Progress Pond

Media Matters Tags Domenech

I don’t really want to pile-on this Ben Domenech guy, but when you come clean, you should really come clean.

Media Matters has already debunked part of his self-defense.

Domenech wrote:

In one instance, I have been accused me of passing off P.J. O’Rourke’s writing as my own in a column for the paper. But the truth is that I had met P.J. at a Republican event and asked his permission to do a college-specific version of his classic piece on partying. He granted permission, the piece was cleared with my editors at the paper, and it ran as inspired by O’Rourke’s original.

But Media Matters says:

Media Matters has obtained a pdf copy of the column in question as it appeared in the print version of the College of William & Mary student newspaper The Flat Hat. The column contains no indication that it “ran as inspired by O’Rourke’s original.” There is, in fact, no mention of O’Rourke at all.

I actually feel sorry for the guy. Can you believe it?

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