Not to sound like a mother hen or anything, but if you’d quit smoking you’d take care of the ill-health and the dirt poor. Have you ever figured out how much money you spend on cigarettes? Sorry, end of lecture. 🙂
Need to get myself moving soon — want to really get some work done today, now that the spouse is at work and out of my way. I’m not very happy with him today…but we’ll muddle through the latest crisis du jour.
Spoke with a friend Army wife last night. Her husband is almost retired out, it is so close they can almost touch it now. He was in Gulf War I, he has disability issues that have kept him in the states for Gulf War II but he has been doing a lot of training of young soldiers these past three years. His latest duty is training the soldiers who have death notification duty. Two of his soldiers he trained had to do a notification in Ohio. Off duty, and in civilian clothing the two decided to eat dinner at some topless place (I find such places sooooo stupid). The only law they broke was the law of good taste they hadn’t even broken any regulations, they did drive a government car there though and someone ran the plates and called in the local news. The local news station showed up with their camera and started asking the two questions and the guys ran out to their car while being chased and questioned. My friends husband of course is considered to have “failed” his mission by Army standards because some of the guys he trained were caught on camera doing “bad” things. He was called to the Colonel’s office and shown the video, then the Colonel asked him what he had to say. His reply was, “Well, at least it wasn’t a gay bar sir”. She said that he does start his class now by telling the class that this is what NOT to do and plays the video.
I’ve never understood the sh*t rolls downhill attitude in the military. Those guys he trained were on their own and doing their job. It was stupid to go to a strip bar in a GOV though. This just screams of scapegoat to me.
but only Joe with maybe six more months to go could pull a response like that one out of his behind….”Hey Colonel, it could have been worse man, it could have been a couple of our gay soldiers that we aren’t supposed to have making some unfortunate entertainment choices in front of the cameras!”
You’re chipper this morning too. I’m going to throw myself right into the middle of any one of the books I have laying around here by the Dahli Lama today. I may not come up for air. I feel spriritually starved and lost between Iraq and our environment today.
He mumbled. Hi all, just about to go play on the treadmill where I’ll kurk but not comment much. No tea this morning:( At least not for the moment. I’ll fix a nice pot of Earl Gray White Tip once I’m done with my morning treadblogging. In the meantime, I’m going to have to be light on the rating for a while, I’ve got hella-tendonnitus issues at the moment and mousing is a killer.
I’m taking a day off to clean house. Which tells you more than you want to know while you’re eating about the state of my house!
Right now, though, I’m watching the funniest thing–there’s a goldfinch outside on a vertical feeder. All of a sudden there was a big gust of wind and I watched the goldfinch ride that feeder as it blew back and forth, like a kid on an amusement park ride.
The main thing it tells you is that preview and spellcheck are my friends and I should visit with them more often-sigh. I could pretend to blame the tendonitis, but that’s just not it. I’m simply incapable of higher mental function much before about ten a.m.
Hope you have a good house-cleaning day. I’ve been not writing for a week while Laura is on spring break and have fallen back to not quite behind which means today is a fingers on keyboard day for me despite the various cleaning disasters calling out for my attention.
As to what Kirk does while looking into the women’s locker room, I don’t want to think about that, not even a little bit. That does make me wonder if we shouldn’t start referring to Kirk in the same way we do Elvis, e.g. early Elvis and fat Elvis, since there are definite differences between tres macho early Kirk and the more modern and puffy version.
P.S. Random irony moment: when I did the spellcheck on this post I discovered that spellcheck is not in its lexicon.
Morning All! Hope you all had a great weekend! I just posted a new SOCal Meetup diary. It would be great to get it up there so recs would be most appreciated. I so look forward to meeting all that are coming! PARTY!! SoCal Meetup
10K protestors in Portland?? My ass! There was sooo many there. I marched in the feeder march (CP marches to marches) and our little line GREW to 3 blocks. I was happy to hold up the front banner, two gentlemen asked if they could “spell” us for a bit. WOW !!!
I’ll write more a bit later. I was… honored and humbled to be able to hold Eman Ahmed Khama’s hand and later her bag containing her passport and documents… and I was blessed to share hugs and tears with her. Such a strong woman! She had to leave her two daughters in Iraq to come here and speak out. I am terrified for these women when they return…
After she spoke to about 30K people, you could tell she was drained… so we started to walk to a quieter part of the area, where the sun was… and you can imagine why she wants this photograph.. She was smiling in it.
I didn’t stop the war yesterday. But… I did help a beautiful spirit… smile.
Thanks FM, it was an incredible day. So much work to be done. I ended up not being in the big march. Eman went back to the hotel. I stayed at the rally and got info out and .. picked up trash LOL As about 5 of us were breakind down the CodePink table, shirts, War Receipts… VFP came over 🙂
OMIR, I shared your info about how 90% of the work is done by 10% of the people 🙂 I was there to assist Katie and Cristy and try to be the spirit of Codepink. That happiness energy. I’m soooo fucking tired LOL today 🙂
Time to wake up.
Good Morning everyone.
Thanks for the coffee cart; I’ll let everyone hang out here before I open a Cafe later this morning.
Need. coffee. now.
You’re welcomed. I didn’t know who this morning and I’m usually up early.
Coffee on the way.
Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Ok, I’ve had my first sip. I feel like I might possibly live.
Nah it just make a man get up early.
Are you neither healthy, wealthy nor wise?
Ill health, dirt poor, and I’m still out on the wise part. 🙂
Not to sound like a mother hen or anything, but if you’d quit smoking you’d take care of the ill-health and the dirt poor. Have you ever figured out how much money you spend on cigarettes? Sorry, end of lecture. 🙂
LOL you aren’t sounding like a mother hen. I have to give up one vice at a time. The last one was Coffee.
Next to cigarettes, coffee is like holy water. Okay, now I’ll end the lecture.
Yea but it’s so difficult to have one without the other. I prefer the wise sayings of DTF on air pollution and smoking. 🙂
I read that and laughed. But you just know that being, the master of words, DF could find a way to make anything sound good.
I have vices too. I don’t exercise enough. I eat food that isn’t good for me. I watch too much TV. I’m the laziest person I know.
Just in case you all thought I was perfect. 🙂
Far be it from me to label anyone as ‘perfect’. 🙂
You can’t be the laziest person you know, because you know me. It takes work and deep thought to be truly lazy.
Then we are both highly intellectual.
I need a second cup; see you later, FM.
See ya SN.
I think I’ve just found my “good twin”… 🙂
Need to get myself moving soon — want to really get some work done today, now that the spouse is at work and out of my way. I’m not very happy with him today…but we’ll muddle through the latest crisis du jour.
Wonder what tea would appeal to me this morning…
See what you miss by being divorced? No naggy wife who drives you nuts but cares about you anyway.
I guess I’ve got the best of both worlds. No naggy wife, but people that care.
Great deal all around. 🙂
Spoke with a friend Army wife last night. Her husband is almost retired out, it is so close they can almost touch it now. He was in Gulf War I, he has disability issues that have kept him in the states for Gulf War II but he has been doing a lot of training of young soldiers these past three years. His latest duty is training the soldiers who have death notification duty. Two of his soldiers he trained had to do a notification in Ohio. Off duty, and in civilian clothing the two decided to eat dinner at some topless place (I find such places sooooo stupid). The only law they broke was the law of good taste they hadn’t even broken any regulations, they did drive a government car there though and someone ran the plates and called in the local news. The local news station showed up with their camera and started asking the two questions and the guys ran out to their car while being chased and questioned. My friends husband of course is considered to have “failed” his mission by Army standards because some of the guys he trained were caught on camera doing “bad” things. He was called to the Colonel’s office and shown the video, then the Colonel asked him what he had to say. His reply was, “Well, at least it wasn’t a gay bar sir”. She said that he does start his class now by telling the class that this is what NOT to do and plays the video.
I’ve never understood the sh*t rolls downhill attitude in the military. Those guys he trained were on their own and doing their job. It was stupid to go to a strip bar in a GOV though. This just screams of scapegoat to me.
but only Joe with maybe six more months to go could pull a response like that one out of his behind….”Hey Colonel, it could have been worse man, it could have been a couple of our gay soldiers that we aren’t supposed to have making some unfortunate entertainment choices in front of the cameras!”
I know. Once I reread it I saw how funny it was.
Tell you friend I’m happy he getting near retirement.
That is too funny…
You’re up early! Ready for the first day of spring, or what? Around here, that means free water ice at Rita’s to celebrate. 🙂
You’re chipper this morning too. I’m going to throw myself right into the middle of any one of the books I have laying around here by the Dahli Lama today. I may not come up for air. I feel spriritually starved and lost between Iraq and our environment today.
He mumbled. Hi all, just about to go play on the treadmill where I’ll kurk but not comment much. No tea this morning:( At least not for the moment. I’ll fix a nice pot of Earl Gray White Tip once I’m done with my morning treadblogging. In the meantime, I’m going to have to be light on the rating for a while, I’ve got hella-tendonnitus issues at the moment and mousing is a killer.
I’m still slacking on the exercise.
I’ll kurk but not comment much
That is a really funny typo for a science fiction writer to make. Is kurking what Captain Kirk does when he’s peeping into the women’s locker room?
Morning, FM, SN, KMc, MT, and all other distinguished letters of the BooTrib alphabet!
And CG, of course. She of the bodacious blue bookcases.
Good morning to you too, KS!
I have got to get to work…
I’m taking a day off to clean house. Which tells you more than you want to know while you’re eating about the state of my house!
Right now, though, I’m watching the funniest thing–there’s a goldfinch outside on a vertical feeder. All of a sudden there was a big gust of wind and I watched the goldfinch ride that feeder as it blew back and forth, like a kid on an amusement park ride.
Morning Kansas. Cleaning house huh.
I see the life of the mundane has taken hold of you today. 🙂
lol. The life of the mundane turns out to need a good dusting and vacumming.
Oh what excitement you’ll have today.
That song Whistle While You Work, keeps coming to mind. 🙂
Hey Kansas,
The main thing it tells you is that preview and spellcheck are my friends and I should visit with them more often-sigh. I could pretend to blame the tendonitis, but that’s just not it. I’m simply incapable of higher mental function much before about ten a.m.
Hope you have a good house-cleaning day. I’ve been not writing for a week while Laura is on spring break and have fallen back to not quite behind which means today is a fingers on keyboard day for me despite the various cleaning disasters calling out for my attention.
As to what Kirk does while looking into the women’s locker room, I don’t want to think about that, not even a little bit. That does make me wonder if we shouldn’t start referring to Kirk in the same way we do Elvis, e.g. early Elvis and fat Elvis, since there are definite differences between tres macho early Kirk and the more modern and puffy version.
P.S. Random irony moment: when I did the spellcheck on this post I discovered that spellcheck is not in its lexicon.
Being a writer should come with a trainer of the sort that tennis players have, to ice down your sore arms and then gently massage them with potions.
I love this latest incarnation of Kirk on Boston Legal. That scene every week at the end of the show is my favorite scene on all of tv.
Don’t answer this! Save your tendons!
Morning All! Hope you all had a great weekend! I just posted a new SOCal Meetup diary. It would be great to get it up there so recs would be most appreciated. I so look forward to meeting all that are coming! PARTY!!
SoCal Meetup
I’ll celebrate with flowers inside on my altar and light candles for peace and healing instead of outside.
Rainy and drizzly here in Northern CA…good for the new lettuce I planted yesterday. And the lovely lavender and white violas as a border!
Marvellous green thumb currently…every seed I planted sprouted….anyone want tomato plants? giggles
Beautiful picture SallyCat. I would take some tomato plants, but I have the opposite of a green thumb. The only thing I can do is just admire.
10K protestors in Portland?? My ass! There was sooo many there. I marched in the feeder march (CP marches to marches) and our little line GREW to 3 blocks. I was happy to hold up the front banner, two gentlemen asked if they could “spell” us for a bit. WOW !!!
I’ll write more a bit later. I was… honored and humbled to be able to hold Eman Ahmed Khama’s hand and later her bag containing her passport and documents… and I was blessed to share hugs and tears with her. Such a strong woman! She had to leave her two daughters in Iraq to come here and speak out. I am terrified for these women when they return…
After she spoke to about 30K people, you could tell she was drained… so we started to walk to a quieter part of the area, where the sun was… and you can imagine why she wants this photograph.. She was smiling in it.
I didn’t stop the war yesterday. But… I did help a beautiful spirit… smile.
That’s so wonderful Janet. If you haven’t heard me say it before, then I’ll say it again.
I am so proud of you!
Thanks FM, it was an incredible day. So much work to be done. I ended up not being in the big march. Eman went back to the hotel. I stayed at the rally and got info out and .. picked up trash LOL As about 5 of us were breakind down the CodePink table, shirts, War Receipts… VFP came over 🙂
OMIR, I shared your info about how 90% of the work is done by 10% of the people 🙂 I was there to assist Katie and Cristy and try to be the spirit of Codepink. That happiness energy. I’m soooo fucking tired LOL today 🙂
Your welcome Janet, and I’m looking forward to your next broadcast.
I’ve got an appointment to go to, so see ya later.
What Family Man said. You’ve become such a strong voice for peace, DJ.
thank you Second 😉 We ALL are finding our voices 🙂
these past few weeks have felt like a tornado for me.
Official Monday Cafe finally open!