Two Evangelical Perspectives: Jim Wallis Debates Russell Johnson This Sunday (March 26) in Columbus
When: 3:30-5:00 pm
Where: Capital Theater 77 South High St. Columbus, OH 43215
Who: Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners and best-selling author of God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets it Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It and Rev. Russell Johnson, chairman of the Ohio Restoration Project.
Thanks to Upper Arlington Progressive Alliance for the heads-up about this event. I won’t be able to attend, but would really like to be able to post first hand accounts from people who do. If you do attend the event in Columbus this coming Sunday and would like to submit your own summary and thoughts about it, you can e-mail me at ohiorenee at
More about the event, and some relevant links:
What: A one-hour dialogue between Jim Wallis and the Ohio Restoration Project chairman Russell Johnson on the role of faith in politics followed by a Q&A session.
Why: Our nation is hungry for an open dialogue on moral values and their role in the public square. The goal of this gathering is to discuss how various social issues–including abortion, poverty, the environment, advancing peace, and promoting strong families–are all critical moral and community values that can be approached from differing evangelical perspectives.
Here is a link to a flyer you can print out, and this link is where you can order free tickets for the event:
Jim Wallis will also be speaking in Columbus on Tuesday the 28th.
God’s Politics:
An Evening with Jim Wallis
A Public Lecture and Discussion on Faith, Values, and Politics
More links of interest