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- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
It just started and I’m going to have to close down for a little while.
Everyone have a drink on me.
I’ll be back as soon as I can.
that’s a wild one. I’ve don’t have any lightning shots, but I’d sure like to get into it… not too close though.
Thanks NDD, but googled that one. I stay inside when it’s lighting.
Check this Collection for inspiration, there’re about 6-7 gallery pages…some shots are pretty outrageous.
That was great dada. I’ve put it on bookmark.
I book marked it too. Looks like a great surfing location.
I only clicked on a couple, but I agree, it a definite go back to site.
That’s beautiful and scarey at the same time. I know about having to shut down though. I remember when I was maybe 7 or 8 yr old my Dad was on the phone and lightening hit the wires and it knocked the phone right out of his hand. This was back in the 50s.
Nice pic though FM.
Year ago we had lightning strike a tree about 20 feet from our house. That was probably the loudest thing I’ve ever heard.
The girl scout cookies have arrived. (Don’t tell Katiebird). Thin mint anyone?
I’ve got to be the worst possible person to be in the cafe for this.
I don’t like mint and I really, really don’t like chocolate mint.
I did like peanut butter ones — savannahs?
I think what are now called do si dos used to be Savannahs. They are MY favorite too.
oh have another
But they are better with a glass of milk — so you can dunk them
Better — coffee with baileys.
coffee w/ baileys + peanut butter cookies?!
Hi Olivia. Anything your heart desires. George will have it right up for you, but the cookies might not make it.
FamilyMan! Anything my heart desires would not be good for, well, my heart! 🙂
I was questionning Andi’s washing down her peanut butter cookies with coffee w/ bailey’s … seems an aquired taste if you know what I mean 😉
Got any photo’s of George?
A refined acquired taste.
Andi! That would be like a tastebud overdose! How did you ever put them together?
Actually I haven’t ever had that combination but they sound pretty compatible to me. Would you turn down coffee, baileys and peanut butter ice cream?
Geez between you two George has gone back and forth to the bar four times. He doesn’t know whether to bring it to you or not.
Just know George has already put on 10 pounds just from eating the cookies before he got back.
We have to get chocolate in there somewhere … so, how about this: chocolate cookies w/ pb chips and coffee ice cream w/ baileys drizzled on top. Now that … that sounds absolutely fantastic!
It looks like your tastebud overload fear has been successfully overcome.
Chocolate makes everything better! 🙂
Have I got pictures of George? You bet.
He’s so handsome! He’s looks freshy brushed… Dapper indeed! 🙂
I love the long hairs on his paw!!!
(Yes, this photo is much better for my heart … ahhhh!)
Thanks. The hair on his paws are from me being to lazy to clips them last time. But if I told George he’s get all smug.
Now there’s a George I could never want frog marched. 😉 What a cutie pie.
Thanks Spiderleaf. He’s a yapper though. After 10 minutes anybody is ready to frog march him. 🙂
Ha! That is priceless FM… I can totally get you on that one, probably why I always went with big dogs (although then there’s the whole busting through fences problem, but whole other story) 😉
When my kids were little I used to read them a book and one of the characters was named Snaggletooth Louie.
George looks like a Snaggletooth Louie.
He’s a dentist’s dream.
Girl Scout cookies turn me directly into Homer Simpson. I don’t know why I can’t resist them. A little Brownie caught me outside the health food store the other day (the health food store; that is either one wily troop of Brownies or their Den Mother is just evil) and I had to have a box of those shortbread ones, the Trefoils.
Now, this seems completely reasonable…until I add on that I am allergic to soy, which is in the cookies in like 3 different forms, and which makes my gums swell out of control. And I just had dental surgery 2 weeks ago, then took out my own stitches specifically in order to eat these damn cookies, which I’ve been eating for two days straight.
Clearly, I am powerless before the awesome temptation of the Trefoil.
mmmm trefoils
or a few
lol, I love your reckless disregard for my health in favor of the deliciousness of the cookie; your priorities make sense. I plan to eat the whole box, if my mouth holds up.
If I were actually with you I would be ripping the cookies from your hands and flushing them down the toilet.
But you can have all the VIRTUAL trefoils that you want. 🙂
Don’t think I wouldn’t pull a Trefoil out of a toilet.
Eeek, I couldn’t even get through typing that without turning a little green.
Ah the advantages of being a potty mouth.
So where’s the milk and cookies site you’ve been raiding for graphics?
there’s lots of gs pictures — think they’ll come after bm for tm infringement?
I just had this image of you being surrounded and attacked by little girl scout dolls with sharp teeth (see barbarella).
I laugh at your pathetic attempts at Homer Simpson-ishness. You have had that little package of cookies for TWO DAYS? Again, HA! I can eat an entire box of thin mints in one afternoon.
One time in a vain attempt to make it more difficult to scarf them down, I put them in the freezer. Then I discovered they are even better frozen.
I will not allow myself near a Girl Scout these days.
That sounded bad.
They are SO much better frozen.
It’s the sign of a true Trefoil addict to be grabbing them out of the toilet during an intervention.
Cut me some slack, woman! I just ripped out my own stitches and am thus hobbled by having to suck on these cookies until they are soft enough to fall apart because I still cannot chew properly, so the fact that I’ve managed to hoover up 3/4 of a box in 2 days without using the blender is a feat worthy of my sinful pride.
I totally agree that Thin Mints are much better frozen. If I see another one of those little Brownies around town I’ll be having to put my oral surgeon on a permanent retainer.
sucking on shortbread cookies until they dissolve is the only way to eat them anyway.
I’m filled with a longing for frozen charleston chews.
I’ve gained five pounds just reading this thread…
I’d offer you a thin mint — but I’ve had the box for a couple of hours and AMAZINGLY the sleeve I opened is all gone.
I’d open the other sleeve but, well you KNOW what would happen.
Yeah — if I you opened it within my reach, half of it would be gone before you knew it.
I was thinking more like — you would lose a hand. Maybe even an arm.
There, you helped me solve my weight gain puzzle. It’s the FroggyBottom Cafe, Happy Hour treats and drinks. I’ll start the dieting sometime next week.
I buy them to help a really nice co-workers daughter and then put them out for staff and office visitors.
Really not much of cookie eater – except homemade oatmeal or the occasional Oreo binge.
I buy from every person on my floor who is selling them for their children. I draw the line at helping other floors. So today’s delivery was only the first.
I do tend to put them out for everyone else to eat. But not the first delivery. Those I share only with friends. 🙂
Did you save any for me? I like any type of cookie.
I resist by telling the girl scouts that they discriminate and for them to ask their mommies to explain. LOL
Hi refinish. Glad to see you here today or tonight.
Thank you!!!! Yesterday was a really bad day. A friend I worked with in AZ was found dead at her home on Monday and I found out yesterday. We still have no answers as to cause of death but since the cops had to break in I am assuming it was ill health.
This has been the week from hell!!!
I know it has. The important thing is for you to take care of yourself. You’ve had a very hard week with all that has been going on.
Thank you. I am doing just that. I can only do so much to help in all these tragic situations this week and then I have to step beack and let others take over. I do as much as I can from a distance and explain I am thinking of them and sending love.
I guess the powers that be are testing how well the therapy and lexapro are working. LOL
Psst, that’s the Boy Scouts. The Girl Scouts are a different org and they don’t have that bigotry thing going on.
Thank you for letting me know. Now I can start supporting them again and buying their cookies. I guess I should have done some research a long time ago. I just did some searching on the next and found kust what you said. Thank you!!!!
Looks like the Orange Empire is down — which doesn’t affect me too much but it also means Street Prophets is also down (they’re hosted on the same servers), which really pisses me off…
Had a good sleep this morning…tempted to go lay back down for a little more…
Whew, that mostly just makes me glad I ultimately decided against posting one of those ultra-personal diaries that some of the other women have been posting. Whenever it goes down over there, it’s not as safe over here.
Sure hope you’re starting to feel better by now, Cali! Remember to get enough fluids and to finish your antibiotics. /mother hen
They’re letting ME in. Maybe they just don’t like you over there.
to SP — just loaded r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-o-o-w….
I am soooo freakin’ tired…tonight is going to be an early to bed one, I can tell…
Can’t get into Man Eegee’s site…which really pisses me off…
Be careful out there…if you listen to Al Franken’s Air America or sport their bumper sticker. Well now, do you?
Kid you not. Can’t make this stuff up.
Thinkprogress alerts and provides us this link
Woman fired; “sues former employer for alleged firing over Air America talk show bumper sticker. She could be Al-Qaida”….erm
Ya know I need to buy 2 or 3 rounds of drinks. That’s for me … erm something wild to help me get my head around this liberul = al-Qaida terrists!!!
Up to 5 rounds on me for anyone seated or standing until happy hour ends.
we love whoever is buying
Appetizers are ALL mine!
Off to spend an evening with some cross-over folks…some SF Kossacks and some My Left Wing folks at the Hyatt Embarcadero lobby bar at 6:00 (if you are nearby – stop by!). Drinks in SF….I love drinks and head cold medicine! ;^D
just kidding to our health folks…
Also spending three days off – Friday of spring break is a campus holiday here – yippee! So I’ll work on Voice for Change. The email responses have been amazing and I wasn’t really ready yet….oh well!
Another hour and I’m out of here…!
I’d love to meet that group for drinks in SF, but we have family in town, down on the Peninsula. Next time?
Sign up here
You’ll need a yahoo email…SF Kossacks…well most of the group post at dKos, My Left Wing, and some of us are here…
Tonight was great…I got to meet MSOC. Wonderful person, great insight, and just generally great!
I’m back. The storm wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. Just a lot of rain and wind. Our power just came back on and hopefully that’s the last time it goes out.
I want some cookies! Did ya’ll eat them all before I got back?
I guess for YOU I could open the other sleeve
gee thanks maryb. When I get my boxes you can have all you want, maybe. 😉
Nah. You could have it all.
I should have gotten you the hot tub. Getting the shoes for myself was selfish. I’m sorry 🙁
Here’s my new friend;
Is that a topiary?
I’m not sure. Guess we’ll have to wait till she takes her overcoat off.
Tonight I’m going to read your diary. It’s the first night this week my brain hasn’t been tired from thinking all day.
Didn’t want you to think I forgot.
Well, one’s brain likely needs to be working for that one.
I’ve learned quite a lot from everyone’s comments on that. So looking forward to one from you too.
actually the little bushes are wrapped to survive the cold better than they would otherwise, and possibly also to prevent sunscald, snow and sun for trees is like water and sun for humans as far as sun overdose.
Thanks NDD. I’m wanting to open another cafe a little later. It has to do with a mystery musical with a touch of Fractured Fairy Tales.
while I’m waiting for that late(r) night cafe, should I watch CSI or Barry Manilow: Music and Passion. CSI’s my favorite show. But Barry . . .
Sure go ahead. I’m still working on it and I wouldn’t think to tear you away from Barry. Might loose an arm.
I’ll definitely stay tuned…:)
Hey SN. I’m looking forward your appearance in the musical. 😉
I can’t dance my way out of a paper bag. But I can carry a tune pretty well. At least my high school choir teacher said so.
Great! You will be one of our singers. After looking at the butt on my de-butt, I just have to be a dancer.
Hey SN, IMS, you’re in N. Carolina, right?
Is this knuckle-dragger near you?
Twilight Zone indeed…
That has to be a joke, right? It looks like something you’d see on SNL or MadTV. I think he’s in Winston-Salem, but that’s too damn close for me.
Someday I’m going to have broadband and get to see all this stuff. For now I’ll just do my imitation of the little match girl.
I would like to think so, but it’s too tasteless to be parody, IMO.
All the hot button issues and no “local issue” content at all. O6 looks like it could be real ugly.
The frightening thing is that there is definitely a segment of the population that would respond favorably to that ad.
see you in the next cafe later this evening.
Likewise. Gotta go cook.
Have fun
Cafe Closed. Come on to Broadway.