame them and opened my mind to a willingness to dislike anything irrespective of its academic, popular, or historical regard.
p.s. in honor of your concern for Esther I’m not going to make any remarks about unclenching.
I guess I got so accustomed to resisting the pressure to conform from early interactions with my mom that I never really had much too of that “I should like X or Y” thing going on.
And it’s funny, as a result, I hardly ever see any of the very popular movies because, as you know, serious film just doesn’t interest me. It never has. So I have never seen any of the following classic must-see movies: It’s A Wonderful Life, Psycho, Dr. Strangelove, The Graduate, none of the Godfathers, none of the Rockys, Annie Hall, Roots, Apocalypse Now, Schindler’s List, Flashdance, Titanic. I could go on. I can also make a similar list of “timeless” TV shows I’ve never seen so much as an episode of, stuff like The Waltons, etc.
I actually have always done pretty well with my popular culture disliking but critically acclaimed was a bigger struggle — it took me a long time to get to a point of saying “I really don’t have to read John Updike’s new women-are-for-fucking novel.”
P.S. I would prefer not to live in any universe where Flashdance or the Rocky movies are classic must-see films. Please tell me that this was just a momentary perversion on your part and you have already moved on to more interesting ones.
Critically acclaimed stuff was always easier for me to reject, but I don’t know why. Maybe because I never perceived of myself as someone who would fit into those kinds of cliques, or maybe just all my friends had such pedestrian tastes that I never felt any peer pressure about it, but who knows.
And lol, not to start this argument again, but I think that categorization of Flashdance and the Rocky movies is a Gen-X thing. But remember, I didn’t see them specifically because they weren’t interesting to me 20 years ago either, so my perversions are doing all right. I’ll keep working on learning to hate Chicago, though. š
You’re off the hook for Chicago — I admit it’s definitely an attitude from a particular moment in time but I think that Flashdance and the Rocky movies being dreck are more universal.
Oh they’re totally dreck — that was kinda my point about the GenX classification. Your generation is more likely to look for actual quality when labeling a film as a “classic must-see”; my generation will give the label to total dreck based on nothing more than the extent of the cultural impact. Even if a film royally sucked, but it had a big impact on pop culture, then it’s a “classic must-see” for a lot of GenXers.
Actually, given the general love affair with irony that is so popular among my generation, if you have two movies of similar cultural impact but one really sucked and the other one had good acting, writing, directing, etc., a lot of Xers would probably call the sucky movie a “classic must-see” before the better film. Part of this probably arises from the specific time at which motion picture mass media became so pervasive among every American class (rather than just the middle class), but the other part is probably just GenXers being kinda childish and reactionary.
And I am so not getting sucked into another generational argument with you, so when you tell me you think this is all bullshit, just picture me smiling and shaking my head a little bit. š
You’re safe. We’re too close to the margin to start a big discussion on a brand new subject.
PS. I just got the call, her plane is down safely, she’s fine, so I’m
feeling much better now. š
Excellent (and unclenched).
I have this great book I got from the Quality Paperback Book Club called YAWN! It’s an anthology of the most somnorific prose on the face of the earth. I can’t even tell you what’s in it because I can’t read the contents without having a nap attack.
I’ve always wanted to do that! :{)
Hate being up for it tho, but since I am, and you’re blowing smoke, here’s the Brewing Storm
And for your reading pleasure, Terry Jones’ [of Python fame] latest in The Guardian: God: I’ve lost faith in Blair, with a heads up for W…
ManE’s got some great ideas…
and NDD’s threatening to post his Sharp Diary today…
Stay Tuned…we’ll be back
Damn you SallyCat and RF69 :{)
LOL love the cat with the fiddle.
for missing the frist comment…and geez we must have hung around Atrios too much to know all that…!
It’s my southern roots showing this am. LOL
You better get to touching those things up, girl, or people will talk. ;p
Bwahahahaha…need to go back to be methinks
or not back to be?
either that or make some coffee and just deal with it…supposed to snow today and that always makes for good nappin’
Mornin’ Andi
Morning dada.
I like rain or wind better for sleeping or best of all, when I can get it, the sound of a creek or river.
Oceans are magic for me…snow makes it kind of dark and very quiet tho, and is very pleasant.
Mr. Reflux got me up an hour ago, 3:30 MST.
Goddam the reflux, man.
Thanks for the pics.
Happy Humpday, all. It’s my day to watch the grandkids.
sorry about the reflux but have fun with the grandkids today.
Thanks. I pick up Evan, 5, at pre-school and he announces which store he wants to check out the toys at. It’s usually Target or Toys R Us. I usually limit it to ten bucks or so. One day he wanted this
40 dollar diorama thing and I said I didn’t have enough money with me (lie) so he said,” Isn’t there an ATM around here?” lol!
::trying to pry my eyes open::
I was up a bit later than I should have been last night, and so draggggggggging today …
Congratulations to refinish69! Woohoo!
Aster — petals unfurling, taken 10.02.2005 (view large)
See you all later! š
Good morning, Olivia and thanks for the lovely flower pic to start our morning (and prove my point about DJ’s drink choices).
Well, how about this one then,
White cosmos — upside-down, taken 9.24.2005 (best viewed large — seriously)
Hmmm, I guess if DJ did a drink that color it would be something like bailey’s and ice cream.
An early day in the household — was up at 4am to take some of the new antibiotic I got prescribed yesterday that will hopefully kill the narsty bugs. Spouse is getting ready to go for a retraining day, to refamiliarize himself with how to drive a 35-40 foot bus. And after he leaves, I’ve got a lot to do today — weather’s supposed to be decent the next couple of days so good chance to do laundry today then run assorted errands tomorrow. Will also give my Muse a chance to wake up; she’s sleeping in today so haven’t done any writing yet.
Hugs to all…
How’s everyone else.
My New Diary, Effective Counter Attack; Consideration or Implosion is up. I’m looking forward to your comments and participation.
Also feel free to use email address in sig line to notify of typos, or any other suggestions to make improvements.
A special thanks to Cabin Girl for assistance with div code for the color boxes.
I’m still thinking about your diary before I comment on it…lots there.
BTW, you’re welcome. š
Break time, going for some nonvirtual coffee and chat. Back about 1:30PM, CST.
Hey, all — hope everyone’s making it thru mid-week without too much hardship. Thanks to everyone for the lovely & furry images above!
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the beauty wood. Won’t you be my neighbors?
Speaking of, received yet another care package today, as my vehicle waits patiently for weekend repair. Had quite a good chat with the gentleman bringing me sustenance regarding the ‘state of the nation’ , especially with regard to a local political discussion group just beginning.
My general point this morning was that assumptions as to the integrity of our constitutionally mandated system of governance have simply got to be dropped. I do enjoy using the words ‘eviscerated’ & ‘criminal’ to good effect in political chat.
My main point: this is not your father’s representative democracy, bro.
Naturally, the day’s chores have been utterly ignored so far, but as soon as I grab some ‘breakfast’ I’ll attend to them. In the meantime, <hum> let’s have another cuppa coffee ..
Hey there! Good luck with your chores — it sounds like you already have a good start, what with helping repair the state of the nation and all!
Hi Izzy.
Things are kind of slow here today. You want to see if we can make this cafe last till east coast happy hour?
Sure. I’ve been sort of keeping an eye on it and wondering if I should put one up in the meantime, but waiting is fine with me.
If only it was as easy as repairing my plumbing!
Thanks for your encouragement, Izzy.
thank god we don’t get any diaries like this around here. Jesus.
With a tip jar, no less…
and still empty I’m pleased to see.
Although it is currently 5 votes to 1 Ho over Pimp.
be arranged if you like š
Aw, that’s our ManEe, always aimin’ to please… š
Froggy Bottom Happy Hour is now up!