It 12:00 noon and has been raining all day here. Brunch or breakfast is served depending on where you are. Although I shouldn’t be, I’m eating a big bowl of ice cream.
Mornin’, FM. That photo makes me want to go out to breakfast. I was staring at it trying to think if we had anything in the house. An apple and stale chocolate chip cookies was the closest I could get.
If any of you shop at Cosco, my friend sent me this warning
I don’t how many of you shop at Costco, but this may be useful to know. I have become a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. This happened to me and it could happen to you.
Here’s how the scam works:
Two seriously good-looking 18-year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping in the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy t-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say ‘No’ and instead ask you for a ride to another Costco. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet. This is not a joke. I had my wallet stolen last Tuesday, Wednesday, twice on Thursday, again yesterday and most likely tomorrow.
I was all ready to head over to Snopes to do some research in anticipation of writing a chew-out letter for passing stuff like this along until I got to the bottom of the post. Then I started laughing out loud.
Hey there, FM! May I say you’ve been a truly stellar host?
Greetings to one & all from The Land of Winter’s Last Stand. Hope everyone’s enjoying the week’s closure. I’ve got to tell you: the last cafe’s images were perfectly wonderful. Thank you all so much!
Hard not to slack here, when so much still needs doing & the weather’s dropped into wintertime yet again — high wind, temperatures just at sub-freezing & clear, crisp skies. Even the birds have quieted down again. Quel drag.
Thanks for your kind good wishes, FM. Doing my best, as always. It’s lmost time for me to head out & harvest a little more firewood — but one more cup o’ Joe here at the cafe’ suits me well!
Thanks — but he’s already been on it ! He received a loving scratch behind the ears as a tip, too.
I must say, he looks adorable in that little apron.
Good boy! :: scritch, scritch ::
Mid day my ass! I’m just getting to morning chores.
Now I’m officially freaked out by the radio thing tomorrow. (it comes and goes my freak outtages) No, not stage fright as that can be useful… I’m just – well hell I don’t know.
Hey there, DJ! No surprise about the jitters — I’d guess everyone gets them, to some extent.
I know you’ll do terrifically well, though. Heck, if an utter, frothing lunatic like a Cheney or Rumsfeld can relay their messages to a captivated public — surreal & ridiculous as they are — you can certainly do just as well telling the truth.
If it helps, you can speak to us, your pond-mates. Everyone else will just be eavesdropping 😉
Bring us your fire, darling! Personally, I bask in its warmth.
It’s not really stagefright. Here’s what I posted to my hockey friend who was into radio for a while. (sorry, I’m lazy typerwoman today)
I have never spoken to people I couldn’t see or respond to (well there’s the phone but that’s different) It’s always been public speaking or stage work. I guess I could just “read” the interviewer as I would a reporter(?) Mrs. Ski told me to not talk so fast smile.gif as I do in real life. Gave me pause as I realized a style different in my speaking – I don’t talk fast when speaking or acting. In my mind it’s like a “gig”. I’ll use my gig voice. Is that difference normal?? It might be safer to view it as such (a gig) huh.gif And yes I have been prepping: reading and going over topics. I’ve never liked my voice on tape recorders or answering machines and alot of my speaking is done with hand and facial gestures. … ok I’m fuhreaking out now aren’t I? … LOL
Yep, I’d certainly continue talking to folks who ‘know’ radio, regarding your Friday ‘gig’. Maybe someone will stop by the cafe’ here to offer a more wisdom than I can (hello, BooMan?).
Personally, I’m the type who won’t even do the phone unless very strongly motivated & firmly settled in my comfort zone. Can’t even imagine doing media — I’ve got a recorded voice somewhere between Minnie Mouse & antique Frigidaire.
When I was Germany my landladys grandson was taking English. They’re taught the British form. He started picking up words from me and his teacher kept telling him he wasn’t speaking English. Go figure.
The best compliment I have ever received was actually from Mr. Damnit.
He always attends Opening, mid-way and Closing.
He said that during the show he “forgot I was his wife” 🙂
Crimes – is a dark comedy and I at one point could hear people crying during the monologue scene where Babe remembers shooting her husband and the reason for it. 🙂
Actually I think that the best compliment any actor could receive. Not that Mr. Dammit forgot you were his wife of course. 🙂 But to be told that you are such a good actor that the people closest to you only see the character.
I think I have an old Oscar around here I’m going to send to you. :-).
The funniest time was when my son hollered out during a quiet moment in Tommy (we even had some from tower of power doing the music) he hollers out amidst the silence
I was truly interested in accessing the podcast & hearing everyone — but apparently my 3 year old operating system is just too archaic! Practically dead as dinosaurs!
I’m hoping I can access the KBOO broadcast tomorrow — but alas, I’ve got dial-up issues, too. OL broadcasts tend to ‘rebuffer’ every 3.5 seconds ’til I just give up in howling frustration.
DJ, you’ll do fine. Here’s a couple of tips from an ol’ radio guy…19 yrs. and counting…and it’s been a number of years since I co-taught the training course…but here goes:
RELAX!…very important!
You’ll [most probably] be wearing headphones so you can hear everything, including yourself, but if levels are adjusted correctly, it’s very conversational…no different really than what you “hear” in normal conversation. The key is to NOT READ, but speak normally, you’re just having a conversation with the people in the room. DO NOT WORRY @ THE AUDIENCE…we’re all Frogs anyway…talk with your Normal voice, cadences, pauses, intonations, etc., etc. Look at the people you’re talking to, but be aware of where the mic is when speaking…
Mic hints:
a. don’t get too close, or too far away…makes the engrs. job
difficult and will cause you to go from too loud to too soft
b. I prefer to talk “across” the mic as opposed to directly “in
to” it…this will minimize the popping that occurs with
certain types of mic’s with sharper p’s
t’s…the sharper consonants, etc.
4. RELAX!…don’t want to forget that…and last, and most
Good call. You might want to put the mic about three inches from your mouth, not talk directly into it — in fact if you put it at about, oh say 2 o’clock or 10 o’clock you’re a lot less likely to get a breathy or poppy sound — and keep a constant distance so the engineer doesn’t have to keep changing levels on you.
Just think like the impresario in Shakespeare in Love:
As far as I know, for now, it’s on 6-7 pm on KBOO Portland’s Community Radio which airs Democracy Now here. During the Bread and Roses show on Friday. I’ll be along with another CodePink lady who I just adore, Katie. There is a “listen online” thingy whatever button.
But it’s Friday night, you all should be out having fun by then.
Nope no link in the hockey chat – the above was email to them because there’s some nasty guests in there that are not nice.
I love how they cleverly put the caption “Floria Purim” underneath your picture so no one would know it was you. Good job!
Unfortunately I can’t call and trade gross kid-friendly recipes with you while you’re on because that’s my commute time, but I’ll set my little TiVo-for-Internet-radio app to tune in and check it out.
Hey DJ, I’ll be missing your big radio event because I’ll be going on vacation (cue fake sad face) but I’ll be there in spirit (I’ll be the one kicking you under the table right before you start to say ‘Fuck the Rethugs’).
Assuming I can remember to do so, if I can get this recorded I’ll put up a link on Saturday to the recording so people can listen in after-the-fact.
It should be pretty straightforward. I’m doing the research now to see if I can record from KBOO (I can from most Internet broadcasters, it just sometimes takes a little effort to determine where to point the recorder).
Yeah, I’ll probably just post a link in the cafe and let Janet spread it around as she sees fit.
I’m having trouble figuring out the base URL for their stream. They insist on installing some kind of bizarre web client player that I don’t think is going to load on my 64-bit Windows machine. However when I get home and can do this on my Linux box, I should have much better luck.
((((Thank you OMIR)))))I have no clue how it all works. I think Mr. D will be home listening to it on the radio. Maybe the station can make a copy of it for me?? I dunno. So your working on this is so nice. Thank you! 🙂
Happy to do it. How long is the broadcast supposed to last? So I can set my recorder to just record the broadcast. (Not that it’s any great hardship to overshoot the ending or anything, but the application does call for a recording duration.)
The show is an hour. But that may not mean our segment is an hour. Awaiting word from Katie from CP about the details… and where to meet up beforehand. 🙂
An hour is good. Actually this recorder is quite versatile. I can set it to keep the intermediate wav file it creates, which might not mean much to anyone except that an hour is just about the right amount of content to burn on to a CD . . .
Looks like my little three-minute record test went well, so assuming I have power and an Internet connection I should have an MP3 file for people to listen to on Saturday morning.
Spouse and I may be out to dinner — we want corned beef and cabbage for St. Pat’s, but I don’t want to be eating the leftovers for the next week. (I made it once in the slow cooker.) Waaay too much sodium and fat for this spud. If spouse changes clothes quick enough (so he can drink non-green beer; he’s a Guiness man) we might hit an early dinner and be home in time for the broadcast.
If I’m not able to listen, good luck, and break a vocal chord… 😉
I know I should ignore him but then he gets worse and now with the autism shit he’s spouting. I KNEW he’d never take me up on actually reading anything I have written about it. LOL
If the spouse and I are home from dinner we’ll tune in; we want corned beef and cabbage for St. Pat’s Day but I don’t want that much sodium and fat sitting as leftovers in the refrigerator.
Just spotted this on ESPN: some NHL players are going to be using pink sticks in this weekend’s games. I’ll watch and see if any of the Sharks’ are participating…
my advice is to just treat it as a phone call to a friend. Or maybe a little more intense. Like a telephone job interview. But, still, just a phone call.
Put out of your mind how you sound or are coming off. And just have a conversation.
Okay, I found the root URL to the stream in case anyone out there can’t use the Aba client to connect for some reason. (They have good intentions I’m sure, and some good technical reasons for using the client; but it won’t suit my needs.)
Here you go. You’ll need Windows Media Player or something that plays WMP format files.
This was too weird and cool not to share. The Washington Post has an article on Weird Tales today and one of my stories is very prominently and favorably mentioned, though it doesn’t mention me by name. The title on the article, Plato’s Cream Pie and Other Horror Delicacies, is even a reference to my story Fimbuldinner: The Last Supper. There’s one really lovely quote.
The article opens with the following paragraphs, the second’s about my story:
“A disc jockey, who happens to be a werewolf, battles Satan in the mosh pit of a punk bar.
Plato attends a party thrown by the gods and is served the Platonic ideal of a cream pie. “This is the real thing,” he says, “not just the shadow on the wall.” Then the gods start a food fight.”
And the nice quote is embedded in this chunk:
“And “Fimbuldinner: The Last Supper” — the story in which Plato watches the food fight of the gods — is a zippy, zany romp: “There was something menacing about her. He couldn’t really put his finger on what it was, but the necklace of skulls was high on the list.””
Back to work and feeling pretty good today…should make it all day! Trying to focus on this pile of crap on my desk – aaaaccckk! Looking forward to lunch – finally got my appetite back…good thing about this cold – lost 3 pounds in a week…cause food was strictly soup!
I’ll be able to pop in and out of the cafe today – lots of coffee for me!
but the fire marshal wouldn’t let me in — said the place was too crowded…
Actually slept in today — my “just a few more minutes” at 6am turned into 2-1/2 hours…got my workout gear on, trying to get up the energy to go work out for at least half an hour before coming back and getting domestic.
Spent my “out of cafe” time perusing the headlines and dropping a few tidbits into the News Bucket and Boo’s latest Open Thread. Oh, and correcting Boo’s grammar/spelling/usage. As much as I’d love to have a huge “beeeeeep” through Shrub’s more idiotic pronouncements, we’re after “censuring” Bush, not “censoring” him…
Okay, time to get myself moving…now if I can just escape the gravitational pull of this computer…
Ho! I hear you on that ‘pull’, Cali. I’m often pulled in so completely that I only emerge when I’ve neglected the woodstove & my breath’s fogging the computer screen.
Glad you were able to get some rest. As a matter of culture, I don’t think we acknowledge how important it is to allow ourselves to rest & regenerate. The body knows what it wants, though.
I personally love the idea of the ‘Bush censor’. I’d imagine his typical blather would sound like a test pattern — bracketed by ‘Good evening ‘ & ‘God bless America’.
Ok, folks, I seriously need a cat wrangler as this little hellion is driving me crazy. She will not leave me alone. She jumps up onto my lap, which would be okay, except that she then tries to crawl up onto my neck and start licking my ear! Did I mention I’m allergic to cats? Yeah, I know…stupid, but unless they’re LICKING MY EAR I usually don’t break out in hives and have an asthma attack.
I put her down and say NO like 50 or 100 times in a row. Finally I have to lock myself in a room to get any peace.
Wilderness Wench, you seem to be a cat expert…how much do you charge for your cat wrangling skills?
Oh my goodness, SN, what a doll she is! Sorry to hear she’s causing you so much grief.
As for my wrangling, I charge nothing (as it’s generally only virtual).
Question: have you tried giving her 30-40 minutes daily of absolutely undivided attention — nothing but Miss Kitty?
What she wants, obviously, is a true ‘litter mate’ — hate to make the suggestion, but another kitty of her own age might solve the problem. It doesn’t seem her relationship with the older cat is suiting her needs very well.
Cats in general need lots of socialization, affection (yes) & body contact. It always suits them best when they’re getting it from another cat — they can understand one another on a strictly intuitive level. Otherwise, I think it’s rather like being the only English speaker in a land where most speak Farsi.
The older cat is beginning to tolerate her presence, but she’s definitely not affectionate with her. They’ll play around a little bit, chase each other around the house sounding like a herd of buffalo, but then Pussy McFlabbington gets tired and worn out and the little one wants to keep going.
There is no way I’m getting a third cat! Can I box her up and send her to you until she calms down a bit?
I truly, truly wish I could take you up on that, SN! Alas, we’re on the verge of dismantling our entire home, selling out & moving to a whacked-together cubbyhole. I don’t believe she needs this type of excitement — they hate disruption!
Good to hear she & the elder kitty are getting along better — but, right, what’s missing is real affection.
I have a sense that she might’ve been pulled from her mama/litter-mates a little too early (very typical, sadly). Ergo, her independent development wasn’t quite complete.
Could be she’s just super-affectionate by nature, too.
Just curious: are their belongings that smell like you — clothes, sweaters — laying about? She might appreciate returning to those when she can’t have as much of you as she’d like. Does she have play-things to distract herself with? Would you consider getting a parakeet? (Just kidding, sort of.)
Let me think on this a bit further — generally solutions come to me as time goes on. Don’t give her the big boot just yet! We’ll see how we can work this out. I’m off to the chores momentarily, but I’ll be back.
The ear-licking would be sort of pleasant if I wasn’t allergic. I do snuggle with her alot, it’s just when I’m working like writing my report this morning she just single-minded in her pursuit of my neck and ear and I couldn’t type.
She has plenty of soft places to snuggle, but I never thought of having one on my lap. I’ll try that.
There is no way to stop a cat from doing exactly what it wants to do, period. Cats are adorably in the terrible twos, forever. Maybe play with it vigorously with a long string (so you don’t get too close) and then it will get tired and fall asleep! Or else lock it in another room with something to play with, something to eat, something to drink, and a cozy place to sleep, preferrably where it can get some good sunshine.
I have something better than a long string…a laser pointer! She can go for a solid half-hour without ever getting tired. I’ve had maybe a dozen kittens over my lifetime, and never one with this much energy or need to snuggle constantly.
Sounds like she’s definitely very healthy, for sure!
We’ve had a lot of fun with laser pointers, too. Gotta be careful not to get ’em in the eye with it, though.
Amazingly enough, my youngster here will sit for 20 minutes at a stretch watching the iTunes ‘light show’ graphics program. Lots of bright, moving color that changes according to the music. He finds it incredibly engaging!
Another thought on the parakeet/distraction theme (they get bored so easily): I might place a bird feeder or two relatively close to one of your windows — then make sure she has a window seat! My cats adore watching the birds at our feeder; another stimulating time-eater for idle kitties.
Thanks, Family Man! The great thing about digital cameras is quick turnaround trial and error. You can see right away what worked and what didn’t, so each time (with a little luck) you do better.
In my family I’m the photographer. I always hear the collective groan when I get everybody together for the group picture. I sure wouldn’t be doing it if I had to use film.
did he get her a present like he was thinking about?
I’ll catch you later…got to figure out how to warm up my frozen fingers — no, it’s not that cold here, I just cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer. Now I’ve got to make a shopping list to replace all the crap I just got rid of…
It 12:00 noon and has been raining all day here. Brunch or breakfast is served depending on where you are. Although I shouldn’t be, I’m eating a big bowl of ice cream.
Mornin’, FM. That photo makes me want to go out to breakfast. I was staring at it trying to think if we had anything in the house. An apple and stale chocolate chip cookies was the closest I could get.
I am never one to turn down either.
But….. uhmmmmm chocolate chip cookies.
Don’t forget to recommend! (I only saw two recommends there…) We don’t want all those beautiful desserts to slip into oblivion before we can eat them!
If any of you shop at Cosco, my friend sent me this warning
I don’t how many of you shop at Costco, but this may be useful to know. I have become a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. This happened to me and it could happen to you.
Here’s how the scam works:
Two seriously good-looking 18-year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping in the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy t-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say ‘No’ and instead ask you for a ride to another Costco. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet. This is not a joke. I had my wallet stolen last Tuesday, Wednesday, twice on Thursday, again yesterday and most likely tomorrow.
I was all ready to head over to Snopes to do some research in anticipation of writing a chew-out letter for passing stuff like this along until I got to the bottom of the post. Then I started laughing out loud.
It caught me by surprise too.
Hey there, FM! May I say you’ve been a truly stellar host?
Greetings to one & all from The Land of Winter’s Last Stand. Hope everyone’s enjoying the week’s closure. I’ve got to tell you: the last cafe’s images were perfectly wonderful. Thank you all so much!
Hard not to slack here, when so much still needs doing & the weather’s dropped into wintertime yet again — high wind, temperatures just at sub-freezing & clear, crisp skies. Even the birds have quieted down again. Quel drag.
But soon .. soon ..
Hi WW thanks for the complement. I hate to hear the weather is dropping into winter time again. You just stay warm and well.
Thanks for your kind good wishes, FM. Doing my best, as always. It’s lmost time for me to head out & harvest a little more firewood — but one more cup o’ Joe here at the cafe’ suits me well!
Well you just say what you want and I’ll have George get it.
Thanks — but he’s already been on it ! He received a loving scratch behind the ears as a tip, too.
I must say, he looks adorable in that little apron.
Good boy! :: scritch, scritch ::
Mid day my ass! I’m just getting to morning chores.
Now I’m officially freaked out by the radio thing tomorrow. (it comes and goes my freak outtages) No, not stage fright as that can be useful… I’m just – well hell I don’t know.
Okay it’s gone now.
I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve got te page bookmarked and I’m going to have it ready tomorrow.
You’re gonna do great, I just know it.
Hey there, DJ! No surprise about the jitters — I’d guess everyone gets them, to some extent.
I know you’ll do terrifically well, though. Heck, if an utter, frothing lunatic like a Cheney or Rumsfeld can relay their messages to a captivated public — surreal & ridiculous as they are — you can certainly do just as well telling the truth.
If it helps, you can speak to us, your pond-mates. Everyone else will just be eavesdropping 😉
Bring us your fire, darling! Personally, I bask in its warmth.
DJ is going to do great and there’s no doubt in my mind. I just wished I could have said it as well as you did.
So, yea what WW said. 🙂
Thanks Wench 🙂
It’s not really stagefright. Here’s what I posted to my hockey friend who was into radio for a while. (sorry, I’m lazy typerwoman today)
I have never spoken to people I couldn’t see or respond to (well there’s the phone but that’s different) It’s always been public speaking or stage work. I guess I could just “read” the interviewer as I would a reporter(?) Mrs. Ski told me to not talk so fast smile.gif as I do in real life. Gave me pause as I realized a style different in my speaking – I don’t talk fast when speaking or acting. In my mind it’s like a “gig”. I’ll use my gig voice. Is that difference normal?? It might be safer to view it as such (a gig) huh.gif And yes I have been prepping: reading and going over topics. I’ve never liked my voice on tape recorders or answering machines and alot of my speaking is done with hand and facial gestures. … ok I’m fuhreaking out now aren’t I? … LOL
I hear you, DJ.
Yep, I’d certainly continue talking to folks who ‘know’ radio, regarding your Friday ‘gig’. Maybe someone will stop by the cafe’ here to offer a more wisdom than I can (hello, BooMan?).
Personally, I’m the type who won’t even do the phone unless very strongly motivated & firmly settled in my comfort zone. Can’t even imagine doing media — I’ve got a recorded voice somewhere between Minnie Mouse & antique Frigidaire.
I’m one of those that hate to hear my voice too. I did a podcast over at Diane’s and I’ve got such a heavy drawl I could barely understand myself.
Oh, Family Man, cut it out. Your voice is sexy….just admit it.
I will not! I wish I could do like DJ and use accents. Of course I don’t know how a British accent with a southern drawl would sound.
My husband is from Tennessee…but he took French in high school. It’s funny as shit hearing him say Mayercee Bo Cooooo!
When I was Germany my landladys grandson was taking English. They’re taught the British form. He started picking up words from me and his teacher kept telling him he wasn’t speaking English. Go figure.
Southern drawls can be sexy, as long as you’re not saying something like:
Me and Skeeter is goin to town to buy us some beer!
You forgot to all ya’ll.
You’re right. It should be “Me and Skeeter is going into town to get us some beer, all ya’ll want to come along?”
Family Man, I did a fairly decent southern drawl as Babe in Crimes of the Heart a few years ago. 🙂
Sugar : )
I would have loved to had seen you and listen to that drawl.
The best compliment I have ever received was actually from Mr. Damnit.
He always attends Opening, mid-way and Closing.
He said that during the show he “forgot I was his wife” 🙂
Crimes – is a dark comedy and I at one point could hear people crying during the monologue scene where Babe remembers shooting her husband and the reason for it. 🙂
Actually I think that the best compliment any actor could receive. Not that Mr. Dammit forgot you were his wife of course. 🙂 But to be told that you are such a good actor that the people closest to you only see the character.
I think I have an old Oscar around here I’m going to send to you. :-).
I enjoyed that characther.
The funniest time was when my son hollered out during a quiet moment in Tommy (we even had some from tower of power doing the music) he hollers out amidst the silence
LOL. I don’t know if I could have held it together if I had been on stage.
I was truly interested in accessing the podcast & hearing everyone — but apparently my 3 year old operating system is just too archaic! Practically dead as dinosaurs!
I’m hoping I can access the KBOO broadcast tomorrow — but alas, I’ve got dial-up issues, too. OL broadcasts tend to ‘rebuffer’ every 3.5 seconds ’til I just give up in howling frustration.
I wonder if they will have it available for down load? That would nip the problem in the bud.
DJ, you’ll do fine. Here’s a couple of tips from an ol’ radio guy…19 yrs. and counting…and it’s been a number of years since I co-taught the training course…but here goes:
a. don’t get too close, or too far away…makes the engrs. job
difficult and will cause you to go from too loud to too soft
b. I prefer to talk “across” the mic as opposed to directly “in
to” it…this will minimize the popping that occurs with
certain types of mic’s with sharper p’s
t’s…the sharper consonants, etc.
4. RELAX!…don’t want to forget that…and last, and most
5. HAVE FUN…Enjoy it!
Either not enough, too scary or TMI…you decide.
Thank YOU!!!!
I’m presently trying to find out when the bus arrives today – early out. Cause my son and his “friend” are getting off on it. ACK
Great advice!!!!! Thank you and consider yourself smooched!
Dada – again thank you!!!! I didn’t even think of the headphones. Now I can be mentally prepared for that.
I think I’ll be okay now 🙂 XXXXOOOOO!
Good call. You might want to put the mic about three inches from your mouth, not talk directly into it — in fact if you put it at about, oh say 2 o’clock or 10 o’clock you’re a lot less likely to get a breathy or poppy sound — and keep a constant distance so the engineer doesn’t have to keep changing levels on you.
Just think like the impresario in Shakespeare in Love:
“It’ll all work out.”
“I don’t know. It just does. It’s a miracle.”
or is it over in the hockey chat? 🙂 (Wonder if I can download it later tomorrow — I’m sure the spouse would like to hear it…)
As far as I know, for now, it’s on 6-7 pm on KBOO Portland’s Community Radio which airs Democracy Now here. During the Bread and Roses show on Friday. I’ll be along with another CodePink lady who I just adore, Katie. There is a “listen online” thingy whatever button.
But it’s Friday night, you all should be out having fun by then.
Nope no link in the hockey chat – the above was email to them because there’s some nasty guests in there that are not nice.
I love how they cleverly put the caption “Floria Purim” underneath your picture so no one would know it was you. Good job!
Unfortunately I can’t call and trade gross kid-friendly recipes with you while you’re on because that’s my commute time, but I’ll set my little TiVo-for-Internet-radio app to tune in and check it out.
Well that would be because it’s not me 🙂 Truly, I am blonde 🙂
Thank you OMIR. That will ground me knowing you’ll at some point be listening.
And… I have another voice.. the storytelling voice… which can do accents.
It was odd last night talking to my dear friend and realizing not everyone had different voices. LOL 🙂
Hey DJ, I’ll be missing your big radio event because I’ll be going on vacation (cue fake sad face) but I’ll be there in spirit (I’ll be the one kicking you under the table right before you start to say ‘Fuck the Rethugs’).
Assuming I can remember to do so, if I can get this recorded I’ll put up a link on Saturday to the recording so people can listen in after-the-fact.
It should be pretty straightforward. I’m doing the research now to see if I can record from KBOO (I can from most Internet broadcasters, it just sometimes takes a little effort to determine where to point the recorder).
That’s a good idea and very nice of you to think of doing it.
Where will you put it — in the saturday cafe (because I probably won’t check till I get back a week from saturday).
Yeah, I’ll probably just post a link in the cafe and let Janet spread it around as she sees fit.
I’m having trouble figuring out the base URL for their stream. They insist on installing some kind of bizarre web client player that I don’t think is going to load on my 64-bit Windows machine. However when I get home and can do this on my Linux box, I should have much better luck.
I had to download that to get it started.
((((Thank you OMIR)))))I have no clue how it all works. I think Mr. D will be home listening to it on the radio. Maybe the station can make a copy of it for me?? I dunno. So your working on this is so nice. Thank you! 🙂
Happy to do it. How long is the broadcast supposed to last? So I can set my recorder to just record the broadcast. (Not that it’s any great hardship to overshoot the ending or anything, but the application does call for a recording duration.)
The show is an hour. But that may not mean our segment is an hour. Awaiting word from Katie from CP about the details… and where to meet up beforehand. 🙂
An hour is good. Actually this recorder is quite versatile. I can set it to keep the intermediate wav file it creates, which might not mean much to anyone except that an hour is just about the right amount of content to burn on to a CD . . .
Looks like my little three-minute record test went well, so assuming I have power and an Internet connection I should have an MP3 file for people to listen to on Saturday morning.
I just got everything set up to listen to kboo. I’m listening to their streaming broadcast now. I’m ready for Friday night.
and you’re not just talking JW… 😉
Spouse and I may be out to dinner — we want corned beef and cabbage for St. Pat’s, but I don’t want to be eating the leftovers for the next week. (I made it once in the slow cooker.) Waaay too much sodium and fat for this spud. If spouse changes clothes quick enough (so he can drink non-green beer; he’s a Guiness man) we might hit an early dinner and be home in time for the broadcast.
If I’m not able to listen, good luck, and break a vocal chord… 😉
Josey Wales is such a PRICK!!!!!!!!! ACKKKK
I know I should ignore him but then he gets worse and now with the autism shit he’s spouting. I KNEW he’d never take me up on actually reading anything I have written about it. LOL
If the spouse and I are home from dinner we’ll tune in; we want corned beef and cabbage for St. Pat’s Day but I don’t want that much sodium and fat sitting as leftovers in the refrigerator.
Just spotted this on ESPN: some NHL players are going to be using pink sticks in this weekend’s games. I’ll watch and see if any of the Sharks’ are participating…
That’s great 🙂 Eddie with a pink stick… 🙂
my advice is to just treat it as a phone call to a friend. Or maybe a little more intense. Like a telephone job interview. But, still, just a phone call.
Put out of your mind how you sound or are coming off. And just have a conversation.
And imagine all of us in our underwear. Well, except for those of us who won’t be wearing any.
Me, I’ll be wearing a pair of outsize black boxers with big yellow smiley faces all over them. Keep that picture in your mind as you talk. 🙂
(Actually a good host will probably do a little pre-show discussion with you to put you at ease while you talk.)
I always picture all of you butt naked! 🙂
Thank you for your attempting to provide a link to it 🙂
Lemme know when you want to runaway 🙂
Janet whatever you do, don’t imagine me that way.
I wouldn’t want you to be sick during your interview. 🙂
Or out of breath 🙂
Oh, I want to run away on a regular basis, but they usually catch me at the border. 🙂
Okay, I found the root URL to the stream in case anyone out there can’t use the Aba client to connect for some reason. (They have good intentions I’m sure, and some good technical reasons for using the client; but it won’t suit my needs.)
Here you go. You’ll need Windows Media Player or something that plays WMP format files.
Next time I’m in Seattle … You are going to get such a huggin! 🙂
I’ll take you up on that. 🙂
This was too weird and cool not to share. The Washington Post has an article on Weird Tales today and one of my stories is very prominently and favorably mentioned, though it doesn’t mention me by name. The title on the article, Plato’s Cream Pie and Other Horror Delicacies, is even a reference to my story Fimbuldinner: The Last Supper. There’s one really lovely quote.
The article opens with the following paragraphs, the second’s about my story:
“A disc jockey, who happens to be a werewolf, battles Satan in the mosh pit of a punk bar.
Plato attends a party thrown by the gods and is served the Platonic ideal of a cream pie. “This is the real thing,” he says, “not just the shadow on the wall.” Then the gods start a food fight.”
And the nice quote is embedded in this chunk:
“And “Fimbuldinner: The Last Supper” — the story in which Plato watches the food fight of the gods — is a zippy, zany romp: “There was something menacing about her. He couldn’t really put his finger on what it was, but the necklace of skulls was high on the list.””
Hooray Kelly!!!!!!!!!
Another friend I have to read stories by 🙂 Kansas, and BostonJoe and Roseritter – oh my. 🙂
It looks like all I’m doing today is running around and saying, ya what they said. But, ya what DJ said.
mmmm….chocolate chip cookies…
Back to work and feeling pretty good today…should make it all day! Trying to focus on this pile of crap on my desk – aaaaccckk! Looking forward to lunch – finally got my appetite back…good thing about this cold – lost 3 pounds in a week…cause food was strictly soup!
I’ll be able to pop in and out of the cafe today – lots of coffee for me!
As much coffee as you want SallyCat. BTW that’s a great picture.
but the fire marshal wouldn’t let me in — said the place was too crowded…
Actually slept in today — my “just a few more minutes” at 6am turned into 2-1/2 hours…got my workout gear on, trying to get up the energy to go work out for at least half an hour before coming back and getting domestic.
Spent my “out of cafe” time perusing the headlines and dropping a few tidbits into the News Bucket and Boo’s latest Open Thread. Oh, and correcting Boo’s grammar/spelling/usage. As much as I’d love to have a huge “beeeeeep” through Shrub’s more idiotic pronouncements, we’re after “censuring” Bush, not “censoring” him…
Okay, time to get myself moving…now if I can just escape the gravitational pull of this computer…
You can do it Cali. I’ve got faith in you.
Look away from the computer, look away. 🙂
You’re doing great Cali 🙂
Hey the morning cafe… I kknow what you mean. I like using the morning to go through diaries, catch up on other comments from the day before.
Ho! I hear you on that ‘pull’, Cali. I’m often pulled in so completely that I only emerge when I’ve neglected the woodstove & my breath’s fogging the computer screen.
Glad you were able to get some rest. As a matter of culture, I don’t think we acknowledge how important it is to allow ourselves to rest & regenerate. The body knows what it wants, though.
I personally love the idea of the ‘Bush censor’. I’d imagine his typical blather would sound like a test pattern — bracketed by ‘Good evening ‘ & ‘God bless America’.
Ok, folks, I seriously need a cat wrangler as this little hellion is driving me crazy. She will not leave me alone. She jumps up onto my lap, which would be okay, except that she then tries to crawl up onto my neck and start licking my ear! Did I mention I’m allergic to cats? Yeah, I know…stupid, but unless they’re LICKING MY EAR I usually don’t break out in hives and have an asthma attack.
I put her down and say NO like 50 or 100 times in a row. Finally I have to lock myself in a room to get any peace.
Wilderness Wench, you seem to be a cat expert…how much do you charge for your cat wrangling skills?
That’s the cutest kitten I’ve seen in a long time.
Are you sure you’re not dabbing liver behind your ears. 🙂
Actually I splash on some beer and chocolate chip cookie crumbs to keep Mr. Nature intersted. Do you think that might be it?
Are you talking about the kitten or you right now. 🙂
WAit, did you think I meant I wanted to keep Mr. Nature interested in the kitten? 🙂
Oh my goodness, SN, what a doll she is! Sorry to hear she’s causing you so much grief.
As for my wrangling, I charge nothing (as it’s generally only virtual).
Question: have you tried giving her 30-40 minutes daily of absolutely undivided attention — nothing but Miss Kitty?
What she wants, obviously, is a true ‘litter mate’ — hate to make the suggestion, but another kitty of her own age might solve the problem. It doesn’t seem her relationship with the older cat is suiting her needs very well.
Cats in general need lots of socialization, affection (yes) & body contact. It always suits them best when they’re getting it from another cat — they can understand one another on a strictly intuitive level. Otherwise, I think it’s rather like being the only English speaker in a land where most speak Farsi.
Let’s think on this one a bit further ..
The older cat is beginning to tolerate her presence, but she’s definitely not affectionate with her. They’ll play around a little bit, chase each other around the house sounding like a herd of buffalo, but then Pussy McFlabbington gets tired and worn out and the little one wants to keep going.
There is no way I’m getting a third cat! Can I box her up and send her to you until she calms down a bit?
I truly, truly wish I could take you up on that, SN! Alas, we’re on the verge of dismantling our entire home, selling out & moving to a whacked-together cubbyhole. I don’t believe she needs this type of excitement — they hate disruption!
Good to hear she & the elder kitty are getting along better — but, right, what’s missing is real affection.
I have a sense that she might’ve been pulled from her mama/litter-mates a little too early (very typical, sadly). Ergo, her independent development wasn’t quite complete.
Could be she’s just super-affectionate by nature, too.
Just curious: are their belongings that smell like you — clothes, sweaters — laying about? She might appreciate returning to those when she can’t have as much of you as she’d like. Does she have play-things to distract herself with? Would you consider getting a parakeet? (Just kidding, sort of.)
Let me think on this a bit further — generally solutions come to me as time goes on. Don’t give her the big boot just yet! We’ll see how we can work this out. I’m off to the chores momentarily, but I’ll be back.
Have no fear– I think she’ll definitely mellow out as she grows through her ‘kittenhood’. They really do change significantly as they mature.
I had a couple that like to snuggle under my hair and suck on my neck (hickeys from a kitten!) when they were little!
Do you have a furry rug or blanket the kitten can snuggle into on your lap? Or a half a yard of fake fur from the fabric store?
You’ll need to keep it near you – so that it smells like you – but it might help…it did with my little critters years ago.
The ear-licking would be sort of pleasant if I wasn’t allergic. I do snuggle with her alot, it’s just when I’m working like writing my report this morning she just single-minded in her pursuit of my neck and ear and I couldn’t type.
She has plenty of soft places to snuggle, but I never thought of having one on my lap. I’ll try that.
There is no way to stop a cat from doing exactly what it wants to do, period. Cats are adorably in the terrible twos, forever. Maybe play with it vigorously with a long string (so you don’t get too close) and then it will get tired and fall asleep! Or else lock it in another room with something to play with, something to eat, something to drink, and a cozy place to sleep, preferrably where it can get some good sunshine.
I have something better than a long string…a laser pointer! She can go for a solid half-hour without ever getting tired. I’ve had maybe a dozen kittens over my lifetime, and never one with this much energy or need to snuggle constantly.
Sounds like she’s definitely very healthy, for sure!
We’ve had a lot of fun with laser pointers, too. Gotta be careful not to get ’em in the eye with it, though.
Amazingly enough, my youngster here will sit for 20 minutes at a stretch watching the iTunes ‘light show’ graphics program. Lots of bright, moving color that changes according to the music. He finds it incredibly engaging!
Another thought on the parakeet/distraction theme (they get bored so easily): I might place a bird feeder or two relatively close to one of your windows — then make sure she has a window seat! My cats adore watching the birds at our feeder; another stimulating time-eater for idle kitties.
Way ahead of you guys. Meet Bitey.
I’ve got to run downtown again for a minute.
Be back in a little while, ya’ll.
Say hey to Skeeter.
Hello, all! Yes, definitely blue skies breaking out!
I need to work on developing a good line of effusive remarks — you’ve got to be getting tired of ‘gorgeous’.
Na-a-ah… I’ll always accept gorgeous! Thanks, AndiF.
It is hard to come up with words for your pictures. It is beautiful out there and you have a way of capturing it.
Thanks, Family Man! The great thing about digital cameras is quick turnaround trial and error. You can see right away what worked and what didn’t, so each time (with a little luck) you do better.
In my family I’m the photographer. I always hear the collective groan when I get everybody together for the group picture. I sure wouldn’t be doing it if I had to use film.
I’m back. It got busy in here.
Wesley’s date is here. She’s a cutie 🙂 Gonna take them to the matinee to see Curious George!
Thank you all for the support and the advice and the tech help for everyone
I’ll be back later :0)
That’s so wonderful and I am happy for Wesley. All of you have a good time.
did he get her a present like he was thinking about?
I’ll catch you later…got to figure out how to warm up my frozen fingers — no, it’s not that cold here, I just cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer. Now I’ve got to make a shopping list to replace all the crap I just got rid of…
Oh how I envy you going to the grocery store – Not.