It shouldn’t, but it does.
You want to help stop the raping and abuse of women and children quit ALLOWING the term liberal as part of our vocabulary. Like wearing suggestive clothing, being liberal gives out MIXED MESSAGES.

We can’t have it both ways and expect anything to get better, especially for women and children, not these days anyways.

I am not a god freak, I basically believe that what two consenting adults want to do is fine. I believe in freedom, but not at the expense of someone else. Everytime we spout give us our liberties we need to understand just what those liberties are.  Because one man’s liberty will take yours away.
The rape diaries have stirred so many bad memories up for me and I am angry. I am full of compassion for my sisters who have been scarred. I am angry at the men who think we are only here as eye-candy or for their entertainment.

We as a group have not practiced what we preach. When we allow our daughters to be exploited by sexy dress so they can be popular without the warnings that go with those clothes, shame on us. We as a group do not practice what we preach if we support exploitive reality shows and live vicariously through the exploitation and pain of other women. Shame on us. We as a group have not practice what we preach if we allow the men in our lives to bring porn into the homes. Shame on us. We do not practice what we preach if we say we like soft porn etc.  and watch semi-rape take place for our enjoyment. Shame on us. We cannot have it both ways.

Educate your daughters and sons. And practice what you preach for gods sakes. And that goes with drugs and alcohol. Sick people do sick things whether they ‘meant’ to or not.
Accountability and responsibility people. And we can do it without hiding behind God and the Bible for christ’s sakes.

These are choices not freedoms. And until we get the talk correct nothing will ever change.
Some of what is going on on the other side I agree with. Like Labeling movies and games. Putting blocks on TV and computers to protect the children.

I wish someone had practice what they preached when I was young and a catholic. The stories I could tell..

One example I will share. When I met my husband I did not know he was an alcoholic. I did not know he was into porn. We married, moved in and ALL Hell broke loose.

To make a long story short- he is sober now for 18 months (after jail time etc.) And he does not dare look at porn in this house. The way I handled that is “How would you like piggy old men looking at your daughter like that? All of those girls are someone’s daughter.” And we talked and talked and he finally (I think-got it)  But drinking/drugs and rape and porn all go together.

Bad choices, not freedoms. Please let’s start thinking better about what we stand for. We will only be free if we make the right choices. We must stop confusing freedom with liberal speak.

No means No! I want that freedom to say No! So education of the word No may be a good place to start. Again. You just cannot say NO you must keep explaining why NO.  My parents said NO a lot, but they never explained why. And I was raped, abused beaten threatened, sexually harassed many many times. It took a long time for me to understand what NO meant and why it fell on deaf ears. Now I know and my daughter knows also. I even think my husband, finally at 58, knows now also.