The Electronic Voting machine has infiltrated the Country. Many Board of Election Officers have been swayed by the sales pitches, lobbying, or just plain bribery. So the fact is, they’re here.

There are lawsuits hoping to stifle the DREs. Various Citizen Groups are feverishly writing newspapers, and politicians. In many cases the Boards have soothed the entry of these machines with the purchase of some Optical Scanning equipment to be set up along side the DREs.

The true grassroots efforts should be geared to a voter boycott of these electronic machines. Posters, Letters to the Editors, mailings, should all be used to get the Voter to not use the DRE. Walk right by them, and use the Opticals instead.

A campaign, prior to the election, to boycott the computer machines, and use only the optical, would, in my opinion, be the best way to handle this.
If you can convince the voters to do this, you will have succeeded beyond any law suit. The machines will have been proven to be distasteful to the voters.
The Boards and Commissioners will take flack for going against the will of the people, the cost of keeping up equipment, people refuse to use, would be shown to be ridiculous.
The DREs would wilt from neglect. The headlines would spread through the state, and blogosphere… That could be a National Story. A true Grassroots effort.

A short Diary, to feel out whether this is just too simplistic an idea, or a possible movement…