I slipped off the side of the road seven or eight months ago and landed on some Frostian path that sees less traffic. Through childlike eyes the new trail did not seem dark nor dangerous. It was glowing. I met new people. I fought like hell to awaken the sleeping. I smiled a lot, for the sheer joy of being engaged in the struggle. And this coming week, I’m going totally Quixote. And I’m going to invite some of you to go Quixote with me. But I’ll save the invitation for the last. Because one of the real joys in becoming an anti-war activist has been sharing the story with you.
It has been some time since I wrote. I am not even sure where I left you in my own tale. And I suppose more than a few of you don’t know me from a stark raving lunatic. So maybe I’ll just start at the beginning.
Like many of you, I knew the War in Iraq was a lie from before the beginning. I read the newspaper accounts. Read between the lines. And smelled that the smoking guns and mushroom cloud rhetoric was more stage effect dry ice than substance. One needed only to possess a critical mind and access to a functioning newspaper to know this. To sit back and watch Colin Powell sell his soul before the United Nations. To see the Chimp smirk this country into an illegal war. (By the way, if you haven’t done so already, you really should, just as a good citizen, read The Constitution In Crisis, John Conyers’ minority report on the fraud that has been foisted upon the American public.)
Like some of you, I sat disengaged as I watched those brave, embedded journalists play to the nationalism of the crowd, broadcasting their way across Iraq above flag waving graphics. It was surreal bullshit. And I did nothing for a time, seething from my couch as I watched the slaughter. Sometimes my anger would explode in a tirade at the local pub. And angry men watching FOX News above the bar would shout me down. Because Bush was serving turkey in Baghdad. All was right for the red, white and blue.
I learned after the fact, from a North Dakota Democrat, that there are many ways of non-violent resistance. Such as writing a book. So in the caustic atmosphere surrounding the U.S. conquest of Iraq, where it was difficult to speak out in public without coming to blows, I decided to write a novel to express my anger. My initial anti-war plot was shot down by my editor-in-chief. I liked it, but she convinced me it had already been done by John Steinbeck in “East of Eden.” So I settled on a different anti-war book. An anti-war on terror diatribe that soaked in the atmosphere of the nation. And it was good.
I had some down time after the book was completed. So I started writing on blogs. It was a cool place to blow off steam. My first hit diary at dKos lampooned the President. Man was it hard to find material to make fun of this most dignified creature. But I managed. And a little later, I found a frog pond to hang-out at and started talking to people about the issues of the day. All things considered, I cannot think of another period in my life when I was as well informed as the period that I spent here with the good folks at the Booman Tribune.
In August, Cindy Sheehan went to Crawford. And a couple of Boo Tribbers went to visit. And I started to get the idea that this blog thing was a great connector of people. A way to get off the couch. To start speaking out again. I got charged up and went to a local vigil in support of Cindy. And got connected to my local anti-war movement. They are a committed bunch who I’ve grown to respect over the months. And we’re doing our best to raise awareness and stop the war right here in our community.
In September, I went to Washington, D.C. I protested with some bloggers from the pond. And got charged-up to fight for peace. Came home and started organizing. Got my first taste of it by helping to organize a rally to mark the 2,000 solider’s death in Iraq. And since then, I’ve been planning a big rally to mark the 3rd anniversary of the war. Which brings us up to date.
When I first started in on the actual anti-war activism, I was a little taken aback by some of my fellow peace people. In the early days, I thought some of them were activism junkies. You know these people. They’ve got so many bumper stickers that they have to put “mosaic” down on their registration form where it asks for the color of their car. And when they open up their trunk, it is filled with protest signs, just in case an impromptu demonstration breaks out.
Well. I am now that junkie. I haven’t caved to the bumper stickers. Yet. But I will tell you that my five year-old had to squeeze into the back seat yesterday to avoid the anti-war signs that we have painted in anticipation of the great big anti-war demonstration. You see, the signs won’t all fit in my trunk anymore. Some of them have to go in the back seat. And my daughter. She is a trooper. So it is okay.
We’ve gone big in Lansing. We sent a representative to a statewide peace conference a number of weeks ago. And there was no over-arching state plan for a protest as we enter the fourth year of the war. So we went big ourselves. A week-long peace festival, if you will. You have to dream big. It of course risks great failure, planning an event like this. But when you have gone Quixote, failure is not an option. (Editor’s note: The author of this diary claims no resemblance to the fictional character of Don Quixote. In terms of visuals, you would do better to envision an Anglo-Saxon version of Sancho Panza. Better yet, just envision world peace, and trust me that the author now has the heart of Don Quixote.)
So here is the line-up:
Spring for Peace – March for Accountability
Community Peace Protest
Sunday, March 19, 2006
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Five locations throughout greater Lansing, Michigan: public sidewalks near the Meridian Mall (corner of Grand River & Marsh), the Eastwood Towne Center (corner of Lake Lansing & Preyde), the Lansing Mall (corner of Saginaw & Elmwood), in South Lansing (near Cedar & Edgewood), and in East Lansing (gather at MSU’s Beaumont Tower and march to Grand River & Abbott).Confronting the Myths
Sunday, March 19, 2006
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
At the MSU Museum, on West Circle Drive across from the MSU Library. Presentations by a diverse set of speakers with firsthand experiences in Iraq, followed by a film.Picket for Peace
Monday, March 20, 2006 through Friday, March 24, 2006
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily
At U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers’ office, 1327 E. Michigan Avenue, Lansing, Michigan. A week-long picket of pro-war Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI-08), asking that he support legislation ending the war and banning torture, and that he join in Congressional efforts to hold the administration accountable. The picket kicks-off with a rally at Rogers’ office at 7:00 a.m. on Monday, March 20, 2006. Mini-rallies daily on the lunch hour.Picket for Peace: After Hours
Lecture by John Perkins, “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”
Monday, March 20, 2006
7:00 p.m.
Dart Auditorium at Lansing Community College. This lecture is not connected with the local peace movement in any way. Just good karma that he is coming at this time. So go. And enjoy.Picket for Peace: After Hours
“The Power of Nightmares”
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
7:00 p.m.
Magdalena’s Tea House, 2006 East Michigan Ave., Lansing, Michigan. Viewing of the BBC documentary, “The Power of Nightmares,” a critical examination of the “War on Terror.”Picket for Peace: After Hours
Wrap-up Dinner Celebration
Friday, March 24, 2006
6:30 p.m.
Magdalena’s Tea House, 2006 East Michigan Ave., Lansing, Michigan. Free pizza to celebrate our efforts.
I don’t know what to expect. Before the war proper, our local anti-war rally drew a few thousand. As the war has gone on, the rallies have drawn a few hundred. Sometimes a few dozen. With the third anniversary event breaking into five groups, and with the week-long event starting early and lasting through the work day, I’m honestly not expecting that much. I’m hoping that people will get the word. And I hope they will be energized, as I was once. Energized to fight against their tax dollars paying to slaughter children. Energized to hold their government accountable for the lies that have been told. Energized to stop the sacrifice of our sons and daughters for some misguided imperial dream. Energized that the tide is turning, and that they might now believe that their own small voice might come out. Off the couch. To join with other small voices. To create a giant roar that can no longer be ignored.
I’ve got fifteen minutes on local FM radio to hype the event. Wednesday, March 15, 2006 from 7:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. Impact Radio in East Lansing on FM-88.9. You may be able to stream it. And I’ve been interviewed and photographed by the campus paper. They say they’re going to provide some ink. But who knows how far the word will spread.
I was told as a young soldier that you have to lead by example. That troops are more likely to charge the hill if you charge first. I signed-up for every minute of the Picket for Peace. Barring some calamity, I’m going to be there, on the line, for every minute of it. In fact, I’ll be at every event. I’m going to the Meridian Mall for the Community Peace Protest. It is the first time, to my knowledge, that anti-war protests are coming to my sleepy suburban shopping district. People truly need to wake-up. And while we are getting some groups to sign-up to march with us, there are some gaps on the schedule. Times in the week-long event when I may be marching alone in the Picket for Peace. And there is nothing that makes me feel more quixotic than marching alone.
Which leads me to this. If you are out there reading. And you are an old friend with nowhere to protest yourself. Or you are someone on the couch who has always felt this way, but hasn’t found a way to get involved. Or you are anyone. From anywhere. Who wants to stop this war. I’m calling on you to come out. Come visit me on some day(s) from Sunday, March 19, 2006 through Friday, March 24, 2006. Come and be quixotic with me. The tide has turned. You should hear the honking support these days, in the post-Dubai ports era. The military facade of the war president has fallen away. There is just a fool behind the curtain for all to see. He needs a push. But ending the war is within our reach. There are four Bills in Congress by my last count, that would help stop the war. And the Republicans have already broken ranks. And another lesson I recall from my days as a soldier. When the enemy breaks ranks and runs, it is easier to finish them off on the spot, than to wait and let them re-group.
I figure I could finance a place to stay for eight of you. I’m talking a cheap place to stay. A regular flop-house. Four to a room. But you’ll be warm and dry at night. And your days will be full. And I won’t be alone on the line. Not for one minute. I’ve gone Quixote. I’ve got the signs in the trunk to prove it. Won’t you come and take one up like a lance, and tilt it in the direction of the powers that be? (For NSA purposes, these protests are all non-violent. All references to soldiers, lances, windmill tilting and other tactics are purely metaphoric. We’re marching around asking Congress to stop the war. The worst you might expect is someone like Damnit Janet to yell “suit up or shut up” at a passing war-monger, at which time she or someone like her will be counseled by a local Quaker in the true meaning of non-violence.)
And by the way. Happy birthday to the Booman Tribune. The home of accidental activists on the Internet since 2005.
You can reach me at this e-mail if you want to go Quixote, too.
Dear Joe, you have always been an inspiration to me, I miss you when you’re gone. Wish I could be there.
Not much inspirational going on here with Sancho Panza, trust me. But I’m sad you can’t come. I need help.
a Koufax Award? Best series, I think but I cannot find a link to vote for you.
And welcome back! I, too smell what could be a spring breeze, did you know half a million were in the streets in Chicago on Saturday? shhhhhhh don’t want to jinx it, don’t want to touch it, talk about it too much, just wait and see if it might have been a whisper of hope…
I did not konw I was nmoniaetd for a Kuoafx arwad. In ohetr tivria nwes, wree you aawre taht if you tpye all the ltertes of a wrod, and you mkae srue to keep the fsirt and lsat ltrets in pcale, you can smarclbe all the idsnie lttres, wtih amlsot no lsos of rdaenig seped or cmhoperosin.
It is true.
Congratulations on your own Koufax nomination DTF. You are the most overlooked blogger in the world.
I would be a shoo-in for the latter.
And I am nominated for two, by the way. Best Writing and Deserves More Recognition.
ghandi is nominated for 3! I hope he will win them all.
Also blksista and Madman in the Marketplace are nominated.
It gives me great glee to see you here. Have a modern and secure man-hug. {{{{{{{BoJO}}}}}}}}}}
Ugh. Man hugs. Oh well. I still hope you win.
I love you! š
This weekend we’ll be super super busy with all the rallies, protests, and CodePink deliveries. I’d better remember to eat some wheaties… (I’ve been fasting for lab work so all I can think of is food and coffee ACK)
So Joe, I will be out there š
Except… unlike you… I managed to squeeze in a hockey game on Saturday. š
So tell me Joe, does your daughter dress up like you, too? š
Oh. I still make time for hockey and stuff. Wrestling really. I haven’t seen anything but Olympic hockey all season.
Happy to say that my daughter is wise enough not to dress like me. Your little girl is a spitting image of you. I’m expecting my daughters might be in a photo in some anti-war coverage we are getting. I’ll post it if it is in the paper in the next couple of weeks.
Have fun DJ. We’ll see you again.
If I wasn’t up to my chin in school issues here in Bama I would be with you this month. I was going to say that I’ll see ya this summer but you guys will certainly have this damn shut down by then huh? I remember when I first saw you outside the coffee shop in D.C. Steven pointed you out to me. I thought you were such a cutie but Steven told me you weren’t just another pretty face, that your mind was a steel trap! I love you Joe. Thank you for being a true brave American soldiers and never leaving your men behind! I’m sure that I’ll be seeing you this summer some time. Hope you have a couple of Quakers handy for me.
I have no idea what Joe was referring to. š
gawd, I wish you were there on that leg of the march, Military Tracy. These complete bungholes started yelling at us. We were only three (me, DamnitRyan and BostonJoe)… which is probably why they felt bold enough to do so. I don’t know what they yelled… but I did what any mother would have done and SURELY what you would have done. I yelled back, while pointing my finger (not the middle one, mind you :))
I then realized that I was only ONE amongst about 20 right wing batshit loonies… Ryan and Joe had walked on and were turning to come back, probably to drag my ass away…
then this amazing thing happened. Around the corner came this huge contingent of women and men… and they took it all in and they too started yelling and pointing “SUIT UP OR SHUT UP”.
I walked off to the concert with my new friend Joe and my brother… and glad that I had been non-violent… but still was true to my ways and self š
So many friendships formed that one weekend.
but supposedly it was a giant waste of time because a few loonies got to speak from the podium.
Well that is why I am “here” and not “there”. That is why I felt safe to write about things that are meaningful to me. I will never forget how you stood up for all of us with your words. I am honored to be “meaningless” if this is what it means š
I think for so many who went, or knew some of us who went… that particular weekend was a door to another life. So much has happened for me and my family since… and it’s all been good and healing.
When asked what our parents “do”, my daughter told her new teacher that I was a peace activist… that just… uh… well hell – that keeps me marching even in this cold rain of Portland š
You run a good place BooMan. Happy birthday. The web needs a place for the otherwise marginalized. IMHO.
Nobody is going to do it for us
at the rally though these yahoos showed up and it was really sort of funny because they were blocking traffic. Did they really want to trap us all in there together……we may hatch out a better idea than Crawford if you leave us all alone together for too long. We were walking past one of the yahoos in his truck as we were leaving and I remember looking up and through the windshield and he was smirking to himself like he was so pleased with himself and the next thing I know I’m up against the glass hollering, “Where’s your uniform asshole, my husband has one…..I packed him up for Iraq, I prayed every day he would come home alive, Don’t show up here ever again without your fucking uniform blah blah blah” and the very nice people came and got Tracy again and took her to a nice quiet spot.
Ah, school issues comes between us. Well. I guess it could be worse. You could be blowing me off to watch O’Reilly or something.
I’ll save Quakers. Oddly, they have no resemblance to the guy on the oats container.
Quaker cousins, no less. Quaker cousins who send me anti-war and progressive political e-mails all the time.
I’m so sorry I can’t roadtrip to Michigan to join you, but I’ll try hard to get my cousins there by proxy, okay?
In the meantime — rock on, BostonJoe! I so enjoy reading about your journey into in-your-face activism.
I’ll bet they already know about it. I could be wrong, but I get the sense they are a tight-knit community and we have three of them (or more) that are very active. They are wonderful people. But you should tell them anyway. Can’t hurt.
You are such an inspiration BJ. Although I will be unable to come to Michigan know that my soul is with you. I will be attending an anti-war and peace festival here in San Diego on Sat. 3/18 at Balboa Park from 1pm to 4pm.
For more info go to http://www.sdcpj.org
I’d rather be in Balboa Park.
I have a serious question for everyone considering anti-war activism. With today’s speeches and ‘stuff’ strongly emphasizing the unison of the fighting in Iraq and the so called war on terrorism, are you protesting the war on terror? I know that we here understand the difference between the two, but if this admin portrays ant-Iraq-war activists as seriously pro-terrorist, will that affect the activism?
I’ve been called a terrorists, a “bin laden Bitch” a “Fucking Liberal Nazi”
Just names from a bunch of people who swalled Bushs kool aid.
Right, I understand that but it may soon be beyond the kool-aid drinkers and put into law by our fearfull leaders. That’s why I’ve been pissed at them rolling over on the surveillance/wiretap investigation.
OIC, well that’s why they’re building all those FEMA “detainment camps” and “5th Columnist prisons”… so they can do away with us all.
Yeah, I think you’re right about that.
. . . a divide between those opposing the war in Iraq because it distracts from the ‘real war,’ & anti-war, anti-imperialist activists. That’s not a bad thing; opposition to the Vietnam war had various constituencies with conflicting agends as well; it was the confluence of all streams that was ultimately effective.
Annie Zirin points out that “[a] Left that opposes the occupation of Iraq but accepts the overall war on terror will find itself inevitably on the side of supporting other wars and other occupations.”
She goes on:
Fighting for humanity is an endless task . . .
It is a serious question, and one that activists will need to make individual decisions on.
However, there’s not much “if” to it, as activists are already being declared pro-terrorist. The administration will always attempt to label the opposition as negatively as they are able to. Last time around, activists against the Vietnam War were labeled communists, and supposedly our groups were infiltrated with communists. So what’s new?
There’s always the risk of sanctions, but a whole lot less risky now than it will be if this fascist trend continues to gain power.
Camps, or no camps, I choose to challenge them now!
Labels and misdemeanors don’t bother me at all. The problems I have are with felonies and mandatory sentences, combined with over-aggressive law enforcement and total surveillance by private contractors that are connected to criminal bribery of politicians.
We need some Dem leaders to stand up first, at least a little. We’ve all been the targets of surveillance and ‘interest’ from speaking out over the past 4-5 years. We spoke out against this war before the politicians did, because they felt it wasn’t safe to disagree. It’s their turn to take the lead.
I fully agree. I intend to bring this issue up publicly at our state D convention. At some point they are either true patriots in that they support the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, or they shall be called QUISLINGS according to how they have behaved.
You tell ’em ND Dem. Stop the fascists.
They can’t beat and arrest us all =- although that seems to be their priority.
So many I know are ready to be arrested. I know that for the next march, my husband has taken the day off in case I am so that he can be with the kids and try to get me out.
It’s so wrong, but they are trying scare everyone away from speaking out.
Which means we need to be louder.
If you can’t march, do try to support somone who is, like by watching their kids, willing to care for their animals while they travel or if arrested.
So many ways to support the ones who are willing to be arrested… and the scary thing is this: They are more and more violent with protestors.
You are a heroine DJ. Willing to give up freedom for the side of right. You go.
We still have a loooooooong way to go to get America back, but we can do it.
I am also protesting the “War on Terror.” My local group has an alternative statement about the “War on Terror.” We reject the notion, pretty much. It is a metaphor, not a war. A deadly metaphor used as a nationalistic tool.
What happened on 9/11 was a crime. We were not attacked by a nation. We were attacked by 19 individuals. We have spent 247 billion dollars on the War in Iraq. To seek justice for the 19 individuals who were killed in their own crime?
I’m not saying terror, as a tactic, is not a problem. I’m saying that it is not a problem that will be resolved with any force short of total genocide. (And I’m not advocating total genocide). We need a foreign policy based on human rights and international justice. This administration is doing everything it can to increase terror in the world, both as a sponsor of state terror, and to foment terror in response to our policies/wars.
Only when the people are deceived can these policies of war succeed. Mass media manipulation. I do not buy the idea that human beings are inherently war-like. Human beings can be terrorized by propaganda. As has been done repeatedly in the modern era to whip up a nationalistic zeal, to have men and women voluntarily give up their lives for mythical ideals — the end result of which is always the entrenchment of wealth and power. This is a systematic battle. Between the forces of greed and the forces of non-violence. I’m glad I’m in the game. Whatever the result.
And I can assure you, it takes something quite remarkable to make me stand up and cheer when I am reclining on pillows.
I hope you will save that post to a text file, and use it as a speech. Few things give me “goose bumps,” but you just did.
Yeah. That was nice wasn’t it. There is a certain randomness with the words I write. I could never quite capture that again in writing, and I could never approach it in speech. So it will just have to rest here.
one of those things you thought you could never do, but find yourself doing now. š
Hey Joe, I was just getting ready to send you an email wondering where you’d been…certainly have been missing your diaries.
I was wondering if you’d think it a good idea to resend you the sign I made for the D.C. march to carry next week?. That would be about as close as I could get to any kind of actual physical support…and as long as you promise not to put it in the wash machine this time.
Sure. You can send it. I will not wash it. (I hope).
Joe, This is simply awesome!
Well. It seems a little less than awesome from where I’m sitting. Wondering who will hear. Who will come. But I’m glad I dared big.
I’ll be in Detroit for Andrew’s first peace march -4:30 in front of the Spirit of Detroit.
I’ll come to yours if you come up here for the Picket for Peace Teacher Toni.