My name is Barry Welsh, and I am running against Mike Pence, in Indiana’s 6th Congressional District.    Pence is the chair of the Republican Study Committee that is responsible for pushing the cuts for the needy and education, and the tax breaks for the ultra wealthy.  He has voted for torture, against Katrina Relief, and against funding the troops after voting to send them to war.  It is time for him to go.  Senator Russ Feingold wants to help me send Congressman Pence packing.  You can too.  See below.
I am proud to be one of ten finalists for The Senator Russ Feingold Progressive Patriot PAC.  I am asking for your vote in this online election that will reward the winner with much needed PAC money.  You can vote here.  I hope you will take a moment and help our effort to help this country.   For more about me, visit our campaign website or click to view all of the finalists.  
I am honored to be included in such a group and hope to serve in Congress with all of them to help take back our country in January of 2007.

Again, please vote here and help me help all of US!

Be a Barry Buddy and help spread the word.  Get your friends and family to vote!

Thank You

Barry Welsh Indiana 6th District Democratic Congressional Contender.