Update [2006-3-15 22:39:47 by howieinseattle]: Blue Mass. Group is saying that Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) is also supporting Feingold’s resolution. DEMAGOGUE says, “Donate Your Spine to Senate Dems …. Call Now!” The Rude Pundit opines, “Message To Democrats: Supporting Feingold Is the Path To Enlightenment.” RAW STORY surveys the political scene in the Senate. “DINOs Strike Again: They Cower, They Cave” is from Blogcritics.org.

“Republicans are so scared of having a legitimate debate about Iraq or national security that they have only one reaction to news of their failures or calls for accountability.

On Monday, Democratic Senator Russ Feingold introduced legislation to censure the President for breaking the law by creating a secret domestic spying program. Agree or disagree with his proposal, as a Senator — and as an American — he has the right to speak his mind and express his views without Republican Senators questioning his patriotism.

But that’s exactly what happened. This week Republican Senator Wayne Allard of Colorado, in an interview with Fox News radio, said in response to Feingold’s action that he has “time and time again [sided] with the terrorists”.

Send a message to Senator Allard: shame on him for questioning the patriotism of another Senator. Sign this petition and it will be delivered to Allard.”-from the DNC.

Feingold told Ed Schultz today during an interview today on his radio show that Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) has agreed to support his censure resolution. Schultz told his listeners that the interview would be available on his website later today.