[Reposted for stark with no edits]
Here is a list of worldwide demonstrations scheduled for March 18,2006.
Are we going to let the rest of the world clean up the mess “we” have made or are we going to do what everyone everywhere else in the world does when they are dissatisfied with their governments?
Worldwide demonstrations: Aalborg, Aarhus, Adana, Adelaide (20/3), Albuquerque, Alicante, Almería, Amsterdam, Ankara, Ann Arbor (19/3),
Armidale, Asheville (19/3), Athens, Atlanta, Baghdad, Bangkok, Bangor, ME, Barcelona, Basra, Battle Creek (19/3), Bemidji, Berkley (20/3), Berlin, [2], Bilbao, Binghampton (19/3), Bloomfield, Boise (19/3), Bonn, Boston, Bremen, Brisbane, Bronx, NY, Brookline (17/3), Bruxelles (19/3), Budapest, Buffalo, Burlington, Calgary, Camden, ME (19/3), Caracas, Carbondale (19/3),
Chattanooga, Chicago, Chico, Colorado Springs, Columbia (19/3), Columbus, Comox, Concord, Copenhagen, Córdoba, Cottage Grove (19/3), Covington,
Dallas (19/3), Davenport, Denver (19/3), Detroit, Dublin, Duisburg, Duluth, East Setauket, Eau Claire, Edmonton, El Centro, Elmira (19/3), Evergreen,
Fayetteville, Fort Collins, Frederick (15/3), Fresno, Gaborone (17/3), Gainesville (19/3), Galveston, Garden City, Genève, Gijón, Grand Forks, Grand Rapids, Göteborg, Hackettstown (19/3), Halifax, Hartford (19/3), Helsinki, Hibbing (19/3), Highland Park, Honolulu, Hawaii, Houston, Indianapolis, Irvine (19/3), Istanbul, Jaca (Huesca), Jakarta, Janesville,
Johannesburg, Jönköping, Kalamazoo, Kansas City (19/3), Karachi, Kent, Ohio (19/3), Kuala Lumpur (19/3), Lake Helen (19/3), Lansing (19/3), Las Cruces, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Vegas, Lisboa, Little Rock, Ljubljana, London, Long Island, Los Angeles, [2] (20/3), Louisville, Madison, Madrid, [2] (19/3), Málaga (23/3), Malmö, Managua, [2], Manila, Marbella (21/3), Melbourne (17/3), Melbourne, Florida, Memphis, Mercury, Mexico City, Midland, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Missoula, Mobile, Mobile – New Orleans (14/3), Mocksville, Montreal, Morristown (19/3), Moss
Point (14/3), Mountain View (19/3), Naples (19/3), New Bedford, New Haven, New London (21/3), New Paltz, New York City, [2] (20/3), Newton (19/3), Nicosia, Northville, [2], Ocean Springs (15/3), Odense, Oklahoma, Omdurman, Orange, Oslo, Ossining, Ottawa, [2], Oviedo (16/3), Palo Alto, Paris, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Prague, [2] (19/3), Quebec City, Redding, Reno, Reykjavik, Riverside (17/3), Rochester, Roma, Rotterdam, [2] (20/3), Roxbury, Saint Louis (19/3), Saint Paul, Salisbury, MD (19/3), Salt Lake
City, San Diego, San Francisco, San Juan, San Sebastián-Donostia, Santa Barbara (16/3), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santa Fe, Santiago de Chile (17/3),
São Paulo, Sarasota, Seattle, Seoul (19/3), Sevilla, South Portland (19/3), Southold (19/3), Springfield (20/3), Stevens Point, Stockholm,
Stuttgart, Sydney, Tallahassee (19/3), Tarragona, Teaneck (15/3), Tijuana – San Francisco (12/3), Tokyo, Toronto, Trabzon, Trenton, Tucson, Tulsa, Turku, Uppsala, Valladolid, Vancouver, Victoria, Walnut Creek, Warsaw (19/3), Washington DC, Waynesville (16/3), Wellington, West Bend, Wien (Vienna), Wilmington, Windsor, Winnipeg, Wolfville, NS, Woodstown (17/3),
Zaragoza. All demos on 18/3/2006 unless otherwise stated.
missed the link at the top, there is a full listing of over 200 protest planned globally for this weekend to mark the 3rd Anniversary of the Iraq Invasion
Here it is again
Thanks Manny, I will now delete the other one.
Thanks for the lowdown, Manny!
and I will add that to my list of resources for the protest list I’m working on to post on Thursday evening.
Come on now. So now we are posting the same diaries so she can still be on the list. This defeats the purpose of the rules. Do we really need six diaries to get a point across?
You don’t seem to understand Alohaleezy, that I have no interest in the “popularity contest” aspect of the blog world.
Indeed. This–meaning the fact that we do not have hundreds of thousands of people on the streets every day in this country–is indeed ABSURD!
At least that IS what it looks like to the rest of the world.
We look complete and total idiots.
As one that is very active and has been ON the streets, that went to Crawford, that writes the LTEs, that works for campaigns six diaries preaching to the choir is over the top. If you think the blogs are such a waste of time then why participate? Please, one diary will suffice. In this community, I really don’t believe the participants here are wrting diaries to be “popular”. The rules are the rules. Period!
You know, Leezy, the more I hear about it, the more I am convinced: my decision NOT to go to Crawford was a good one (I seriously considered it)–my reasons for staying home and attending vigils instead have since been substantiated MANY times over.
I am sure, however, very sure that I would have had a MARVELLOUS time at the immigrant rally in Chicago.
The beauty of the whole thing is–there are many, many opportunities for people of all stripes to get involved and to get out on the streets.
My posting of many diaries was an attempt to get that point across.
And if you are not interested in the “popularity contest” of the blogs why then did you recommend this diary? give me a flippin break.
Darn it Leezy, when you don’t like some one, you sure love to let everyone else know about it. Maybe if we all just concentrated on supporting each other when we agree, and ignoring each other when we don’t, this place could be happier and more productive.
Sorry you feel that way about me. Actually, Man Egee “reposted it” and it was through all the other threads that she wrote it.
I haven’t seen you around much lately.
Yup, I saw this when Stark originally posted it, and I do see Man Eegee’s “reposted for Stark” oneliner, too.
I also saw Booman’s comment reminding Stark of a 2 diary limit (which he and Susan have explicity waived many times in the past, but then I can’t say I’ve seen 4-5 diaries in a row by one person before, either).
Any way I look at it, it seems Booman was aware of exactly what was going on, and had already weighed in once. Seems he’s capable of running his own site just fine.
It also seems that Man Eegee was within the rules when he chose to post this one.
And the topic seems a-okay for this site. Heck, its both timely and appropriate. If only the formatting was better…
So it seems it wasn’t really necessary for you to play diary cop or be rude, but you did and were.
I’ve been around plenty in the last week or so, and things haven’t changed a bit since I was very active last year.
First of all I have a right to my opinion and was not being rude at all. Just asking a questionof Stark, not you.
Secondly, I was totally unaware of the exchange between Booman and Stark. Seems to me you are the one trying to stir things up here. That is all I will say.
She’s apparently been banned, so how is she supposed to answer?
Hate to be the one to pee in the frogponders’ cornflakes, but the information is far more important than the personality conflicts. That, and double-standards just plain suck. So does hijacking diaries. π
I respect your opinion but this has nothing to do with ‘personality conflicts. You talk about hijacking a diary? How about Hijacking the site with six diaries. YES, it is important but six diaries is a little over the top don’t you think?
I have only waived the 2-diary rule once that I can remember, and that was for a community project that the author asked me about up front. They said, “I want to do this, but I posted my quota this morning.”
Susan has never waived the rule as far as I know.
And 6 diaries in a row would never be waived.
There’s been the issue of double standards in the past with enforcing whatever rules exist, so please exuse the skepticism.
God knows what would be a bannable offense. shruG. So it goes.
so says you.
Why do I almost never see you around unless it is to make groundless comments like you just made above?
If you cut off stark’s ability to reply the way that you did me, then people are going to comment on it, and/or assume the person was banned.
And believe it or not, no one goes out and “collects people” to stick up for them when shit like this happens, it motivates people who have been through the same thing on this site to speak up.
As James says:
stark has been banned. Her comments were not cut off.
post comments, or am I misunderstanding you?
She was just banned completely is what I’m thinking, but I don’t want to assume.
it’s the same thing. In your case I didn’t want to ban you but I had to stop the disruption your comments were causing. So, essentially, I banned you twice but promised to unban you in a little while.
The mechanism is the same.
The difference here is that stark didn’t have a legitimate beef at all. You at least had a good reason to be pissed off.
I’m happy you are still here.
This is a different situation entirely.
Are you giving her a “time out” as well or is she gone for good? IMNSHO, you are losing one hell of a voice in stark, but hey, that’s just one person’s opinion.
she’s gone.
Do we really need to dredge up a few months ago? Personally I don’t have the time.
Thanks for your own little groundless accusation, btw. You might try reading your own blog’s comments every once in a while – you’d know what I do and what I’m about.
Why do that, eh?
Bag on the nonconformist instead.
Who is dredging things up?
Did I accuse you of having double standards or did you accuse me?
Did you cut off stark’s ability to comment or ban her?
Sincerely curious.
According to the email I received from her, she’s been banned.
I remember the days when a banning was worthy of a front page entry!
I celebrated my 40th yesterday, and was most amused to read the anniversary thread….didn’t want to “hijack” it with my reveling in my own existence though, so I didn’t comment!
You just celebrated the big Four-Oh? So did I about a month and a half ago. I’m still adjusting to being a middled aged Gen-X-er. π
Good Dr. B, you and I are the smae life trajectory in so many ways it’s freaky! Happy belated, buddy! 40 so far is a blast!! Now if I can just get the damned alphabet soup behind my name all will be well! I’ll see ya a the Left End tomorrow, gotta go hang with the kiddos for a bit and I think I’m done here for the day — don’t want be accused of wielding the boxcutters, stirring the shit, or rousing the rabble, if you know what I mean!
I love ya!
You, know, it’s just not worth the bother.
good. then I don’t expect to hear any more uninformed snide comments from you about double standards.
The fact you have to email stark to find out whether she has been banned seems to suggest that you have no idea what happened, and the fact that you didn’t even know about the 2 diary rule suggests that you have no valid opinion on whether I apply these rules fairly.
This is not the first time I have a bunch of snide comments from you about such things.
Sorry, but I don’t do this so that I can be a punching bag.
If you knew what you were talking about it would be different. Instead, it’s just uniformed criticism. And when you get called on it, it isn’t worth your time.
It’s not worth anyone’s time.
Actually, she was the one that emailed me, with the link to your comment about the banning. I didn’t email her. Talk about uninformed snide comments! Just caught you on one. Whatever, dude.
She emailed you to tell you about her banning with my comment. And yet, you claimed to not know why or whether she was banned.
And Brinnainne, contrary to your contrary, people DO line up their allies to defend (and lie) for them.
They send them emails for example, with links to the relevent dispute. And then that is not revealed.
Take it somewhere else James. Your game is up.
Lie? Where did I lie? That is total b.s. and you know it. Where did I claim not to know that she was banned? Prove it.
Dude, it’s not me who’s playing games.
Fine. Perhaps I took your use of the word ‘apparently’ too literally. I would not have used an ambiguous word like that if I KNEW she had been banned and was in email contact with her.
I would have said, “She was banned”.
I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you just used whatever language you wanted to.
I am very tired of getting disrespect from people over the decisions I have to make. Disageee if you want, but don’t go around throwing double standard accusations at me everytime I have to do something to preserve the site.
Stark had every chance to fix things. She decided to ‘go with it’.
I will always call things as I see them – even if it means standing alone; even if it means stepping on some toes. Honesty is my policy. You would do well to keep that in mind next time you are so much as tempted to accuse me of lying.
I also tend to save my best English for manuscripts I submit for publication – in blogtopia I tend to go more “stream of consciousness.” Given that, maybe ask the next time something is unclear.
What I see as not worth the bother is even discussing where I see double-standards. You apparently cannot or will not see what I, brin, and perhaps some others see. I don’t know which and it’s not worth MY time to try to go down that road with you. You have made that clear in abundance.
Just remember that what might go unsaid doesn’t necessarily go unthought.
martin, what he said. I would only add the following:
What goes unread by you still exists, and I would venture to say that there are people, users, if you like, in this community who see and hear more than you do, especially from and about non-front-pagers.
Respect is a multi-faceted road.
i show people respect brinnainne.
and I tolerate a lot of disrespect.
Whatever was said to you by me or by Susan, you said a lot of stuff about us that went way further and was way more personal than anything we did. And neither of us wanted to ban you for it. And we didn’t.
stark wrote a diary that basically said I was a racist. I defended myself, I didn’t censor her.
gilroy writes a new diary everyday that starts out saying “BooMan (or Susan or Larry or Steven) wrote this, they’re asleep” and I try to respect him.
I get held to a higher standard. But that doesn’t mean I have to eat shit. Does it?
show people respect, but I have been on the short end of s shitload of disrespect from you, from others who have annointed themselves “keepers of the non-prick rule”, etc. etc. At this point, I am beyond really investing in it one way or another.
said a lot of stuff about us that went way further and was way more personal than anything we did.
I think that is bullshit — I have yet to see any specifics as to what you are talking about.
If you think I made personal attacks on you or other frontpagers, I would like to think that you WOULD permanently ban me, regardless. As far as “going beyond” what you or others said, that’s pretty much in the eye of the beholder isn’t it? We can totally agree to disagree on this point, but don’t you think it might teach you something to examine, as objectively as possible, why the “double-standards” issue comes up so often? That wouldn’t involve “eating shit”, but it might involve something like I suggested to you a couple of weeks back…..here.
From a certain perspective, not ever having read or read and not responded to that comment might be considered disrespectful, no?
Just saying.
Whoa! That was an eye-opener (the whole thread, not just your very reasonable suggestion, brinnaine).
So this place has just recovered from a massive eruption that I wasn’t part of, and had no knowledge of? Cool.
I’d hoped things would have changed while I was gone, but I see now that the underlying problems were never addressed, just no one talked about them so “peace” could be restored.
“explosions” “implosions” whatever — no, the underlying issues are never addressed, no consensus is reached and no wounds are healed — or rather they are, until next time, times that come with increasing frequency….
I really did have a lot invested in this site as a community but no more — it’s a web log, belongs to someone else, who I was happy to help earn his $$, but no more…..ya know? I’ll keep posting when I feel like posting, until I too, am finally banned…
I sure hope you aren’t banned.
(If I stop posting here, you can go ahead and assume I was banned, fwiw)
The honest truth is that you, I, and about a half-dozen other people see things wrong here — systemic things which could be fixed if they were addressed. Then there is a certain group who wants to believe everything is perfect if we’d just shut up about problems. In any discussion, they’re the loudest voice.
So if things are the same as they were when I left, that means the site goes through *explosion*, fence-mending, grudge-holding, *flare-up*, peace-making (agreeing to ignore any problems for the sake of the “community”, repeat.
Maybe the site needs an out of the way place, like the regional blogs, so the folks who see issues can tackle them headon, without offending the more sensitive members.
Or we can keep going like co-dependents in an alcoholic household.
Or maybe, like I once heard somewhere, it’s a big blogoshpehere, go out and make your own, is the best advice. It never ceases to amze me that people who claim repeatedly to value “community” will take that concept and thrash it against the wall in the name of “harmony” or “lack of ‘flame wars'” or whatever and then decry and exorcise the people who are actually TRYING to BUILD community….
The fact that the site owner is at this moment out “drinking liberally” sort of says it all….
If I didn’t give a shit about many of the people here, as PEOPLE, not blogonalities, I would have had an easier time saying “fuck it” — I’ll keep practising!
Between what you wrote, and rereading between the lines of Diane’s diary, I get it now.
We’re all trying to build a community here.
Diane wants a pretty gated community, with all the happy people on the inside, and the welcome mat extended for more.
I think your and my view of community is a bit broader.
In the end its Booman’s community. He can do whatever he likes with it. And the truth is that the majority of folks will stick with it, whatever it is.
I find it a bit ironic that huffington post can actually be a more open community than this one. Their compromise is pure genius. Each blog writer can control which of the comments to their blog (diary) are published. So certainly the strong authoritarian “control the message” style that some folks love. Then the news stories are seemingly unmoderated. The crazies, the trolls, the true believers, and the rest are all dumped in there to talk it all out. No 4’s, no threads, no ability to track your own comments, no ego-boosting mechanisms of any kind. Just the weight of your own words.
Still, its a lousy place to work together for a non-Republican govt. That’s why I came back. But I don’t have the time or inclination to talk about pets, or flirt, or hang out in the non-political blogs (tho the oscars blog was fun). I’d rather spend spare time posting affirming comments on the unremarked diaries that float off the page — you know, making connections outside of a small clique of friends, on someone else’s terms, giving them a pick-me-up.
Silly me, wrong kind of community building.
You sound very bitter.
I don’t think that sounded bitter at all.
talking about now?
“contrary to my contrary”?!?! I know I have been lied about, but unlike some frontpager on sabbatical or whatever the fuck, I have always put my shit out here, and NOT through backend emails. James has no “game” here, you are completely overreacting, again, in mnsho.
NONE of us do this to be a punching bag, eh?
You really have been taking advice from Armando on how to run a blog.
Like Brinnaine below, I call them as I see them.
I don’t have ANY contact with anyone from this blog outside of this blog. I haven’t been recruited by anyone for any nefarious purpose. I guess that’s the downside of not posting ones email anywhere.
There is one good reason to ban someone — they disrupt the community.
There is one tempting but very poor reason to ban someone. They offend your pride.
I thought the Parker banning was a gray area, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt even tho I thought it was a wrong move. Stark isn’t so gray. She’s been more consistently pro-Dem than Arthur Gilroy, for one. I’d say the primary reason she was banned is she challenged you — not the blog, but you.
Its your blog, you’re free to run it any way you like. But the more you run it like a playhouse for your fanclub, the less effective its going to be in achieving whatever goals you have in mind. Unless the goal is to please or entertain you, I guess.
(as for the 2 diary rule, how many times have you and Susan welcomed new people by telling them there is only one rule around here? I’ve been here long enough to know about the 2 diary guideline, but its a little weak to claim it was a rule that everyone should know, when there’s no link to it, nor has there been a mention of it in the commentary for ages. It comes across as more of a justification than a reason for banning. I wonder if it had been someone other than Ductape and ManEegee who reposted her downed diaries, would they have been banned too? I suspect they would, if they hadn’t shown you the proper amount of respect in the past…)
stark was confronted with the rules in several threads today and chalked up her six posts to an “act of civil disobedience” in the end. She was warned, then banned.
I offered to post two of them myself because 1) i felt the info was relevant, and 2) I was hoping it would calm this fiasco down. #1 still applies, but #2 was never given a chance.
Regrettably I don’t think #2 could have ever had a chance.
Somehow I feel the need to apologize to you, Manny. Your gesture of good will deserved better.
there’s just a lot of frustration everywhere. I think most of this mess could be diffused with gestures of good will from all directions.
I’m gonna enjoy some frivolous t.v. now, have a great night. Paz
this is wrong on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin.
The diary rule is in the FAQ under pastordan’s guide. It is probably also in the FAQ under soj’s guide. It is also probably in man eegee and nanette’s user guide, which I am still trying to figure out how to post prominently (but that is another matter).
The reason is has not been a big deal is that most people here are veterans of Kos and know the rule, most people do not post or want to post more than two diaries a day, and most importantly, because when people break the rule I am not a hardass about it. I just tell them the rule and ask them to remedy the situation.
No one has ever complained about inadvertantly breaking the rule until today.
Stark admitted to making a decision to defy the rule as a matter of civil disobedience. She wanted me to back down and let her post 6 diaries in a row. Not 3 mind you. She didn’t ask nicely. She insulted me, said I was full of hotair, suggested that I was some kind of phony, etc.
I don’t care who breaks the rules or what the content of their 6 diaries may be. The rule exists for the diary writers. Not for me.
Everyone is acting crazy! Please, please, please, lets return this diary to its focus on the protests this weekend. Please.
Resist the urge to howl π
A – fucking – men!
Anyhoo, I’ll make sure to spread the word of these various actions on my own humble blog, and over at American Samizdat in the hopes that some folks who don’t normally frequent Dem blogs will get the lowdown.
to get into a content fight, leezy. I offered to repost as a gesture of goodwill, and will leave it at that.
“You know, Leezy, the more I hear about it, the more I am convinced: my decision NOT to go to Crawford was a good one (I seriously considered it)–my reasons for staying home and attending vigils instead have since been substantiated MANY times over.”
Is that a personal slam for my going there or are you just being rude to ALL people that participated in standing up with Cindy?
Her sentence was talking about herself. Period.
If she’d wanted to comment on other people going, those words would have been included, as “Don’t think anyone should have gone.” They weren’t there, she didn’t say that.
With email, we get maybe 10% of communication’s intent, because voice tone and body language are missing. That’s a huge cause of communication problems with blogs.
(Yes, communication is my field, FWIW.)