In 12 days the Great SoCal MeetUp will be an actuality!

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My gosh, can any of you believe it?  It is pretty hard to grab ahold of the idea that it is really happening.

This is double barreled excitement for me and Diane.

Diane and I are worse than teenagers right now.  We are so excited about our actual face to face meeting in EIGHT days!  I am going a few days prior to the VB and BMT meetup so Diane and I can share some time together.  The anticipation is getting pretty hard to bear.  This will be very close to our actual online meeting one year anniversary for Diane and I.  Holy Cow!!  As we have been talking and plotting and planing over the past months, it is almost too much to believe that it really is coming fast to fruition.  It has been always “in the future”, and “when” and “how” and now it is smack dab upon us.  

I think (hope) that she is pretty well through her “getting everything perfectly arranged and beautified” stage and able to just let the next 8 days roll by with more rest and less concern about “impressions.”  I am in the packing the suitcases stage, going through my check list of things I want to take, things we have talked about me bringing, and things I need to take.  As always, I am sure I will pack too much.  

If you could have been privy to some of our phone conversations over the past weeks, I am sure you would be laughing your heads off.  We have discussed our wardrobes endlessly. . .(you mean there is something besides jeans and t-shirts?). . .we have queired about make up (we don’t normally wear), hair cuts and to color or not color betraying strands of gray, and gone back and forth about when we are actually going to Del Mar and how we will get there and back.

As high as our anticipation of finally meeting each other is, add to that the awesomeness of actually meeting some of our favorite blogging friends in person and you can see this is almost TOO MUCH wild anticipation.  It will no doubt be FABULOUS beyond anything we have already imagined and discussed, and we may have to meditate and “transify” ourselves into a state of calmness.

So you can picture a 5 year old Shirl jumping up and down, laughing and giggling, too excited to contain herself!

Can’t wait to see all of you who are able to join with us!!!  And remember, everyone is welcome and it is not too late to decide to join us if you can.

from a very excited Shirlstars