Larry Johnson wrote a front pager today (Smells Like Civil War?) Iin which by the simple transposition of Iraq place names to United States place names he blows away Ratpub meme that “There IS no ‘civil war’ in Iraq.”
He ends by stating:
Which prompted me to write this followup. read on.
Once again…to the people who are running this country, ALL of this bloodshed is acceptable. And more.
This is a Blood for Oil War.
THE blood of brown people. (This time. ALWAYS some shade other than Northern European, though. Always. Segregation didn’t end. It just went international.)
White people’s oil. White people and their domestic servant underclasses.
Do you REALLY want all of this violence to end?
Be careful what you wish for.
Turn off most of your lights and stop driving most of your car miles. End your indebtedness and do not get into debt again. Do not fly anymore if at all possible. Stop buying nationally advertised products. Stop repetitive advertising and unnecessary duplication of product. Start buying domestically made products whenever possible. No matter what the added expense. Step away from the planned obsolescence game. Drive your automobiles 250,000+ miles. Fix that old refrigerator. Stop overeating. Insulate your houses properly. Start supporting alternative forms of energy AT EVERY TURN. Drive 50+ mpg cars. Ride bikes. Take public transportation whenever possible. Rein in the (regular and covert) military…economically…so that IT does not waste. Crack down on drugs. For REAL, even if that means hitting the parts of our intelligence agencies that have grown wealthy in the business. Pull our vast armies and energies back from their far-flung bases and put them to work rebuilding the infrastructure of the country. Make it clear that we will not be fucked with militarily and that nuclear force WILL BE USED if we are.
Fat, stupid Americans we are.
Then and only then…provided the whole country went on a serious austerity kick and stayed there for a decade or so…would we end the system of economic imperialism supported by overt and covert military force that FEEDS OUR GLUTTONY.
Pride is excessive belief in one’s own abilities, belief that interferes with the individual’s recognition of the grace of God. The grace of Life. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. We ain’t THAT good. Certainly no BETTER than the rest of humanity.
But we kill like we are.
Over the last 60 years, no country on earth has the blood on its hands that we do.
No contest..
Not even close.
Our culture as it stands is almost UNIVERSALLY guilty of the Seven Deadly Sins, and we…as well as others… are paying for them by the hell that we are making here on earth.
I am serious here.
Stop individually and repent…reform…or we all will eventually pay the ultimate price.
Sooner rather than later the way things are looking now.
They say that Hell is fire and brimstone.
Well…Iraq is hell now.
And Baghdad is coming to your neighborhood theater. Your neighborhood theater of war.
Soon. Sooner rather than later. For sure.
Watch for it.
Malcolm X got in BIG trouble by suggesting that “The chickens have come home to roost” in response to a question about JFK’s assassination.
Well…he was right. And there are now many MORE chickens and a whole LOTTA roosting about to hit the fan if we do not set things right here.
FIERY chickens.
Crispy fried.
Will all of this happen?
Not without a real crisis, as far as I can see, and maybe not even then.
We are well sot in our sinful ways.
Gonna take a real shot to dislodge us.
Buckle up.
It’s going to be a rough, rough ride.
Back to work.
We’ll talk in about 10 hours.
Some days I feel like a militant, some days I don’t. Individual anger has a lot of energy and when turned on the wrong person(s) all hell will break loose.
United we stand divided we fall..we are falling fast, thanks to Bushco.
. . . talking about peaceniks driving to their demonstration in their SUV. Now that’s anger!
Our “way of life” cannot be saved, but the War for Oil is the attempt to try.
Peaceniks should understand this. And keep protesting.
feral chickens?
FRIED feral chickens.
Crispy fried.