My 9 year old daughter is tall, strong, and deeply concerned with what she sees hapening in America. She wanted me to share with you a paper she just finished for her ninth grade Honors English class. I know you will welcome her… and with a little encouragement, she just may sign up.
Go below the fold to see
Watership Down and its Allusions to America’s Current State
America must face up to the loss of democracy and regain our intelligent and vibrant culture. We have developed a policy of hubristic diplomacy that is responsible for worsening international relations, including the predominant “Bring `em on!” policy for the Iraq war. There are also signs of American fascism such as cronyism and corruption in government. America is at a crossroads where it can become a fascist state, lose our culture, or remain a true democracy. Watership Down is an important cautionary tale in showing that the paths of fascism and willful ignorance both lead to sure ruin.
First, one must realize the dangers of losing our democracy. The warren of Efrafa is a dictatorship lead by a rabbit named General Woundwort. The rabbits of Efrafa are forced to lead unnatural lives. Rabbits are “marked,” or bitten, in various places and the scars are used to sort the rabbits into groups. The rabbits are identified by their mark, as “Every rabbit is marked when he’s a kitten: they bite them, deep, under the chin or in a haunch or forepaw. Then they can be told by the scar for the rest of their lives.” Rabbits could not visit another group without an officer’s permission. While Bigwig was in Efrafa, he “went to Chervil and obtained his consent to visit another Mark.” A rabbit would spend most of the day with his Mark and go out with them to silflay (eat) twice per day. The rabbit would pass hraka (droppings) in a ditch to be buried because that way it would make it harder to be discovered by man. The presiding force in America is similar to Efrafa because they both give up natural rights and freedoms in favor of security.
Efrafa is an example of what America could become, given time. America is becoming less democratic, elections are tampered with, and there is ongoing torture and wiretapping. Our current government has a disdain for the constitution in general. Fear of “terrorists” and of “rebel nations” such as Iran and North Korea, forces people to support our current administration. Dr. Britt`s article, “14 Points of Fascism,” has many points which are prevalent in our own society. His first point,” Powerful and Continuing Expressions of Nationalism ,” is shown by the “If you aren’t with us you’re against us” policy and ubiquitous displays of flags. The administration’s disdain for human rights is shown by torture and also by the wiretapping of private phone conversations. An obsession with our national security is seen in our dwelling on 9/11 and by the image of our president as king, shown by his phrase “Let freedom reign.” We must consciously work towards permanent democracy in America.
We must also be careful not to swing too far the other way. The Shining Wire warren represents complacency and apathy. The farmer leaves carrots, lettuce and other such rabbit delicacies to trick the rabbits into getting used to roaming far from the warren so that they can be more easily caught and trapped. The rabbits also have a disdain for knowledge, which takes the form of a taboo on questions, and the use of shapes, which are stones pushed into the wall in patterns that represent certain things, as distractions. Willful ignorance can be seen in the elaborately and completely covered up problem of the snares. They tried to make themselves seem better than other rabbits, so “They found out other marvelous arts to take the place of tricks and old stories.” The rabbits also live in an unsustainable way, as the traps gradually destroy the warren and there are few or no children to carry on the population.
We as a nation have many similarities to the Shining Wire warren. America practices willful ignorance by having disdain for science, such as the government’s refusal to believe that global warming is true. America also has inferior education compared to other countries, for it has an anti-educational culture. Cover-ups such as the denial of true torture accusations are currently taking place. Our mainstream media does not report real news- it reports popular culture blather. One top CNN article title is “Andrea Yates’ ex-husband weds, days before her trial.” Our consumeristic way of life is also unsustainable. Our debt is massive and exponentially increasing. Many scientists say that the amount of oil in the ground and the amount produced will soon begin to decrease. This is called peak oil. As our economy is based on petroleum and petroleum products, it will cause economic and other upheaval and instability. As one can see, our overall consumption is unsustainable and we must change our ways now or it will be too late.
However, there is hope for a viable future America. The Watership Down warren represents the ideal and is the best path to choose out of the three. It also has a strong sense of community and democracy. Individuals like Fiver, the rabbit that has visions of the future, and Blackberry, the unusually smart and inventive rabbit, are appreciated, as “They had come closer together, relying on and valuing each other’s capacities.” All rabbits are given voice and their needs are met. The warren settles in a place with a sustainable ideal location because they choose to adapt and plan for the future. The warren allows rabbits to act freely and naturally, leading to the fact that “The warren was thriving at last and Hazel could sit basking on the bank and count their blessings.” America must regain the society that is represented in the Watership Down warren.
America ignores obvious signs of danger and degeneration at its peril. One can see the need for a safe country. The warren of Efrafa is also very efficient but excessive safety and lack of real thought leads to unnatural and diminished lives. The need for an enjoyable life must also be considered. Both people and rabbits are happiest when they can look forward to enjoyment at the end of a day of work, but not at the expense of family or lives. The Watership Down warren incorporates safety, comfort, and democracy, making it the best option for America. America shall become no more than another dictatorship if we continue on our present path, but if instead we choose the path of democracy and equality, we shall indeed become a sustainable and community-based nation.
Good lord, nine years old. Amazing essay and frightening, yet hopeful words for our country.
Thank you! I’ll pass on your kind thoughts.
Nine years old!!!
Holy cow, is she the Buddah? We should give some thought to letting the 9 year olds run the country. What stunning wisdom and vision from your daughter. Clear and eloquently written. Great things coming from that young lady!
I sure hope she joins the site, we could use more great writing like hers.
Wow! She’ll be delighted to hear someone other than her mom saying this is good work- she spent quite some time organizing her thoughts.
(I’m so proud of her.)
Has she thought about starting her own blog?
My seven year old has a long way to go before achieving this level of writing. I sincerely hope that in 2 years he will be expressing himself in this fashion.
You must offer her my congratulations.
With such a great writer as yourself for a parent, he won’t be long!
I shall indeed share your thoughts!
at 9 years old I was playing Barbies and horsies with the neighborhood girls…
I’ve got to re-read Watership Down, with a new set of eyes.
Whatever you do, don’t let the schools (or society) quash that brain…
Thanks. She has such a strong sense of self that I can’t imagine the poor soul who tries to squish her.
That is a very impressive essay. If she writes like this as a 9-year-old, I can only imagine how well she’ll write as an adult.
“All rabbits are given voice and their needs are met.”
It seems that the Tehanu family promotes the same environment as Watership Down. And it’s a beautiful thing to behold.
What a lovely, passionate essay from the pen of this strong, concerned young lady! Writing such as this gives me genuine hope for the future of our nation. I’d be delighted to hear your daughter’s voice more often, (with the caution that unexpected trolls aren’t as wise as the upstanding members of this community, when it comes to matters of youth).
I’d like to echo and add to the words of Boran2. I think it would be a wonderful idea for your daughter to start a political blog for young, engaged minds such as her own. Whether the target is ninth graders or nine year olds, your daughter’s voice rings true and strong. Her talent with words is a very powerful gift. The type of gift that could influence our next generation.
You, sir, have a real treasure in your midst and I thank you again for sharing her concerned, strong voice.
of the use of the third person for a 9 year old. she will definitely be ivy league material with writing skills like that.
I second the suggestion that she get a blog. She must share her gift with earth residents.
How is her school? Could her essay cause her (or you) any problems?
She’s truly enjoying all these comments, but says she has far too much homework to start her own blog until summer! I think she could make a difference among the young folks, and maybe even start a youth activist corps. Yet all this must wait until her College Prep chemistry course is a (thankfully) distant memory.
As for the school’s reaction, when she first started her esay I checked with the teacher to see if radical leftist perspectives were accepted. He didn’t bat an eye. He’s an excellent teacher. Her counselor raised her eyebrow over a copy of the rough draft, though. That could end up being interesting.
I would keep my eye on that counseler. If she objected to this fine essay of your daughter, then what is she (the counseler) more than a political minder? Of course the counseler might be one of those afraid of losing her job if she doesn’t encourage ‘the right state of mind’ in her counselees. I guess there’s no need to say this but, protect your daughter.
I think she’s someone who has always lived a life of comfort and therefore doesn’t see any problems or the need for change. I always think of Republicans as people who think “That’s the way the world is, and I’d better maximize my benefits in this system.” Whereas progressives think “It doesn’t have to be this way. With all of human potential how could we make this better for everyone?”
When simple and obvious truths are considered a radical leftist perspective, it is necessary to maintain a heightened state of alert, to protect your brilliant little daughter, other family members, and yourself.
Have you considered suggesting to her that she prepare an alternative essay, making her points in more general terms without making direct references to the US? And of course preserving her splendid original for a safer time and/or place?
She already has experience in holding her tongue and thoughts inside. Now it is time she learn how to say them.
For my part, I’ve kept a checklist of the requirements (persuasive essay involving literature, concessions, formal outline etc.) and she’s met them all. She’ll be fine, although I doubt this will get the teachers lounge circulation of the rest of her work! Thanks for your concern, though.
I would like to thank your daughter for sharing her essay with us. She’s certainly a gifted and sensitive young lady!
I’m sure she has a very bright and exciting future ahead of her.
Excellent diary! She gives me great hope!
If 9 yr olds are aware and thinking so CLEARLY about what is happening today in America, I will reast easier at night.
when a commenter said “9 years old”.
Then… I started searching your diaries, to see if you were the person with the PG child. Bingo! (So many good diaries in between, thank you.)
I wrote you a huge piece about cars and kids and making fears into schmoos. So are you still in CO? How’s she doing in general?
What a fantastic thing for her to have you all allowing her to go at her pace. What grade is she in — oh, 9th, that’s why I read 9th and the other person 9 years old, and we were both correct.
Is this a regular public school?
is how did your handle change? See, my brain stores things like that, I didn’t think the other person writing about that child had the same handle, and, seemingly, they didn’t. Ah well, no nevermind, I suppose.
Would you please become a newspaper reporter and expose everything this administration has done? It might take you an afternoon.
I’ve got some ‘splaining to do. Yes, I did have a name change from Sandblaster to Tehanu. Several months ago I got the impression that someone at another site was interested in finding out more about my daughter than I felt comfortable with. Because my mom radar was set on high, I immediately went underground. I had the same name here, and our wonderful BooMan changed my handle with no questions asked.
So why did I risk this post? It was my daughter’s call. She wanted to share her deep concerns with what she sees as a frightening future for her generation. Also, she’s ready to come and and be accepted for who she is. I’ve always been of the stance that she owns her own story, and it looks like she’s ready to speak.
As for your other questions, everything has resolved since she’s found meaningful work. We are all delighted and amazed at who she’s become. Peace, and thank you.
Mom radar is a good thing and should always be listened to.
That’s why, smart as she is, it probably wouldn’t be an entirely good thing for her to join BT. There’s lots of adult themes that get discussed here and even though she’s smart as a whip, she’s still a child.
Absolutely. That’s why she doesn’t have her own email address as do many her age. She’s most comfortable using my “space” here for now, and that may be best for while.
my life that is making a diff, and with words, so I regretfully must decline the reporter slot. π Kudos as always for what y’all are doing to help her.
Good for you for the name change. Mom radar is very cool. For me, reading the diaries about your daughter has been a walk down memory lane, of the “been there, done that” in childhood variety. Same for reading the comments of other people in response to the diaries, about their childhoods, or their children.
I mean, you can’t just have the neighbors over for tea, and say, “Wasn’t it just awful being the smartest kid in the class?” Er, unless you want to be ostracized again.
I relate to being her age and wanting to help change the world. If you’ll email me, (in my profile), I’ve a place to suggest where she could have an essay published that would reach thousands of readers. Not everyone will publish someone that young π Could be anonymouse, per your comfort level.
Incredible essay. What a brilliant child. Just think what she is doing with her young life and then think what George’s twins are doing with theirs.
blame the Bush twins…if I had to deal with George as a dad, going through life drunk might be appealing…
Great essay! Maybe Laura should have George move up from “My Pet Goat” to “Watership Down,” LOL.
What a wonderful spirit for Peace. You have raised a fine, compassionate, concerned citizen of the world.
And ditta what Knox says π