Just when I thought it was safe to come out of the water to play with a Welcome Wagon Diary, I log on and find another fracas.
It is predictable that whenever the pot starts to boil long absent posters come out of the woodwork and stir the pot some more. Seems that some folks can never get over one thing or another and they are bound and determined that we all hear the recriminations once again. Seems also they can’t stay away from this site even though they protest it greatly.
So what’s to be done, what’s to keep other posters here, new members happy to be here, old members feeling safe enough to come back and post again?

Well I don’t have the answers, I have only have the questions. So now I am asking this question, what would satisfy the majority as to the site rules.  Can we have a discussion on that.  Can we come to a consensus.

Would you like to see site rules, short and consise, prominately posted.  To me this is the obvious answer. Come to a conclusion about what the rules are and then post for all to see.  Personally I feel the ‘don’t be a prick’ rule is too loose a rule and can be interpreted within a person’s own framework to allow for them a different interpretation to suit them.  Also it might be helpful to add the 2 diaries a day limit onto the new diary entry page.  So here it is, lets have a discussion without rancor, please.

I have been wanting to post a Welcome Wagon Diary for a long time, but every time I think ok, things are calmed down enough to allow for this, but boom, the next thing you know all hell breaks loose and it doesn’t seem fitting to welcome anyone.

So I have come here today to plead with you all to resolve these issues.  I am with some reservation going to now hit the submit button.